(E2) 1 - Face and Scalp Flashcards
Exam 2 - Schroeder
______ lines frequently correspond to wrinkles.
What can be exploited as flaps for scalp, facial, and intraoral reconstruction?
Tension lines and underlying neuro vasculature
What are the tissue layers in the body? - 7
Scalp: Head region from _______ to __________
- superior aspect of forehead
- superior nuchal line
Scalp: Extends laterally to ______ and _______
- zygomatic arch
- external acoustic meatus
What are the layers of the scalp?
Layers of the Scalp: Describe the Skin
Layers of the Scalp: Describe the Connective Tissue
Layers of the Scalp: Describe the aponeurosis
Layers of the Scalp: Describe the Loose Connective Tissue
Layers of the Scalp: Describe the Pericranium
What are emissary veins?
Communication between superficial veins and the second layer of connective tissue.
Is there deep fascia in the face?
Most facial muscles are embedded in superficial fascia called _______
SMAS - superficial musculo-aponeurotic system
SMAS is continuous with what two muscles?
Occipitofrontalis and Platysma
On the lateral aspect of the head, ________ fascia is also found continuous with SMAS
Temporoparietal Fascia
Where are auricular muscles found?
Embedded within the superficial fascia
Most facial muscles are embedded within ______
What does cranial nerve VII innervate?
- motor to the face and ..
On the face, is the facial nerve sensory or motor?
MOTOR only
What nerve conveys sensation from the skin of the ear?
Posterior Auricular Nerve
What nerve courses directly to stylohyoid as a branch from facial nerve?
Nerve to stylohyoid
What nerve courses directly to the posterior digastric as a branch from the facial nerve?
Nerve to posterior digastric
Describe the course and innervation of the posterior auricular nerve
Within the parotid gland, the facial nerve splits into _____ and ______
- Superior temporofacial
- Inferior cervicofacial
What are the five main branches of the facial nerve?
Describe the course and innervation: Temporal Branch of Facial Nerve
Describe the course and innervation: Zygomatic Branch of Facial Nerve
Describe the course and innervation: Buccal Branch of Facial Nerve
Describe the course and innervation: Mandibular (marginal) Branch of Facial Nerve
Describe the course and innervation: Cervical Branch of Facial Nerve
Sensation from the face is conveyed by the _____
trigeminal nerve (CN V)
The ______ conveys sensation from the anterolateral neck and head.
Cervical Plexus
________ convey sensation from the occipital and posterior neck.
Dorsal Rami
What are the three branches of the trigeminal nerve?
What are the three branches of the ophthalmic nerve?
Frontal nerve splits into ____ more lateral and ______ more medial
- supraorbital nerve
- supratrochlear nerve
Emergence and Innervation: Supraorbital Nerve
Supraorbital nerve runs with what artery and vein?
Courses with supraorbital artery and vein
Emergence and Innervation: Supratrochlear Nerve
Supratrochlear nerve runs with what artery and vein?
Courses with supratrochlear artery and vein
What is the smallest branch of the ophthalmic nerve?
Lacrimal Nerve
Lacrimal Nerve: What does it innervate and receive fibers from?
Lacrimal nerve runs with what artery and vein?
Courses adjacent to lacrimal artery and vein.
What branches off the lacrimal nerve? - What is its course and what does it convey sensation from?
Nasociliary Nerve: Course
Infratrochlear Nerve: Branch of what? Where does it convey sensation?
What artery does the infratrochlear nerve run with?
Dorsal nasal artery
External Nasal Nerve: Branch of what? Emerges from? Conveys sensation from?
What artery and vein does the external nasal nerve course with?
External nasal artery and vein
Maxillary Nerve (V2): Course and Branches
- bold relative to the face *
What does the zygomatic nerve branch into? - 2
- zygomaticotemporal nerve
- zygomaticofacial nerve
Zygomaticotemporal nerve: Course and Sensation
Zygomaticofacial nerve: Course and Sensation
Infraorbital Nerve: Course? Branches?
What artery and vein does the infraorbital nerve course with?
Infraorbital artery and vein
What are the branches of the infraorbital nerve?
- inferior palpebral branch
- nasal branch
- superior labial branch
Inferior Palpebral Branch: Course and Sensation
Nasal Branch: Course and Sensation
Superior Labial Branch: Course and Sensation
Mandibular Nerve (V3): Course, Divisions and Sensation (what muscles also)
- innervates muscles of mastication, mylohyoid, and anterior digastric
Auriculotemporal Nerve: Where does it course and split? What does it divide into?
