cyber 4 Flashcards
My is OS (operation system) is windrows 12
opérateur système
hardware are installed
les éléments électroniques d’installation (souris, claviers haut-parleurs …)
programmes et applications sur le pc
a computer’s system of programs that you use to run applications
plateforme de logiciels
hard drive
la carte mémoire du pc
to boot the laptop by pressing the round button
initialiser (un clavier par exemple), démarrer
to reboot my computer and see if it’s working
turn off the computer and then to turn it on again
plug (smthg) in
Check if you have plugged you mouse correctly
connect a computer or equipment to somehting else with a cable or wire
suprenant, impressionnant
I only read broadsheets
journal /quality press
Newspaper circulation has dropped
the number of newspaper sold in a certain time period
deliberately shocking
a tabloid
he wa sunhappy with the photo that appeared in the tabloids
a newspaper with less serious subject
tabloïd (journal à scandales)
to ax
cut or remove suddenly
to back
which party are you backing in the next elections?
to support
to ban
I banned my daughter from drinking sugary sodas
to dash
He dashed through the streets
move quickly
a scam
an illegal way of making money by deceiving people
escroquerie / fraude
still holding on to hope
continuer d’espérer
The report was the subject of close scrutiny
d’examen, de contrôle, étude
riddle up
the expenses riddle up at the summit
to discuss
has come under scrutiny from locla authorities
be suject to
stood by
The reporter stood by his decision
support, unbent will
prob for evidence
search for something