Drainage & Sewer Flashcards
Convey sewage or other liquid wastes to a legal point of disposal
A comprehensive term, including all constructions for collection, transportation, pumping, treatment and final disposition of sewage
All pipings are of threaded pipe, tubing, or using recessed drainage fittings
A pipe, which carries ground and surface waters, storm water or waste water into a bldg drainage system
shall discharge outside of the bldg or to gutter and not connected to soil and waste pipe systems
ideal, correct, positive slope for horizontal drainage piping
A. 1% or 10mm/m
B.2% or 20mm/m
C. 3% or 30mm/m
D. 4% or 40 mm/m
B.2% or 20mm/m
Slope between manholes
A. 1% or 10mm/m
B.2% or 20mm/m
C. 3% or 30mm/m
D. 4% or 40 mm/m
B.2% or 20 mm/m
allowed slope due to constraints such as excessive depth of proposed drainage line, structural and geological features of terrain existing adverse in arrangements of bldg
A. 1% or 10mm/m
B.2% or 20mm/m
C. 3% or 30mm/m
D. 4% or 40 mm/m
A. 1% or 10mm/m
allowable changes in direction of drainage flow
A. 90°
C. 45°
D. All of the above
D. All of the above
allowable changes in direction
90°, 60°, 45°, 22 1/2°
22 1/2° = ???
1/16 bend
45° = ???
1/8 bend
60° = ???
1/6 bend
90° = ???
1/4 bend
other approved fittings of longer sweeps
combination wye + 1/8 bend and sanitary tee
NO galvanized wrought iron or galvanized steel pipe shall be kept at least _______above ground
152 mm
type of pipe materials used in high-rise bldg with discretion of MP/Designer and full consent of owner
minimum depth of vitrified clay pipes
0.3 m
fittings in screwed pipe joints shall be of ______type
recessed drainage
threads of drainage fittings shall be tapped to allow _______ grade
conveys discharge of the WC or UR (blackwater fecal matter)
conveys only wastewater or liquid waste free of fecal matter (greywater)
the drainpipe from the trap of a fixture to the junction of that drain with , any other drainpipe
drain connecting the set of fixtures to a trap or other permitted fixtures to a common trap
vertical soil pipe conveying fecal matter and wastewater
A drain pipe extending laterally from a soil or waste stack or bldg drain
the single sloping drain from the base of a stack to its junction with the main bldg drain
any branch in the bldg drain other than the primary branch
Receives sewage or wastewater and below the normal grade of the gravity system
a device installed in a drainage system to prevent reverse flow
minimum dimension of tailpiece, continuous waste, or waste and overflow for sinks, dishwashers, laundry tubs, bathtubs, urinals (SDLBU)
38 mm O.D
minimum dimension of tailpiece, continuous waste, or waste overflow for lavatories, for drinking fountains (LDF)
32mm O.D
Clothes washers in groups of 3 or more shall be rated ______ each for the common horizontal and vertical waste pipe sizing
6 FU
WC shall be computed as ______ when determining septic tank size
6 FU
1 gpm= ????
0.063 L/s
How many fixture units for 0.47 L/s and less?
1 FU
How many fixture units for 0.50-0.95 L/s?
2 FU
How many fixture units for 1-1.89 L/s?
4 FU
How many fixture units for 1.95-3.15 L/s?
6 FU
distance of suds-producing fixtures in a horizontal drainage connected to a stack
maximum WC or fixture unit traps for vertical pipe
4 WC or 6 FU traps
maximum WC or fixture unit traps for horizontal branch
3 WC or 6 FU traps
minimum size of individual vent
32mm or 1/2 diameter of drain
minimum size of any pump discharge from a sump serving a WC
50.8 mm diameter
How many FU allowed for each 0.063 L/s of flow or each GPM flow?
