DPT 633: Human Imaging in PT Practice II Flashcards
Label the following as either permeative, greographic, or moth-eaten

a. Geographic
b. Moth Eaten
c. Permative


Tear-Drop Fracture


Os Odontoideum


Facet Joint Dislocation


Clay Shoveler’s Fracture

Compression Fracture
Match the following pathologies with the correct radiologic finding
- Spondylosis deformans: _________
- DISH: _________
- DJD: _________
- DDD: _______
- Preservation of disc height
- Decreased zygapophyseal joint space
- Claw-like spurs cupping towards IVD
- Schmorl’s nodes
- Spondylosis deformans: Claw-like spurs cupping towards IVD
- DISH: Preservation of disc height
- DJD: decreased zygapophyseal joint space
- DDD: Schmorl’s nodes
True or False
Typically an old compression fracture (>2months) demonstrates a linear zone of impaction
Generalized osteoporosis anywhere in skeleton demonstrates classic radiologic hallmarks of:
a. Trabecular changes
b. decreased radiolucency
c. corticol thickening
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
Please match the following decision rules with the correct corresponding predictor variable.
- NEXUS: ________
- Ottawa Ankle Rule: __________
- Canadian C Spine Rule: __________
- Dangerous mechanism of injury
- Tenderness at posterior aspect of tip of lateral malleolus
- No focal neurological deficit
- NEXUS: No focal neurological deficit
- Ottawa Ankle Rule: Tenderness at posterior aspect of tip of lateral malleolus
- Canadian C Spine Rule: Dangerous mechanism of injury

Degenerative Joint Disease

Jefferson’s Fracture

Wedge Fracture
Assuming a T2-weighted MRI, please match the following tissues with the correct signal intensity
- Fluid (CSF, Synovial)
- Fat/yellow marrow
- Cortical bone
- Ligament tendon
- Fluid (CSF, Synovial): High
- Fat/yellow marrow: Intermediate
- Cortical bone: Very low
- Ligament tendon: Low
Factors known to degrade CT image quality include:
a. beam “hardening”
b. metallic implants
c. patient movements
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
Please match the following descriptions of Risser’s sign of skeletal maturity with the correct numerical value:
- Osseous fusion is complete
- 100% of crest is “capped”
- 50% of crest is “capped”
- Osseous fusion is complete: +5
- 100% of crest is “capped”: +4
- 50% of crest is “capped”: +2
Please match the following pathologies with the imaging modality of choice.
- Avascular necrosis
- Spinal DJD
- Complex spinal fracture
- Rotator Cuff Tear
- Avascular necrosis: MRI
- Spinal DJD: CT
- Complex spinal fracture: CT
- Rotator Cuff Tear: MRI
True or False
Plain film radiography is the best imaging modality for identifying subtle fractures and/or complex fractures
True or False
A Chondrosarcoma is classified as a primary benign bone tumor
True or False
The spine is a common region for clinical presentation of a chordoma
Label A-H

A. wing of ilium
B. acetabulum and hip joint
C. greater trochanter
D. femoral neck
E. lesser trochanter
F. Ischium
G.superior ramus-pubis bone
H. inferior ramus of the pubis bone
An 8 year old male presents with recurrent pain in his left thigh for 3 months

Osteoid Osteoma
16 year old male reports pain in the left arm

Ewing’s Sarcoma
A 38 year old male complains of spinal pain for the last 6 months

A 22 year old female with R knee pain

Giant Cell Tumor
What is the name of the radiological feature delineated by the blue line (middle – solid line)?
a. iliopubic line
b. Klein’s line
c. ilioischial line
d. Shenton’s line
e. none of the above

The following stalk-like benign lesion located in the scapular a 10 y/o male most likely represents ___________.
a. Chordoma
b. Osteosarcoma
c. Ewing’s Sarcoma
d. Osteochondroma

Based on the image provided, what is the most likely diagnosis for the 14 year old male patient?
a. Osteochondroma
b. Enchondroma
c. Giant Cell Tumor
d. Osteosarcoma

The clinical presentation for prostate cancer may include:
a. Dysuria
b. Hematuria
c. Nocturia
d. Back Pain
e. All of the above
f. None of the above
What is the name of the structure delineated by the arrow?
a. Dagger sing
b. Codman’s Triangle
c. Crecent Sign
d. Fallen fragment sign
e. None of the above

What is the name of the radiographic feature associated with sarcoma demonstrated in the following image?
a. Platyspondyly
b. Biconcave Vertebrae
c. Onion Sign
d. Risser’s Sign
e. None of the above

Ononoghue’s terrible (or unhappy) triad includes which of the following structures?
a. ACL, MCL, and lateral meniscus
b. ACL, LCL, and lateral meniscus
c. PCL, MCL, and medial meniscus
d. ACL, MCL, and medial meniscus
e. PCL, LCL, and medial meniscus
What is the name of the structure delineated by the white arrow?
a. Os peroneum
b. Heel spur
c. Os trigonium
d. Talar fracture
e. None of the above

An aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC) most often presents in ______ between the ages of _______ and ________
a. Males, 21 and 35
b. Females, 11 and 20
c. Females, 35 and 55
d. Males 5 and 15
e. None of the above
What is the correct morphological classification for the periosteal reaction?
a. Solid
b. Sunburst
c. Single Layer
d. Codman Triangle

True of False
Stress fractures on the tensile side of the femoral neck are more common than stress fractures on the compressive side



Ankylosing Spondylitis

Burst Fracture

RA, AVN, or OA?

RA, AVN, or OA?

RA, AVN, or OA?


Femoral Neck Stress Fracture

Torn PCL

Torn ACL

Torn MCL

Torn Meniscus

Torn RC

SLAP Lesion

Talar Fracture

Ankle Fracture