5 a day 5 Flashcards
to see the world through rose-tinted glasses
to have a positive, but slightly unrealistic, outlook on life (expression)
A snake in the grass
someone who betrays you even though you have trusted them (expression)
To have a face like thunder
someone who is claerly very angry or upset about something (expression)
to nibble
my rabbits nibble carrots
a wit
he surprises me with his wit
un esprit, une intelligence
to inquire
I’ll inquire about the price
demander, se renseigner
to fiddle
he fiddled his ring
tripoter, triturer
a paper clip
un trombone
a type of machine in a kitchen
under lock and key
locked away (expression)
to linger
the smeel of her perfume lingers
ss’attarder, persister
a charcoal
un charbon
a trough
un abreuvoir, une dépression
a cluster
cluster of cell
une grappe, groupe, amas
Spur of the moment
I decided to go for a hike spur of the moment
Spontaneous (synonyme)