2 FU
Note: 2 FU: 1 GPM
C.O. location at horizontal drainage
upper terminal
C. O location at each run of piping
more than 15 m and at every 15m
C.O. may be omitted on horizontal drain line less than 1.5m except for _______
sinks or urinals
C.O. may be omitted on short horizontal drainage installed at ___________ from the vertical line
a slope of 72° or less
additional C.O. every ______ aggregate offset
size of cleanouts needing 305mm clearance in front of the cleanout
51 mm or less
Size of cleanouts needing 450 mm clearance in front of the cleanout
larger than 51 mm
vertical clearance for cleanouts in underfloor piping
horizontal clearance for cleanouts in under floor piping
maximum distance of underfloor cleanout from an access door trap door or crawl hole
_________ shall be installed where raised heads may cause to hazard to passing personnel or vehicles
countersunk cleanout plugs
a pipe or conduit for carrying sewage or wastewater
receives sanitary sewage with or without pre-treated industrial wastes and without the admixture of rain or ground water
Starts from end of building drain and conveys it to a public sewer, private sewer, individual sewage disposal system then point of disposal
extending from house drain at a point 0.60m from the outside face of the foundation wall of a bldg
a bldg sewer which receives the discharge from more than one bldg drain and conveys it to a point of disposal
common sewer directly controlled by public authority
common sewer to which no other branch sewer is connected
that portion of underground system which cannot drain by gravity into the bldg sewer
an underground drainpipe that receives only *subsurface on seepage water and convey it to a sump for disposal by gravity flow or lift pump
receives discharge from inside the walls of the bldg and conveys it to the bldg sewer beginning 0.60m outside the bldg wall
receives the discharge from bldg and conveys it to the house sewer outside of the bldg
opening in a sewer line for a man to gain access for maintenance
if public sewer is more than __________ away from the bldg, the public sewer is considered not being available
minimum bldg sewer size
recommended slope of bldg sewer
2% or 21 mm/m
allowable slope for 102 mm and 152.4 mm diameter
1% or 10.5 mm/m
allowable slope for 203 mm and larger
0.5% or 5.3 mm/m
distance of bldg sewer from outer face of any bldg foundation or wall
depth of bldg sewer below the finish surface ground
allowable reduction in distance when drainage piping is construction of materials approved for use within a bldg
vertical clearance of water pipe to the top of sewer or drain line
horizontal distance of water pipe from sewer on drain line
vertical clearance of water pipes crossing sewer or drainage piping constructed of clay materials not approved for use within a bldg
distance of water pipe joints away from sewer line
No cleanout required at point of connection to bldg drain when bldg sewer does not exceed _________ in length
All required bldg sewer cleanouts shall be _________ to grade
maximum distance between manholes
minimum distance of flexible compression joints outside of the manhole as connections for the inlet and outlet pipe
does not directly connect with drainage system
a physical separation which may be a low inlet into the indirect waste receptor from the fixture, appliance or device indirectly connected
unobstructed vertical distance through the free atmosphere between the lowest opening from any pipe, plumbing fixture, appliance, or appurtenance conveying waste to the flood level rim of the receptor
unobstructed vertical distance through the free atmosphere between the lowest opening from any pipe or faucet conveying potable water to the flood level rim of any tank, fat, or fixture
Evaporative cooler, air washer, or similar air conditioning equipment shall be drained by indirect waste pipes through an _______ into an open floor sink
Cold storage room, refrigerator, cooling counter, compartment, receptacle, appurtenance or device used for the storage or holding of food or drink, dishwashing or culinary sink, food preparation shall be drained by indirect waste pipe through an _________ into an open floor sink
air gap
Water lifts, expansion tanks, cooling jackets, sprinkler systems, drip or overflow pans shall be discharged to _________
air gap
minimum air gap for drainage from the rim of the floor sink or receptor
25 mm
indirect waste pipes that shall be directly trapped, but not needed to be vented
indirect waste pipes ______ in length need not be larger in diameter than the drain outlet or of tailpiece of the fixture, appliance or equipment served
less than 4.6m
minimum dimension of indirect waste pipe
13 mm
height of standpipe receptor for clothes washer above its trap
0.45 m-0.80 m
height of trap for clotheswasher
0.15 m-0.45m
needed for indirect waste receptor discharging particles that clog the drains
necessary for the connection of dishwashing machine to food waste disposer
Dishwasher air gap fitting
clearance above overflow rim of the fixture for drain of cooling medium
152 mm
any one of a special class of device or equipment intended to perform a special plumbing function. Its operation and/or control may be dependent upon one or more components, such as motors, controls, heating elements and pressure-temperature-sensing elements
minimum condensate pipe diameter for 3 ton (10.56 kW) refrigeration
19.1 mm
minimum condensate pipe for 20 tons (70.33 kW) refrigeration
25.4 mm
minimum condensate pipe for 90 tons (316.48 kW) refrigeration
31 mm
minimum condensate pipe for 125 tons (439.6kW) refrigeration
38 mm
minimum condensate pipe for 250 tons (879.2 kW) refrigeration
51 mm
maximum temperature to discharge under pressure directly into drainage system
60°C or 140°F
Pipes from boilers shall discharge through ______
indirect waste pipe
deep seal trap shall extend within ______ of the bottom of the tank
opening of the highest point of the deep seal trap to serve as a siphon breaker
19 mm
thickness of metal condenser
Gauge 12 or 2.77 mm THK
wall thickness of concrete sumps, condensers, or intercepting tanks
102 mm
thickness of cement plaster inside the tank (for concrete sumps, condensers or intercepting tank)
13 mm
thickness of chemical-resistant glass-lined pipe, silicon iron pipe, lead pipe as vents serving acid or corrosive chemical
3.2 mm
the owner make and keep a ______ of the location of all piping and venting carrying chemical waste
permanent record
How many fixtures or fixture unit is the limit of wet venting?
