Disorders of the Bovine Eye Flashcards
what is the primary infectious disease of the bovine eye?
infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (aka pinkeye)
what is the primary neoplastic disease of the bovine eye?
squamous cell carcinoma (aka cancer eye)
how can you differentiate ulcers created by trauma/FB from ulcers created by infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis?
in cases of trauma/FB, the ulcer will be at the edge of the sclera
in cases of IBK, they will be CENTRAL
IBK is the MAJOR infectious etiology for bovine ocular disease. What are other MINOR disorders?
- infectious bovine rhinotracheitis conjunctivitis
- malignant catarrhal fever keratoconjunctivitis
- listeriosis
- bovine viral diarrhea (causes retinal dysplasia, cataracts, micropthalmia, and optic neuritis)
- neonatal septicemia
why should producers care about infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis?
it is extremely painful and can cause the cattle to be anorexic. This will decrease gains, cause weight loss, and decrease production. Additionally, it can cause sale discounts (d/t scarring), decreased value of breeding stock, and is associated with treatment and prevention costs.
also, its not nice to the animals welfare :(
Does having pinkeye before weaning affect production traits as a yearling?
yes. The calves recovered and tried to catch up in gains, but they had overall less ADG, less fat, less muscle, and weighed less.
What pathogen is mainly involved in IBK?
moraxella bovis
+/- moraxella boviculi
what is the function of moraxella bovis’s pili?
the Q pili enhance attachment of the bacteria to the corneal cells
the I pili allow for local persistence and establishment of infection
What feature of moraxella bovis leads to corneal ulcers, corneal edema, and cell lysis within the eye?
cytotoxins (B-hemolytic, corneotoxic, leukotoxic, and hydrolytic/proteolytic)
they cause corneal epithelial cell lysis and form ulcers
They cause lysis of neutrophils and release of enzymes that cause corneal edema
and they damage membrane phospholipids causing cell lysis.
why are vaccines not that effective for pink eye?
the vaccines target the bacterial pili
the bacterial pili are constantly changing.
T/F: moraxella bovis can be assisted by any previous damage created by infection with mycoplasma and/or IBR
T/F: there are cattle who are carriers of moraxella bovis and this is the source of infection for all other cattle
false – there are carriers, but you must have secondary irritation to the cornea (UV damage, scar by dust, plant, seeds, or female face flies) for moraxella to penetrate the defense mechanisms of the eye.
what are the clinical signs of pinkeye?
first: epiphora
corneal edema
central corneal ulcer
excessive lacrimation
scleral injection
How do you treat a patient with secondary glaucoma with bupthalmos from a severe IBK lesion? This patient is blind.
apply proparacaine on the eyeball
lance the eye with a scalpel and allow the lens to fall out
apply fly spray
T/F: an autogenous vaccine (made from cows themselves) can be created for IBK