Doubt_Probability_pg. 67 Flashcards
What is doubt?
suspension of the intellect’s assentand judgement in reference toa proposition
What is doubt opposed to?
certainty,suspicion, and opinion
What are te three steps leading to the firm assent of the intellect?
state of doubt wherenoassentexists, states of opinion and suspicion in which the intellect gives an imperfect assent, science and faith where there exists a firm assent w/o any fear of error
What are the kinds of doubt?
doubt of law (dubium iuris) or doubt of particular fact (dubium facti)
When is doubt positive?
fear of error is based on grave reasons
When is doubt negative?
fear of error rests on slight reasons
What is speculative doubt?
regarding the morality of a human act irrespective of its present performance or omission
What is practical doubt?
concerned w/ morality of an act to be performed here and now
What is the First Principle of Doubt?
No one is allowed to perform an act while in a state of positive practical doubt
What should man do if in this state to avoid mortal sin?
refrain from acting or remove practical doubt
How do we remove doubt?
directly or indirectly
How do we directly remove doubt?
diligently searching after truth till certainty attained (seek counsel)
How do we indirectly remove doubt?
reflex principles
What are Reflex or Indirect Principles?
general directions which directly and of themeselves do not prove the truth of the matter under investigation but do reflect their own clear light on the obscure practical doubt and dispel the darkenss of that doubt while the act is being performed
What are the significant reflex principles?
doubtful law has no binding force, in doubt one must stand by presumption, in doubt possession is nine-tenths of the law
When does a doubtful law not have binding force?
when doubt concerns the lawfulness of an act and not its validity
When can a doubtful law not be applied?
concerns validity of the Sacraments, concerns somthing which is absolutely necessary for salvation e.g. risk of losing eternal life, the safer opinion must be followed, when the question involves an established right of a third party e.g. judge would not be justified in giving judgement on the basis of a probable opinion while refusing to follow what is certainly the more probable opinion