1 and 2 FU or 4 fixtures
minimum wet-vented section larger than the required waste pipe size
1 pipe size larger or 51 mm
connection from the island vent to other vents is not less than ______ above the flood level rim of the fixture served
152 mm
slope of vent back toward the drain
branches more than ______ shall be separately vented
minimum area of vent in a CW & VS
1/2 of drain
Each waste pipe and each trap in any CW & VS shall be at least _______ than any fixture tailpiece or connection served
2 pipe sizes larger
maximum tailpiece length
0.6 m
cleanouts may not be required on any wet-vented branch serving a single trap when the fixture tailpiece or connection is not less than _____ in diameter or larger
51 mm
Clotheswasher standpipe receptor shall extend ______ above its trap
More than 0.8m but not less than 0.45m
Appliances, devices or apparatus such as stills, sterilizers and similar equipment requiring water and waste and used for sterile materials shall be drained through a/an_____
What type of waste piping system is used for drinking fountain?
Indirect waste pipe
Any water having a temperature of _______ be discharged under pressure directly into any part of a drainage system
60° C
Pipes from boilers shall discharge by means of _______
Indirect waste pipe
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for airports?
56.8 per employee or 18.9 per passenger
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for bowling alleys (snack bar only)?
283.9 per lane
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for camps with central comfort station?
132.5 per person
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for camps with flush toilets and no showers?
94.4 per person
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for day camps (no meals served?
56.8 per person
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for camps for summer and seasonal?
189.3 per person
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for churches (sanctuary)?
18.9 per seat
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for churches with kitchen waste?
26.5 per seat
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for dance halls?
18.9 per person
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for factories with no showers?
94.4 per employee
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for factories with showers?
132.5 per employee
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for factories with cafeteria?
18.9 per employee
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for hospitals?
946.3 per bed
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for hospitals (kitchen waste only)?
94.6 per bed
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for hospitals (laundry waste only?
151.4 per bed
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for hotels (no kitchen waste)?
227.1 per bed (2 person)
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for residential institution?
283.9 per person
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for nursing home institution?
473.1 per person
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for rest home institution?
473.1 per person
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for self-service laundries (minimum 10 hrs per day)?
189.3 per wash cycle
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for motels?
189.3 per bed space
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for motels (with kitchen)?
227.1 per bed space
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for offices?
75.7 per employee
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for mobile home parks?
946.3 per space
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for picnic parks (toilets only)?
75.7 per parking space
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for recreational vehicles without hook-up?
283.9 per space
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for recreational vehicle with water and sewer hook-up?
378.5 per space
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for restaurant-cafeteria?
75.7 per employee
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for restaurant-toilet?
26.5 per customer
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for restaurant-kitchen waste?
22.7 per meal
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for restaurant-garbage disposal?
3.8 per meal
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for restaurant-cocktail lounge?
7.6 per customer
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for kitchen waste-disposable service?
7.6 per meal
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for schools-staff and office?
75.7 per person
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for schools-elementary students?
56.8 per person
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for schools-intermediate and high?
75.7 per student
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for schools-intermediate and high with gym and showers?
