Documentary Flashcards
Where did the Vikings come from?
Norway, Denmark, and Sweden
What did the Vikings want when they raided places?
gold, slaves, land
Where did they fight?
across Europe
Did they try to settle America?
What happened When they tried to settle America?
they were defeated by the indians
What was the defeat by the indians the start of?
the decline of the vikings
When did the vikings come about?
end of the 8th century
Who did the vikings attack?
defenseless villages
How much taller were the vikings than most people?
nearly a foot
Why were they so much taller than the other people?
they ate a lot of protein
What is their motto?
I want what you have and i will kill you in order to take it
What did the vikings master?
boat building
When did the vikings usually strike?
Did they have horns like everybody depicts them?
Where did the ideas of them having horns come from?
ancient relics conducting fertility rights
What kind of people were the vikings?
How was the life of a viking women?
very good
What could viking women do?
own property and divorce without the husbands consent
When did you start training?
How did the kids learn how to fight?
their fathers passed down the skills
On top of building ships and fighting skills, what were kids taught?
how to read stars, wind, and seabirds
Most of the time what were vikings?
How were the vikings paid at first?
they got it from booty they recovered
DId the vikings have a uniform?
no they dressed how they want
How did guys choose what they dress?
each guy dressed themselves
What were the most priced vikings possesions?
their weapons
How were spears produced?
quickly and cheaply
What was their favorite two weapons?
sword and battle ax
What was a beautiful sword to a person?
the ultimate battle symbol
What was the sheild like?
circular, made of wood, had theu own symbol on it as a way of their identification and a way to personalize it
During the second part of the viking rains what were the vikings paid with?
a regular salary from the king
WHat was the most popular thing to drink?
beer and ale
why was water not very popular to drink?
it was unclean and they got sick.
What did they call their raiding?
called it going A VIKING or going blundering
When relaxing what did the vikings do?
listened to narrative poems
How do we know about the Vikings?
through the poems
What is another one of their motto’s?
better die than live your life as a wimp
What was the pagan belief?
death on battle was glorious and you would directly go into the afterlife
How were the Vikings able to rush into battle with no fear?
halucinigan msuhrooms
What phrase coems from the halucinigans mushroom thing?
going berzerk
Were all Scandinavians Vikings?
How was rapping?
What was one of the ways the Vikings had good success?
They would rade them take everything and make them pay a price to not do it again. Then in two years they would attack again.
WHy did the Vikings start to move to look fo rmore areas?
they heard that bwinters in england werent as bad as scandinavia
What part of britian did the vikings atke over?
everything north of london
When id the vikings come to Englan?
865 AD
When was the battle of AShdown?
What role did women have in fighting?
they took care of the soldiers and sometimes fought
What was the Vikings advantage?
their mobility
How was the Alcohol content in beer back then compared to Today?
much lower, today it is 4-6 percent
Would children drink?
What did sheilds have on them?
animals and leather
What places were commonly attacked by vikings?
british isles and france
How much were they paid from the birtish isles and france in order to stop looting them?
7000 pounds of gold and silver.
What was the best defense against the Franksih calvary?
going down or across the river
What was the vikings defenseive wall called?
skall board
What was the skall used for?
both offensively and defensively
When someone would get hurt in battle who survived?
the ones with minor injuries
Who did they believe the skall board was developed by?
their god of war
How long did the people think the viking s would be around for?
In What way was Charlemagne an exceptional Ruler for his Time?
He tried to promote education so his people can be smarter. He tried to better the area he ruled.
What role did Charles Martel play in preserving Christianity in WEstern Europe?
He defeated the Muslims at Tours
Why do you think the Vikings left their homelands and invaded the lands of western europe, iceland, greenland, and north america?
they wanted to expand their land and find more trade routes
What was used for money during the middle ages?
farm goods
Why did a society based on trade become a society based on agriculture during the middle ages?
Barbaric Invasion off set trade
Who were the Moors?
Spanish muslims
What was the only taxable form of wealth in the middle ages?
Villa was latin for?