DMIR Final Flashcards
Board exam after x-ray school
: aart
License for illinois:
How many continuing hours:
24 every 2 years
No threshold concept:
no dose is safe
Non ionizing:
ultrasound and mri
what creates the image
Produces fog on image:
Intensity of the beam is factored by
Farther the beam the beam intensity also decreases
Forms of x-ray travel
Penetrate, absorb, scatter (absorb is the worst)
Patient asks to stop:
stop when it is save
as low as reasonable achievable
How long do you monitor from injection:
Watch throughout whole procedure
Will it always damage the cell:
No, but damage could occur
Which cells are radiosensitive:
ones that split easily (mitosis)
Absorbed dose and qualifying factor:
Sievert (remember 1)
Where is the dosemeter supposed to be
Dosimeter at the neck outside
Air and barium:
double contrast in lower gi
Single contrast lower gi:
Patient refusing exam:
yes (autonomy)
Unacceptable image quality
What has the greater attenuation:
What has the least attenuation:
Undiagnosed that causes fog
Big thing you’ll use often
Critical thinking
bony landmarks
Important when imaging elderly:
Standard of care:
degree of skill and knowledge of degree of care (know the patient, hygiene)
Crash cart used during
Ionization is?
loosing and electron
When can you view images
when it is your own patient
Why is it important to get good history:
previous problems, cpt coding, reimbursed (get paid)
What anatomy is radiolucent:
: air in lungs
Eligible to take the exam after x-ray school, what makes you eligible:
go to an accredited school, apply by aart rules, good moral character.
Cervical color stays on
doctor tells you to take it off take it off
Primary concern of hospital
patient care
Tell me examples of critical thinking:
language barrier
Main concern as a radiographer:
what patient wants
what is critical in moving patients
locking wheels
study of right and wrong
injury from breach of duty
system that stores and retrieves radiographic images
x-ray exam billing code
CPT Code
positive contrast
Two items
Barium and Iodine
Cardinal Principles of radiation protection
time, (distance,) and shielding
Minor Contrast reactions
hives, warmth, vomiting
reaction that increases occupational exposure
Compton Scatter
patient has right to decide treatment
no harm to the patient
using the lowest patient dose a possible
injectable contrast
reaction that increases patient dose
Photoelectric absorption
Minor Medical Emergencies
epistaxis, vertigo, seizures
radiopaque anatomy on image
Bones in the pelvis
do good to the patient
x-rays penetrate through easily
Low attenuation
law that protects and secures patient records
x-rays do not penetrate and get absorbed
High attenuation
Inverse Square Rule
intensity of x-ray beam decreases as SID increases (source to image receptor distance)
Who discovered X-rays
Wilhelm Röntgen (wife’s hand 1895)
Different Modalities
X-rays, Ultrasound, CT Scan, MRI, Nuclear Med, Fluoroscopy, Angiography
X-ray used for?
Quick beams into the body; see body structures (Ionizing)
Ultrasound used for?
High Frequency sound waves (non-Ionizing)
CT Scan used for?
Low dose rays taken to examine (big machine) (Ionizing)
MRI used for?
Low dose radio waves taken to examine (non-ionizing)
Nuclear Med used for?
Injection of radiation (ionizing)
Fluoroscopy used for?
Live X-ray imaging ; Recorded (ionizing)
Angiography used for?
Show blood and lymph
Clinical Education Importance
is essential to the development of competent medical imaging professionals. ARRT provides exam after grad
Good Qualities of Employee
Prepared, Effective, Efficient, Confident, Knowledgeable
Radiographer vs Radiologist
Radiographer takes the x-rays and aids in scanning. Radiologist interprets the scans to help with diagnosis
Variables of Radiation
Exposure factor, Beam Quality, Patient Characteristics, Distance, Radiographic grids, X-ray beam modifications, IR Characteristics,
Distance between Object (body part)
Distance between source (x-ray source)
Changing SID and OID
OID effects image sharpness, SID effects intensity of beams
Contrast of Image
Difference between black and white on an image. KvP controls contrast
Amount/Quantity of X-ray beams
Produced in X-ray tube. mAs controls the amount (more quantity; greater IR exposure)
Amount of Image Signal
Controlled by kVp
Quality and Penetration of X-ray beams
Controlled by kVp
C-Arms and Portable X-ray machines
Frequently used in surgical producers
Positive and negative side of X-ray tube
Anode (Postive (+)) Rotating tungsten disc. Cathode (Negative (-)) Boils off electrons via filament
3 Things needed to create X-rays
Source of Electrons (cathode), Acceleration (Voltage), Stop Electrons (anode)
Non-Diagnostic and Remnant
Scatter radiation is non-diagnostic, Remnant creates image
Radiopaque Vs. Radiolucent
Radiopaque (High Attenuation) non-easily penetrable
Radiolucent (Low Attenuation) Pass through easy
Objective and Subjective
Objective (Vitals), Subjective (patient comments)
Contact Precautions
Gown and gloves
What effects image quality
Distortion (misrepresentation of true size)
Motion (image distortion)
Magnification (size distortion)
Characteristics of X-rays
Man-made; Ionizing
Human Diversity
Same yet different
Personal Feelings getting involved is
Host in the chain of Infection
You or patient
Wash your hands!
Wash your hands!
Use aseptic technique
Good to ask for history as a?
Good Diagnostic tool
Base of Support
Widen Stance
barium enema
NG and Chest Tubes
Can be visualized
Non-Aseptic (1) vs Aseptic (2)
1) Special Non sterile procedures (Digestive Tract; NG Tubes)
2) Always be applied (Surgeries, Chest tubes, catheters etc)
What are the Cardinal Principles of Radiation
time, distance, shielding
What is Kvp Responsible for
contrast of image
What adjusts the size and shape of x-ray field
Which modality is non-ionizing
What stops the electrons in production
Which image receptor is the fastest
DR system
What is mAs responsible for
amount of density on the image
When increasing the SID, the beam intensity?
Atomic number of barium is?
Barium appears?
Which has the greatest attenuation
what gives the radiographer the greatest radiation dosage
Compton Scatter
Which radiation reaction gives the patient the highest radiation risk
Photoeclectric absorption
absorbed does times qualifying factor
What if a patient falls from x-ray table
Example of patient refusing and X-ray exam
What system helps me retrieve images
Hives is what type of reaction
Mild reaction
what is what reasonable and prudent members of the profession practice regarding patients?
Standard of Care