Disruptive Behavior Disorders: Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder Flashcards
Pattern of angry/irritable mood, defiant behavior, or vindictiveness lasting 6 mos with 4 or more sx
and exhibited during interaction with a least one non-sibling
ODD criteria
Angry/irritable mood
Vindictiveness (spiteful or vindictive at least twice in last 6 months)
Disturbance associated with distress in individual or others in social contacts
ODD onset
Before 8 years old typically
Starts in home and spreads
Biology of ODD
Underarousal has been cfound consistently
Underutilize social cues, misattirbute hostile intent to peers, cannot generate solutions to own problems
ODD Nautrla course
Most kids no longer have diagnosis ater 3 years
Early onset is owrse
30% will progress to CD
Differential for ODD
Unlike CD, ODD does NOT include physcal aggression, destruction of property or theft
in 50% of children with ADHD
Tx of ODD
For preschool, use programs like Head Start or home visits
For school age, parent managment strategies
Adolescents - CBT, training, academics
Pharm ODD
Adjunctive and should not be the only thing
Atypical antipsychotics are most common
Ineffective interventions
Inoculation approaches - boot camps/shock incarceration
Exposrue to frightening situatins
Conduct disorder
Repetitve and persistent pattern of behavior in which basic rights of others or major norms are violated
CD diagnosis
Aggression to people and animals
Destruction of property
Deceitfulness or theft
Serious violations of rules
CD genetics and sex
Males more like to exhibit aggression, girls more covert crimes
There is a gneetic risk
Antisocial personality disorder
Evidence of CD before age 15
ODD–>CD–>APD but some skip ODD
Evaluation and tx of CD
Refer to specialized testing
Consider lab tests
There is no single tx
Multimodal is best and must be delivered long term to malke a difference
Psychosocial tx for CD
Parent management - reinforce positive and eeal with bad
Probelm solving skills to teach about options
Multi-systemic therapy in a home based model with 24/7 therapists
CD pharm
Some psychotropic meds work
Best case can be made for comorbid ADHD with stimulants
Must be careful about abuse/diversion of stimulant meds