Diseases of Bone- Malignancies Flashcards
metastatic carcinoma is the most common neoplasm _____
located in bone
multiple myeloma is the most common malignant neoplasm _____
arising within bone
osteosarcoma is the most common malignant neoplasm _____
arising from bone
what are the intra osseous malignant neoplasms
- metastatic carcinoma
- multiple myeloma
- osteosarcoma
which of the intraosseous malignant neoplasms are primary and which is secondary
- metastatic carcinoma: secondary
- multiple myeloma: primary
- osteosarcoma: primary
describe osteosarcoma
- a malignant neoplasm in which either bone or osteoid is directly produced by the malignant stroma
- osteosarcoma may also produce
- chondroid: chondroblastic osteosarcoma
- collagen: fibroblast osteosarcoma
where are the sites of osteosarcom
- most common site is long bones around knee
- head and neck less than 10%
what are the signs and symptoms of osteosarcoma
- pain- earliest symptom
- swelling
- pain and swelling - 50%
- frequent history of dental extraction
what is the radiographic appearance of osteosarcoma
- lytic or sclerotic
- ill defined margins
- variable sunburst pattern- osteophytes
- variable localized symmetrical widening of periodontal ligament space (PDL)
what is the disease associated with generalized widening of the PDL space
what is the disease associated with localized widening of PDL
what is the treatment and prognosis of osteosarcoma
- combination surgery and chemotherapy
- neo-adjuvant (peroperative) chemotherapy
- radical surgical resection
- adjuvant (postoperative) chemotherapy
describe bone neoplasia in paget disease and what is the most common sarcoma complication of paget disease
- pagetic bone exhibits higher incidence of benign and malignant neoplasms
- osteosarcoma is the most common sarcoma complication paget disease
describe post irradiation bone sarcoma
- frequency realted to radiation dose
- osteosarcoma most common type of post irradiation sarcoma
- fibrosarcoma and chondrosarcoma
- histologic features and prognosis identical for de novo tumors
what is the definition of chondrosarcoma
- a malignant neoplasm in which cartilage is directly produced by the malignant stroma
- osteoid is not produced
is chondrosarcoma more common in maxilla or mandible
what is radiographic presentation of chondrosarcoma
widening of PDL
- radiopacity
describe ewing sarcoma symptoms and predilection
- young people 5-20 years
- pain and swelling
- constitutional symptoms- may mimic an inflammatory process
- mimics infection with fever, leukocytosis, elevated ESR
- pelvis and lower extremity are the most common sites; rare in craniofacial bones
what is radiographic appaerance of ewing sarcoma
- osteophytic periosteal reaction/sunburst pattern
- onion skin periosteal reaction
- root resorption
what is the histo for ewing sarcoma
- “blue dot disease”
- stain is CD99 and stains brown if positive
what is the chromosomal translocation in ewing sarcoma
85% of ES/PNET exhibit 11;22
translocation can be detected by:
fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH)
what is the treatment and prognosis of ewing sarcoma
- systemic chemotherapy followed by local therapy (surgery or radiation therapy)
- 50% five year survival in the absence of metastasis
describe mulitple myeloma features and predilection
- older adults
- disseminated neoplasm of terminally- differentiated B lymphocytes (plasma cells)
- multifocal lytic bone lesions, hypercalcemia, bone pain
- myelophthisic acemia, predisposition to infections
what are the oral findings in mulitple myeloma
- lytic lesions
- loose teeth
- pain
- paresthesia
- pathologic fracture
- macroglossia- amyloidosis
what is the immunofluorescne with multiple myeloma
- congo red stain
- apple green appearance with amyloid presence
what are the histo stains for multiple myleoma
- kappa and lambda light chains
- will stain for one or the other not both
what are the lab findings in multiple myeloma
- elevated serum calcium, protein, immunoglobulin
- eleavted erythrocyte sedimentation rate
- rouleaux formation
- monoclonal gammopathy- M spike
- bence jones proteinuria- immunoglobulin light chains
what are the complications of mulitple myeloma
- renal failure
- infection
- anemia
biopsy of secondary metastatic lesion will look like:
primary lesion