E Test 3 Flashcards
What are the requirements to become a BCBA supervisor?
- At the time of supervision, supervisors must hold the BCBA or BCBA-D credential, or be a licensed or registered psychologist certified by the American Board of Professional Psychology in Behavioral and Cognitive Psychology who was tested in Applied Behavior Analysis, or be authorized by the BACB to provide supervision for a Verified Experience; AND
- Pass an 8-hour, competency-based training covering the BACB’s Supervisor Training Curriculum Outline; AND
- Obtain 3 hours of continuing education related to supervision during each certification cycle.
who is responsible for the implementation of behavioral programs by others?
Who determines a supervisee’s competence?
Why is it important to train persons who are involved in behavioral programs?
because in most cases the treatment occurs in the client’s natural environment where these “significant others” are a large part of the client’s life.
Why do you provide feedback?
Because research has shown that frequent feedback can improve motivation, learning, and performance, behavior analyst teachers should strive to provide their students feedback as often as possible
How should feedback be provided?
in a way that increases the probability that the student/supervisee will benefit from the feedback. once every 2 weeks at least
what is defined competence?
someone with the necessary knowledge, skills, ability to preform routine tasks in the general areas of our field.
How is effective supervision defined?
BA content is effective, ethically designed, and meet the requirements for licensure, certification or the defined goals.
What percentage of hours can be done in group supervision?
No more than half
What is the size of “small group” supervision?
What are the 2 components of supervisor delegation
- only those the supervised is competent in
- if they don’t have the skill the supervisor teaches the skill.
What are the 3 approaches to evaluating the effects of supervision?
- adjusting Bx if supervised isn’t learning
- feedback from another supervisor
- reg evaluations from supervisees.
How does one optimize each individuals worth, dignity, and independence?
by dev the repertoires necessary to accomplish these goals
Who can claim to be a BCBA?
Only those who have been certified
What is our obligation to the profession of behavior analysis?
put science, technology and profession above all otters methodologies.
What is our primary commitment to Applied Behavior Analysis?
uphold and advance the values, ethics and principles of the profession of BA
- support the field over all other approaches
- The study of learned Bx and use Pos reinforcement strategies!1
How does one demonstrate their self-improvement?
Staying up to date with research and new procedures even if it is difficult in your region..
When talking to the public one should avoid?
.encouraging the public to administer these procedures
If you are concerned about a colleague’s behavior has violated the BACB Guidelines, what must you do?
bring the issue to attention and seek a resolution. If they don’t resolve the issue and there is potential harm you must do whatever necessary to protect the client and contact the relevant authorities.
If you are aware of a colleague that has engaged in an illegal behavior, what must you do?
contact the local state officials
What is the general principle regarding reporting violations to colleagues?
.if there is no immediate harm try to hold an informal conflict resolution meeting
If you observe a “non behavioral” provider engage in unethical behavior what is your responsibility?
When behavior analysts believe that there may have been an ethical violation by another behavior analyst, or non behavioral colleague, they attempt to resolve the issue by bringing it to the attention of that individual if an informal resolution appears appropriate and the intervention does not violate any confidentiality
rights that may be involved. If resolution is not obtained, and the behavior analyst believes a client’s rights are being violated, the behavior analyst may take additional steps as necessary for the protection of the client.
What are public statements?
Behavior analysts comply with these Guidelines in public statements relating to their professional services, products, or publications
or to the field of behavior analysis.
Public statements include but are not limited to paid or unpaid advertising, brochures, printed matter, directory listings, personal resumes or curriculum vitae, interviews or comments for use in media, statements in legal proceedings, lectures and public oral presentations, and published materials.
How should you deal with non scientific interventions?
.Need a disclaimer that they are not under your certification
Can you use the BACB logo in your advertising?
need to obtain permission
Under what conditions can you use the BACB logo?
need to obtain permission
What is meant by giving appropriate credit to authors?
.give appropriate credit to author (e.g presentations)
Who is responsible for public statements?
.BA should monitor what they are posted in
Can you use pictures of your clients in your agencies advertising?
