Dispensa- 2- Traditional debates: Liberal and Democratic Peace Theory revisited Flashcards
Liberal Peace
Liberal peace emerges as a function of a change in human nature that can be obtained through the virtuous influences within and between democracies, also thanks to peaceful federations of nations.
Perpetual/Democratic Peace (Kant):
The phenomenon that no modern democracy has ever gone to war with another democracy.
Spread of democratic norms also through federations and alliances of democracies.
Audience costs
Transnational and domestic factors
- Role of domestic institutions in picking foreign policy (ignored by realists, as states are assumed to be unitary actors)
- Role of democratic institutions in refraining from conflict as they representative leaders would not be reelected if they back down (audience costs: voters dislike indecisive leaders)
- Financial interests, pro and against wars: leaders often have different cost benefit analysis from citizens, hence the level of control of leaders by citizens or interest groups matters.
Institutional liberalism
international institutions (i.e. UN) and rules promote cooperation and help avoid trust problems.
Negative correlation between war and democracies (Bueno de Mesquita):
- Democratic leaders invest more resources in case of conflict, by fear to lose war, and then elections. Thus, other countries are reluctant to face them.
- Democratic leaders are more risk averse than Autocrats for reelection-reasons.
Bias of leaders
the difference in benefit/cost ratio for a leader w.r.t. the median voter. Hence, conflicts against autocracies are more likely to take place during the last mandate.
Incentive for citizens in leader selection
select an hawkish leader as best response to dovish leaders abroad.
Explanation of Democratic peace
- Electoral Accountability (Conconi et al.): Leaders up for re-election are significantly less likely to go to war than leaders with no reelection prospect (autocrats or last term in democratic office).
- Normative Argument: People in democracies are experienced with compromises, thus, adopt resolution rather than war when confronting one another.
Mathematical explanation for war: matrix explanation
- If both players choose D, they coexist peacefully, payoffs= zero.
- If player i ∈ {A,B} chooses H, he incurs a cost ci ≥ 0.
- If player j chooses D; player i chooses H, player i gets μ > 0, i.e., first-mover advantage.
- If player j chooses D; player i chooses H, player j incurs a cost d > 0 i.e. defence cost.
- d and μ represent fear and greed, respectively. Assume μ < d.
Three types of player i
• coordination type if μ < ci < d
• a dominant strategy hawk if ci < μ
• a dominant strategy dove if ci > d.
If both players are coordination types, the game is Stag Hunt.
If both players are dominant strategy hawk, the game is Prisonners Dilemma.
Payoff Uncertainty
- Suppose cA and cB are independently drawn from a distribution F, uniform on [0, cbarre].
- Each player is not sure to be a dominant strategy hawk, thus cbarre> μ.
- The probability that a player is a dominant strategy hawk is F(μ) = μ/cbarre
Equilibrium (think increase)
- if cbarre < d, then the only equilibrium is hawkish behaviour – the Hobbesian trap.
- If cbarre > d, then the symmetric equilibrium has an interior threshold c^=d, with all those between 0 and c^ playing H.
- The citizen supports the leader if its action was a best-response according to the citizen’s own preferences.
- To stay in power, leader i ∈ {A, B} needs a critical level of support sigma* among his citizens.
sigma* is
over 1/2 in democracies
very small in a dictatorship (< 1-F(d) ) - The value of staying in power is R > 0.
- Distribution of cost types in each population is F
- Leaders A and B are supported by fractions F(μ) and 1−F(d) of their population, respectively.
- If F(μ) ≥ sigmaA* , then leader A stays in power, his payoff is μ − cA + R (where cA is his private cost type).
- Similarly, leader B remains in power if and only if
1 − F (d ) ≥ sigmaB* - Assume that the median voter is a coordination type and 1 − F (d ) < F (μ) < 0.5.
so, dominant strategy doves are the smallest group within the population
Countries and Regimes (Leader’s payoff matrix)
Full democracies
Dictatorships: they have very low σ∗, hence same matrix (1) with R added in every cell.
Full democracies: they have σ∗ high enough to require median type support for re-election, so leaders play SH
Dangerous limited democracies
1 − F(d) < σ∗ < F(μ).
Leader i loses power if he chooses D while the opponent chooses H.
A limited democracy has a hawkish bias, since the leader won’t be reelected if and only if they act dovish in front of a hawk.
Hawks and Doves game theory
components and assumptions
also draw the matrix
assume that d>μ : defence is more important than first strike advantage
c: cost of attacking (play Hawk)
d: cost of defending (play Dove when the other plays Hawk)
μ: first strike advantage