Documenting requirements - Module 11 Flashcards
What is a requirements catalogue
An organised set of requirements where each individual requirement is documented using a standard template
List the entries in the requirements catalogue
Requirement identifier
Requirements name
Requirements description
Types of requirements
Business area
Associated non-functional requirement
Acceptance criteria
Related requirements
Related documents
Version history
What is a user story
Defines, in outline the features actors require from a system
The user story is most suitable for a _____ requirement
What are the 3C’s and what do they mean
Card: Each user story is documented using a card format
Conversation: Each user story is the basis for a conversation where it is explored in further death
Confirmation: Each user story must be evaluated against defined acceptance criteria
What is a story point?
Units used to measure the effort required to develop user stories
What is an Epic ?
An Epic is a user story that contains compounded requirements and is complex
Achievement of Epics drive changes to all _____ elements
What does a user story contain ?
Story number
Story name
User story
Business value derived from requirement
Intended effect
What is a use case diagram ?
A diagrammatic representation of the actors who will engage with the system and the features they will need to access
The use case diagram is effective for improving the understanding of ______ requirements
What is the outside in approach
Solution is initially shown by a black box and the actors and the features they require are analysed
A context diagram is used to create a ____ ____
Use case
What is a context diagram
An outline visual representation of a business or IT system
A context diagram comprises of:
A box or a circle and the interaction’s the system has with external actors or systems
What is a data model ?
An approach used to style and represent data items
Data model helps the BA understand
The business rules that govern the creation, manipulation and deletion of data
The data requirement to support business process improvements
In an agile environment documentation should only be produced if it is _____ and _______
Justified and Relevant
Does the Agile manifesto say theirs no value in documentation
Please provide the Agile approach for approach modelling and documentation
An initial set of general and technical requirements
A context diagram to represent the place of the solution within the business context
A use case diagram with business staff to offer a clear view of the overall scope of the solution and its required features
A backlog of user stories through consulting the actors on the use case diagram to develop the user stories they would like the solution to fulfil
Outline definition of non-functional requirements that require further exploration
A data model to ensure the data requirements are represented in an effective way
What is the BRD ?
The business requirements document defines what should be delivered
Provide the key areas of the BRD
Introduction and background
Business process models
Functional model
Data model
Requirement catalogue/User backlog
Glossary of terms
What is traceability
Traceability identifies and documents the lineage of each requirement, including its backward traceability (derivation), forward traceability
True or false? A use case description shows the details of the interactions between and actor and the system
True or false? An object is an entity about which data is kept
True or false? An object is a specific instance of a class
What is Function
A set of actions that the business users want the IT system to support to achieve a specific goal
What is a use case model
A diagram showing the actions, use cases and associations between them
What are the features of the use case ?
Use case
System boundary
What would be used when exploring use cases, often emerges that some processing scenarios are repeated within several use cases
Included link
When is «Extended» Used
Used when there are some extension scenarios in uses cases that have not been prioritised as mandatory
What are the two way data can be modelled
Entity relationship diagram and Class models
What is an Entity ?
An entity is something that the enterprise recognises in the area under investigation and wishes to collect and store data about
What are three types of entity ?
Entities are represented on a data model as a ___
Identifying attributes are known as the ___ __ ___ ______
Key to the Entity
In an entity relationship diagram a solid line shows relationship between
One entity to many entities
What does a class model show
Graphically shows the classes in a system and their association with each other
The class model considers classes of _____ rather than individual ____
Class models have three parts within a box, what are they ?
Title/Capitalised noun
The links between two classes are called _____
_____ ______ Between classes represents the association
Single link
_______ can be used to show multiplicity
What would 1 represent on the class model ?
One will represent the fact that the class van only have one association
What would two dots on the class model show?
Minimum and Maximum values
Association between cases can hold information, what would this be called ?
Association class
Entity relationship diagrams contain:
Entities and Attributes
An ____ is an entity about which data is kept