DOA 5 Flashcards
To drop
Laisser tomber
I am overcome with vertigo and panic and feel frozen, yet forced to continue upwards.
Adverb adjective :
moving, pointing, or leading to a higher place, point, or level. (ascendant/à la hausse)
Foremost (adj)
One of the foremost art collection of his day
most prominent in rank, importance, or position.
before anything else in rank, importance, or position; in the first place. (adv)
In rank
A person of high rank
Grade / rang
A reprieve
un sursis
A Disbelief
She shook her head in disbelief
Inability or refusal to accept that something is true or real.
Incrédulité / incompréhension
The Doom
death, destruction, or some other terrible fate. (nm)
condemn to certain destruction or death. (verb) condamner
A matter of moments
Quelques instants
Mosquitoes (a mosquito)
To Decipher
‘authorized government agencies can decipher encrypted telecommunications’
convert (a text written in code, or a coded signal) into normal language.
To thrash
‘she thrashed him across the head and shoulders’
beat (a person or animal) repeatedly and violently with a stick or whip.
To astound
‘her bluntness astounded him’
Shock or greatly surprise.
To Cheer
shout for joy or in praise or encouragement.
give comfort or support to.
Acclamé, remonter le moral
The Tongue
La langue
To Dodge
avoid (someone or something) by a sudden quick movement.
Esquivant (to dodge)
A Crown
‘she held her glass aloft’
up in or into the air; overhead.
Dans les airs / en l’air
To Shove
‘they started pushing and shoving people out of the way’
push (someone or something) roughly.
the extent of something, especially as a unit of measurement, in particular.
To Tilt
‘the floor tilted slightly’
‘he tilted his head to one side’
Move or cause to move into a sloping position.
‘a sloping floor’
Inclined from a horizontal or vertical line.
small in degree; inconsiderable.
small, modest, tiny …
(of metals) beaten out or shaped by hammering.
Forgé (adj)
To Owe
have an obligation to pay or repay (something, especially money) in return for something received.
A debt
une dette
‘Mary surreptitiously slipped from the room’
In a way that attempts to avoid notice or attention; secretively.
subrepticement / discrètement
Bluntly (adv)
Blunt (noun)
‘to put it bluntly, investors are suffering from a crisis’
‘a blunt knife / person’
(Adv ) In an uncompromisingly forthright way.
(Noun) (of a cutting implement) not having a sharp edge or point.
directement, brutalement
To Glimmer
‘the moonlight glimmered on the lawn’
a faint or wavering light. (nm)
shine faintly with a wavering light. (verb)
Lueur (to waver)
A wavering
‘a wavering flame’
‘she gave a wavering smile’
1 - Moving in a quivering way; flickering.
2 - Becoming weaker; faltering.
The Fog
a croak
un croassement
the quality or state of being prepared to do something; readiness.
la volonté
To Delve
‘she delved in her pocket’
‘delve a subject’
1 - Reach inside a receptacle and search for something.
2 - Dig; excavate (make a hole by digging).
A Core
the tough central part of various fruits, containing the seeds. (nm)
To Frown
‘he frowned as he reread the letter’
furrow one’s brow in an expression of disapproval, displeasure, or concentration.(froncer les sourcils)
To Wield
hold and use (a weapon or tool). (manier / wielded manié)
A runt
un avorton
To Tend
‘written language tends to be formal’
‘Varela tended plants on the roof’
regularly or frequently behave in a particular way or have a certain characteristic.
care for or look after; give one’s attention to.
A Dais
une estrade / podium
To mull over
ruminer / réfléchir à
The mantle
a loose sleeveless cloak or shawl, worn especially by women.
A Sleeve
une manche (de manteau)
To Rekindle
‘he tried to rekindle their friendship’
Kindle anew
To figure out
‘thrones were potent symbols of authority’
having great power, influence, or effect.
Powerful / effective
(of a male) able to achieve an erection or to reach an orgasm.
‘she bought it on a whim’
A sudden desire or change of mind, especially one that is unusual or unexplained.