186.9 per student
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for schools-intermediate and high with cafeteria?
11.4 per student
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for boarding schools-total waste?
378.5 per person
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for service stations with toilets?
3785 for 1st bay, 1892.5 for each additional bay
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for stores?
75.7 per employee
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for stores with public restrooms?
4 per sqm of floor space
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for pubic swimming pools?
37.9 per person
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for theaters, auditoriums?
18.9 per seat
How many liters per day for estimated waste/sewage flow rates for for drive-in theaters and auditoriums?
37.9 per space
Waste that is being discharged by water closet only
Waste discharged from various fixtures other than water closet
Drainage, Waste, Vent
Most preferred classification of backflow valve because it has the characteristic of non interference in the movement of air inside the drainage system
Type of backflow valve that is not preferred because of its recorded poor performance in the past
This assembly consists of a running trap installed under the basement floor to protect it from freezing
What type of P-trap seal is recommended for floor drains?
A receptacle used to catch surface water drained from cemented courts, driveways, and yards
Device designed to convey wastes from garage, wash rack, grease pits, and repair floors into the house drain
A collector of water coming down from the downspout leading to the accumulated water away from the house at a relatively low rate of flow
Type of storm drain located under the basement floor or within the walls of the building; commonly found in buildings constructed along congested business district or building that occupies the entire frontage of the lot
Type of storm drain installed outside the foundation wall of the building; the location is where the lot is NOT totally occupied by the building
Type of storm drain adopted when the street drainage is higher in elevation than the basement floor of the building the purpose is to avail the gravity flow of water
How much is the conservative estimate of maximum rainfall in the Philippines?
20mm in a 5 min. interval
Refers to the resistance produced by the flowing water with the fittings and interior surface of the pipe
Treatment of sewage water by removal of large items from the influent to prevent damage to the facilities pumps, valves, and other equipments
Sewage water treatment by removal of grit (such as sand/gravel) by flowing the influent over/through a grit chamber
Sewage water treatment by initial separation of solid organic matter from wastewater. Solids known as organic or sludge sink to the bottom of the tank and are pump to a sludge digestor or sludge processing area dried and hauled away
Sewage water treatment where air is pumped into the aeration tank or basin to encourage conversion of NH3 to NO3 and provide oxygen for bacteria to continue to propagate and grow
A measurement of the amount of oxygen required for the biochemical degradation of organic material in water
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
Sewage water treatment where treated wastewater is pumped into to allow any remaining organic sediment to settle out of treated water flow
Sewage water treatment where the clarified effluent is polished in the step by filtering through 10 micron polyester media
Sewage water treatment where the goal is to kill any remaining bacteria in the contact chamber
Sewage water treatment where the goal is to kill any remaining bacteria in the contact chamber
Sewage water treatment where the treated water is aerated to bring the dissolved oxygen up to permit level
This is the most common aeration process where it uses aeration and floc to separate sludge from water
Activated Sludge Process (ASP)
This is similar to ASP but the system uses one tank for all the treatment steps it uses a carefully timed sequence to accomplish subprocesses
Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR)
This area this aeration process speeds up the aeration stage. To facilitate a biological reaction support materials, such as a plastic media, get mixed into the tank
Sequencing Batch Bioreactor (SBBR)
This aeration process combines a membrane process with a suspended growth biological treatment method wherein the water passes through a membrane that efficiently remove solids
Membrane Bioreactor (MBR)
This aeration process uses biofilm attached to thousands of small plastic media to decompose waste present in inffluent in an aeration tank
Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR)
Also known as charcoal filters. Used to remove chemicals that give objectionable odors or taste to water such as hydrogen sulfide or chlorine
Refers to fine grain rocks which make good aquifers; they can hold water like a sponge and with tiny pores, they are good at filtering surface pollutants
Also known as bone charcoal. Used as a filtering agent in sugar refining and as an absorbent and disinfectant
A process that uses diatoms or diatomaceous earth the skeletal remains of small single celled organisms as the filter media
The product created by heating an iron ore at a temperature high enough to burn off its oxygen and carbon content but below iron’s melting point
Most common and inexpensive type of disinfection
Refers to the dry solid compound having the highest possible chlorine content
Available as its dihydrate form or anhydrous formused in chlorination