Cysts and Odontogenic Tumors Part 4 Flashcards
what is the predeliction and recurrence of the calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor
- adults - mean = 40 years old
- posterior mandible- molar ramus region
- recurrence but less aggressive than ameloblastoma
what is the radiographic presentation of the calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor
describe the calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor
- a solid epithelial tumor (not cystic)
- pink polygonal polyhedral epithelial cells
- contains amyloid
- concentric liesegang ring calcifications
describe an odontogenic myxoma and its predilection
- ectomesenchymal odontogenic neoplasm
- young adults - mean = 30 years old
- the mandible more commonly involved than the maxilla
- a radiolucency often multilocular, may cross midline
- an encapsulated lesion- recurrence is common
what is the tx for an odontogenic myxoma
resection not currettage
what is the composition of an odontogenic myxoma
- resembles dental papilla with stellate and spindled cells in a myxoid extracellular matrix
- termed myxofibroma if there is increased collagen
- odontogenic rests variable
what is the histologic presentation of an odontogenic myxoma
- hypocellular mesenchymal proliferation
what are the two types of odontogenic fibromas
- central odontogenic fibroa
- peripheral odontogenic fibroma
what are the two types of central odontogenic fibromas
- simple type
- WHO (world health organization) type
describe the odontogenic fibroma and its prevalance
- most common in adult females (2:1) mean age = 40 years old
- well circumscribed unilocular or multilocular lucency of anterior maxilla and posterior mandible
- +/- radiopaque flecks
- one third of cases are associated with an unerupted tooth
- treatment by enucleated and vigorous curretage
describe the histology of odontogenic fibroma
- mature, fibrous stroma with varying amounts of inactive odontogenic epithelium
- epithelium poor type- simplex type
- epithelium rich type: complex type (WHO type)
what is the clinical presenation of a peripheral odontogenic fibroma
bump on the gums
describe the cementobalstoma and its predilection
- neoplasm
- young adults less than 25 years old
- mandibular first molar
- pain, expansion, root destruction
- does not recur after complete removal
describe the ameloblastic fibroma and its predilection
- “kiddie” tumor mean age of 14.8 years old
- a painless swelling of posterior mandible
- well circumscribed lucency, frequently associated with the crowns of impacted teeth
- treatment by enucleation and currettage, may recur
- pericoronal
what is the histology of the ameloblastic fibroma
- ectomesenchyme resembling dental papilla
- epithelial strands and cords resembing dental lamina and enamel organ
- mixed tumor
describe the ameloblastic fibro-odontoma and its predilection
- a “kiddie” tumor mean age = 8-12 years
- most frequent in posterior mandible
- a unilocular or multilocular mixed density lesion, often associated with the crown of an erupted tooth
- less common than ameloblastic fibroma
- treatment by enucleation, recurrence is rare
- mixed
what are the histologic features of ameloblastic fibroma
enamel and dentin prevalance
describe the odontoma and its predilection
- teenagers
- viewed as an hamartoma
- well- circumscribed
- treated by enucleation
- no recurrence expected
- compound- anterior maxilla
- complex- posterior mandible
what percentage of gorlin cysts are associated with odontomas
what are the mixed epithelial and mesenchymal odontogenic tumors from early stage of odontogenesis to end stage
- ameloblastic fibroma -> ameloblastic fibro odontoma -> odontoma