To Ram
‘he rammed his stick into the ground’
roughly force (something) into place. (éperoner)
The Dust
A snout
un museau
The hearing
The process, function or power to perceiving sound.
opportunity to be heard, to present one’s side of a case, or to be generally known or appreciated.
It was then that
ce fut alors que
utmost caution
la plus grande prudence.
utmost = Maximum
to wince
‘he winced at the disgust in her voice’
give a slight involuntary grimace or shrinking movement of the body out of or in anticipation of pain or distress.
‘a 2.5-mile tunnel beneath the Alps’
‘he was relegated to the rank beneath theirs’
extending or directly underneath, typically with close contact.
at a lower level or layer than.
Tons of rubble
Tonnes de gravas
Moved towards the inward room for more privacy
Situated on the inside (inner : farther in)
Of a relating to the mind or spirit
A lookout
‘a lookout point with breathtaking views’
‘‘What if he gets fits?’ ‘It’s a bad lookout in that case.’’
1 - A place from which to keep watch.
2 - Used to indicate whether a likely outcome is good or bad0.
un guet, un point d’observation
To flee
run away from a place or situation of danger.
To Enshroud
‘heavy grey clouds enshrouded the city’
envelop completely and hide from view.
“the danger is now past”
“large angelfish swim slowly past”
“she found it hard to make ends meet in the past”
gone by in time and no longer existing.
so as to pass from one side of something to the other.
the time or a period of time before the moment of speaking or writing.
a tremor
‘His tremors were caused by the disease.’
a trembling or shaking usually from physical weakness, emotional stress, or disease
tremblement, secousse
stable, régulier, constant
a misdeed
a wicked or illegal act. (un méfait)
To renew
as we renew our strength in sleep (regenerate)
1 - resume (an activity) after an interruption.
2 - to make like new : restore to freshness.
a thief (thieves)
a person who steals another person’s property, especially by stealth and without using force or violence.
To rue
to feel penitence, remorse, or regret for
The wrongness
A Praise
To praise
A good teacher praises students when they do well
the expression of approval or admiration for someone or something.
en ce qui concerne
To pound
The gorilla pounded his chest
strike or hit heavily and repeatedly. (pilé)
Frapper / broyer
To Portend
If you’re superstitious, a black cat portends trouble.
to give an omen or anticipatory sign of
is likely to happen
the dawn
l’aube (soleil)
To link
‘a link between pollution and forest decline’
‘foreign and domestic policy are linked’
make, form, or suggest a connection with or between.
To swell
‘her bruised knee was already swelling up’
‘the soft swell of her breast’
‘you’re looking swell’
excellent; very good. (adj)
a full or gently rounded shape or form. (nom)
(especially of a part of the body) become larger or rounder in size, typically as a result of an accumulation of fluid. (verb)
To ferret out (the answer)
A ferret
‘she had the ability to ferret out the facts’
Verb : Discover information by means of an assiduous search or investigation.
Noun : A domesticated polecat
An assiduous search for something.
(of goods, especially clothing) made to order. (adj)
“a bespoke suit”
(of an appearance or action) suggest; be evidence of.
order or reserve (something) in advance.
To Assume
suppose to be the case, without proof.
take or begin to have (power or responsibility).
take on (a specified quality, appearance, or extent).
A sudden intake of breath
You should limit your daily intake of sugars and fats
an amount of food, air, or another substance taken into the body.
an opening through which fluid enters an enclosure
apport / consommation
A diligent worker (adverbe : diligently)
characterized by steady, earnest, and energetic effort
This endless
Ce sans-fin
Be Full-blown
fully developed.
De tout coeur / à fond
A Fainter light
Faint (adj)
(of a sight, smell, or sound) barely perceptible.
weak and dizzy; close to losing consciousness
plus faible
Soundaineté, brusquerie
Be Worn out
‘you look worn out’
‘worn-out shoes’
(of a person or animal) extremely tired; exhausted.
damaged or shabby to the point of being no longer usable.
in poor condition through long or hard use or lack of care. (minable)