No - if you see them report this
When can you use testimonials?
not encouraged, but if so make sure they are accurate, not solicited, and don’t have a current professional relationship.
A colleague of yours informs you that their sister in law’s son was just diagnosed with autism. Knowing that it would be inappropriate to provide services themselves, the colleagues asks you to stop by and meet with the sister in law to discuss services.
What is the function of the Code Compliance Committee?
.for less sever complains - focus on feedback/action
What is the function of the Disciplinary Review Committee?
more sever - disciplinary sanctions
Who is responsible for the accuracy of all documentation sent to the BACB?
the individual applying
If found in violation of the code or involved in any disciplinary action, wheat must you do?
.report within 30 days or face penalty
Your agency is very proud and happy to announce your enrollment as a BCBA, you are now added to the list on the website. When you look the agency has the BACB logo on the header identifying staff who have accomplished this task?
.needs to be approved by BACB. If not then immediately report.
Who is responsible for knowing the requirements of the code?
credential holders, and those pursuing credentials
How many hours of coursework are required for BCBA?
225 hours grad level
How many hours of supervised experience are required for Supervised Independent Field work?
1500 BCBA SIF 1000 Prac, 750 intensive prac
What is the definition of a supervisory period?
2 week/1 month
How much supervision must be provided each supervisory period?
5% total hours
When can you begin your supervised experience?
as soon as you start coursework
How many experiences should you have during your supervised experience?
Supervisees are strongly encouraged to have multiple experiences (e.g., sites, populations) with multiple supervisors and from each of the areas of activity below.
• Conducting assessments related to the need for behavioral intervention (e.g., stimulus preference assessment, functional assessment, staff performance assessment);
• Designing, implementing, and systematically monitoring skill-acquisition and behavior-reduction programs;
• Overseeing the implementation of behavior-analytic programs by others;
• Training, designing behavioral systems, and performance management;
• Other activities normally performed by a behavior analyst that are directly related to behavior analysis
such as attending planning meetings regarding the behavior analytic program, researching the literature related to the program, and talking to individuals about the program.
What are the limitations regarding the clients you work with during supervision?
supervisee may not be related to the client or the client’s primary caretaker or be the client’s primary caretaker. Supervisees must work with multiple clients during the experience period.
What are the qualifications of a BCBA supervisor?
Must be a Board Certified Behavior Analyst or Board Certified Behavior Analyst-Doctoral in good standing.
What are the limitations of the supervisor supervisee relationship?
The supervisor may not be related to, subordinate to, or employed by the supervisee during the experience period.
Can supervisors be paid?
Where must supervision occur?
The supervisor must observe and provide feedback to the supervisee on his/her behavior-analytic activities with a client in the natural environment during each required supervisory period. In-person, on-site observation is preferred. However, this may be conducted via web-cameras, videotape, videoconferencing, or similar means in lieu of the supervisor being physically present; synchronous (real-time) observation is strongly encouraged.
What are the limits of small group supervision?
no more than half of the total supervised hours in each supervisory period.
Can supervision be provided remotely?
Yep, but preferred if not.
Who is responsible for documenting supervision?
The supervisee and supervisor are responsible for collecting documentation for each supervision period on the Experience Supervision Form during each supervisory period.
How long must you retain documentation of supervision?
Supervision documentation should be retained for at least 7 years.
What changes will be made to become an approved supervisor?
pass a workshop on training pre-cert individuals, online training module and have 3 hours of CEUs related to supervision during each certification cycle
What is supervisee registration?
competency-based training module on BACB experience standards
How many hours can you “work” during while obtaining your supervision?
10-30 week or
20 hours and a maximum of 130 hours of experience per
How long do you have to complete your experience?
The start and end dates of the experience may not be more than five years apart.
Why do you need to establish a supervision contract?
The purpose of the contract is to protect all involved parties and align experience activities with the purpose of supervision.
What is the purpose of Contested Experience policy?
If a supervisee is unable to obtain the signature of a supervisor on the Experience Verification Form or disagrees with the information recorded on the form