5 a day 5 Flashcards
to see the world through rose-tinted glasses
to have a positive, but slightly unrealistic, outlook on life (expression)
A snake in the grass
someone who betrays you even though you have trusted them (expression)
To have a face like thunder
someone who is claerly very angry or upset about something (expression)
to nibble
my rabbits nibble carrots
a wit
he surprises me with his wit
un esprit, une intelligence
to inquire
I’ll inquire about the price
demander, se renseigner
to fiddle
he fiddled his ring
tripoter, triturer
a paper clip
un trombone
a type of machine in a kitchen
under lock and key
locked away (expression)
to linger
the smeel of her perfume lingers
ss’attarder, persister
a charcoal
un charbon
a trough
un abreuvoir, une dépression
a cluster
cluster of cell
une grappe, groupe, amas
Spur of the moment
I decided to go for a hike spur of the moment
Spontaneous (synonyme)
Worst form of bullying is to ostracize someone
to push away (synonyme)
He was oblivious to the fact that she felt embarrassed
didn’t realize (synonyme)
To Rejuvenate
This morning I felt rejuvenated
alive again (synonyme)
To Hinder
Speaking only one language hinders me from getting a promotion
stops, prevents (synonyme)
In retrospect, I should have bought this one
Looking back with wisdom
I’m annoyed when my dad scoffed at my idea
to make fun of
I realized how resilient kids are
Easily recover from difficult situations
What is the optimum time to go to bed?
The best (synonyme)
To tread lightly
faire attention, être prudent
To fetch
The dog fetched the ball
aller chercher qqch ou qqn, rapporter.
a pantry
The pantry is filled with cans and jars
Le garde-manger
To Quench
Quench my thirst
éteint, trempé, désaltéré
étencher ma soif
a scraper
racleur, grattoir
a brine, eau salée
la saumure
a mote
une particule