ADHD Flashcards
ADHD overview, demo and course
Much more in boys
3/4 into adolesnce and 50% into adulthood
Dopaimine at NA - locomotor, reinforcment, rate dependency
NE at locus coerulues, and prefrontal cortex - delayed repsonse and owrking memory
DOpamine and NE - attnetion and control of behavior
Symptom impairment of ADHD
Several inattnetive or hyperactive impulsive symtpoms prior to age 12
In 2 or more settings
6 months or more
DSM 5 ADHD - inattneitve
More than 6 symptoms, present 6 months or longer
Not close attnetiion Trouble keeping attnetion Does not seem to listen Does not follow through on instruction Troulbe organizing Avoids long acitivites Loses things Easily distractied Forgetful
ADHD hyperactivity and impulsivitiy
6 or more symtpoms
Disruptive and inappropriate for developmental level
Fidgets Gets up Runs/climbs Trouble doing lesiure Driven by a motor Talks,blurts out answers, trouble wiating turn Interrupts
3 types of ADHD
Predominantly inattentive type
Predom hyperactive-impulsive type
Relationships and school and ADHD
Rejected by fears and antagonisitc with family
Impaired performance, seen as lazy, irresponsbile and difficult
Dianostic issues
Classroom observation is ideal
Use COnners Teacher questionairre
Need collaboration from parents/teachers
Core tx meds
Decreases hyperacitvity
Not only help with core features but improve relationships
Stimulants are the keystone
Med options
Alpha 2 agonists
Stimulants indication
Movement toward single dose a day
School interventions
Increase 1:1 learninig
Daily report card
This is now the law
Parent group
Behavioral approach is reinforcing positives and ignoring negative
Therapy for patients
CBT can be used in adults and adolescnets
Final thoughts of stimulants
Misuse more lilely in those not tx until high school
ADHD adolescnets
Higher rates and earlier smoking onset
Greater nicotine dependnce
Maybe alcohol
Especially in hyperactive/impulsive
1/2 who smoke end up with substance abuse