What artery and vein does the auriculotemporal nerve sit posterior to?
Superficial temporal artery and vein
Mental Nerve: Continuation of _____. Emerges and conveys sensation from?
- inferior alveolar nerve
What artery and vein does the mental nerve course with?
Mental artery and vein
Buccal Nerve: Course and conveys sensation from? What artery and vein does it course near?
Facial Artery: What does it branch from? What is the course?
Facial Vein: Where does it sit, and what does it join with?
What are the branches of the facial artery?
- Superior labial artery
- Inferior labial artery
- Lateral nasal artery
- Angular artery
Superior Labial Artery: Supplies? Branch? Courses with?
Inferior Labial Artery: Supplies? Arises near? Courses with?
Lateral Nasal Artery: Supplies? Courses with?
Angular Artery: Course towards? Courses with?
Superficial Temporal Artery: Continuation of? Arises where? Branch?
Transverse Facial Artery: Branch off of? Course?
What forms the retromandibular vein?
Superficial temporal vein merges with maxillary vein.
Posterior auricular and occipital arteries are branches of ______
External carotid artery
Posterior Auricular Artery: Course
The posterior auricular vein joins the posterior division of the ______ vein to form the _________
- retromandibular vein
- external jugular vein
Occipital Artery: Course?
________ nerve courses inferolateral occipital artery near its origin from the external carotid artery.
______ is a venous network in the infratemporal fossa
Pterygoid plexus
______ connects facial vein to pterygoid plexus
deep facial vein
Branches of superior ophthalmic artery?
Superior ophthalmic artery is a branch of ______
internal carotid artery
Supraorbital and supratrochlear veins unite to empty into facial vein but also empty into _______ veins
Ophthalmic veins
_____ and _______ communicate directly with cavernous sinus and pterygoid
- superior ophthalmic
- inferior ophthalmic veins
________ vein connects with
pterygoid plexus
Infraorbital vein
Large venous plexus on either side of the sphenoid bone in between layers of dura
Cavernous sinus
- this matters because the facial vein has no valves - blood can flow in any direction
What is the dangerous triangle?
Infection arises from any area within the triangle and can spread to the cavernous sinus.
What are the muscles of the face referred to as?
Mimetic Muscles
What is the main function of the muscles of the face?
Primarily function as sphincter and dilators of facial orifices.
Facial muscles are derived from ________
the second branchial arch
Facial muscles are innervated by the ______
Facial Nerve
Facial muscles are subdivided roughly around facial _____
What muscles make up the Epicranial group?
- Occipitofrontalis
- Temporoparietalis
- Auricularis
Location and Function: Occipitofrontalis
Bellies: 2 occipital and 2 frontal parts
Location and Function: Temporoparietalis
- superficial to temporalis muscle
Location and Function: Auricularis
- superficial to temporalis muscle
What muscles make up the Orbital Group?
- orbicularis oculi
- corrugator supercilia
- levator palpebrae superioris (not technically, it is within the orbit)
What is orbicularis oculi, and what are its 4 parts?
Location and Function: Orbital Part of Orbicularis Oculi
Location and Function: Depressor Supercilii Part of Orbicularis Oculi
Location and Function: Palpebral Part of Orbicularis Oculi
Location and Function: Lacrimal Part of Orbicularis Oculi
Location and Function: Corrugator Supercilii
What muscles make up the nasal group?
Location and Function: Procerus Muscle
Location and Function: Nasalis Muscle - Transverse Part
Location and Function: Nasalis Muscle - Alar Part
Location and Function: Depressor Septi
Location and Function: Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi (Levator Nasolabialis)
What muscles make up the oral (buccolabial) group? - 10
Location and Function: Levator Labii Superioris
Location and Function: Levator Anguli Oris
Location and Function: Zygomaticus Major
Location and Function: Zygomaticus Minor
Location and Function: Risorius
Location and Function: Orbicularis Oris
Location and Function: Depressor Anguli Oris
Location and Function: Depressor Labii Inferioris
Location and Function: Mentalis
Location and Function: Buccinator
Buccinator - What is the Pterygomandibular Raphe?
Location and Innervation: Platysma