(E2) 5 - Pterygomandibular Space Flashcards
Exam 2 - Schroeder
True or False: Infratemporal fossa has no direct connection to the oral cavity
What is the masticator space?
Subspaces of the masticator space are … (4)
Masticator Compartment: Deep cervical fascia splits at _____. Superficial layer covers _____.
- mandible
- masseter
What is this?
Tissue spaces
What is this?
Masticator Compartment
Image: Infection slide
What is this?
Temporal Spaces
What is this?
Submasseteric Space
Infratemporal space - Upper aspect of ________
pterygomandibular space
List the boundaries of the Pterygomandibular Space (lateral, medial, superior, anterior, posterior)
What are the contents of the pterygomandibular space?
PMS Relationships:_______ nerve enters mandible at mandibular foramen and continues through mandibular canal (deep within mandible)
Inferior alveolar nerve
PMS Relationships: _____branches before inferior alveolar enters foramen and courses in mylohyoid groove; splits ______ ligament
- Nerve to mylohyoid
- sphenomandibular
PMS Relationships: Lingual nerve courses ~1 cm anterior to ________
- mandibular foramen
PMS Relationships: ______ nerve courses superior to mylohyoid