Disease Topics Flashcards
Leprosy~Generally, describe the disease.
Characterized by nerve damage and skin lesions, especially on cooler parts of the body
Leprosy~List and describe the two forms of leprosy.
Tuberculoid-hair follicles, sweat glands, and nerves destroyed; a few skin lesions discolored, dry, and loses sensitivity/feeling
Lepromatous-more severe form; lesions all over the body; skin of face becomes thick and ringed with lesions; lion-like appearance (nose collapses)
Leprosy~What is the cause of leprosy and how is it transmitted?
Cause is Mycobacterium leprae & M. lepromatosis
Transmitted mainly passed person to person but requires long term contact or nasal discharge, respiratory droplets
Leprosy~How is the organism grown for culture or studies?
Commonly grown on the toe pads of armadillos or nude mice
Rabies~What is the transmission of the disease?
Direct contact (most common)-bite/saliva from rabid animal
Rare(aerosol)- mucous membranes (corneal transplants)
Rabies~What are some symptoms in humans and animals?
Humans-beginning-flu-like symptoms, malaise, fever, or headache; middle-discomfort or paresthesia at the site of the bite/exposure; end-dilirium, insomnia, hallucinations
Animals-beginning-fever/appetite loss; middle-aggression, seizure, eat anything; end-foaming at the mouth, inability to swallow, and drooling
Rabies~What causes?
Virus in Rhabdoviridae family, genus lyssavirus; negative stranded RNA genome and bullet shaped virion
Rabies~What is the treatment (major and minor)?
Washing of hands with soap and water, PEP-postexposure prophylaxis (1 dose immune globulin and 4 doeses rabies vaccine) over a 14 day period
Milwaukee protocol-therapeutic coma
Rabies~What is done for prevention? What are the main reservoirs worldwide? In the United States? NE?
Pre-exposure vaccine, vaccinate pets, enjoy wild animals from afar, avaid dogs in developing countries
Reservoir-worldwide-dog (90%); US- racoon; NE-skunk
Rabies~Where do you find (or not find) the disease?
Hotspot-us eastern seaboard
Not found in Hawaii new Zealand Japan and Europe
Plague~List and describe the three forms of the plague.
Bubonic-large buboes form that infect the lymph nodes and is the most common form
Pneumonic-Infection moves into lungs and is highly contagious
Septicemic-Rarest form and most lethal where people usually die the day they develop symptoms and gave the name the black death
Plague~What causes the plague?
Yersinia pestis-bacteria that is rod-shaped and gram negative with two non-motile flagella
Plague~What is the vector and reservoir?
Vector-rat flea Xenopsylla cheopis
Reservoir-most commonly black rat but also prairie dogs, ground squirrels, rock squirrels, and chipmunks
Plague~How is the plague treated and prevented?
Treated by immediate isolation and after a diagnosis streptomycin or tetracycline is diagnosed.
Prevented by limiting rodent contact, treating domestic animals for fleas, using insect repellants and rodenticides, using preventative drug therapy, and there is a vaccine
Measles~What is the cause of the disease? Reservoir? Transmission route?
Single-stranded, negative sense RNA virus that is enveloped; Reservior is humans; transmission is through human to human (communicable)4 day incubation period with for days after, virus lives outside host for 2 hours and is transmitted through close contact
Measles~List several signs/symptoms of the disease. Severe complications.
Fever-up to 40 °C, cold-like symptoms (runny nose and cough), Koplik’s spots (may or may not be present), and a rash that spears on the face after day 2, starts on face and nech then spreads and lasts about 5-6 days
Complications-1/10 get ear infection; 1/20 pneumonia; 1/1000 encephalitis;1-2/1000 die
Measles~Main form of prevention?
Vaccination-2 doses that is combined with Mumps and Rubella (MMR)
Measles~Worldwide cases (number) before vaccine use? Deaths before vaccine “push”?
Cases-20 million worldwide
Deaths-2.6 million per year