Disability Flashcards
Conditions labelled as disabled from onset
Severe disfigurement
Treated as disability. Such as scars, birthmarks, congenital abnormalities, skin diseases.
But not self inflicting like tattoos.
Exclusions under Equality Act
Tendency to steel, set fires or physical abuse.
Seasonal allergic rhinitis
Employees Covered by Equality Act
Prison officers, fire officers, police officers, employment on ship, aircraft.
Employees of small and large employers.
Domestic household staff
ONLY Armed FORCES now excluded.
Kinds of unlawful discrimination
- Direct Discrimination
- Failure to make reasonable adjustments
- Disability related discrimination
- Disability Harassment
- Victimisation
- On pre-employment screening
Direct Discrimination
Employer directly discriminates when they subject anyone to a detriment or disadvantage just because of a disability.
Blanket bans are unlawful. Eg. automatically ban someone from a job due to diabetes.
Have to be based on functional ability and not the medical diagnosis.
Failure to make reasonable adjustments
Employer has to do what is reasonable and depends on cost and practicality.
Can get funds from Access to Work Scheme
Larger employers expected to do more.
Job Introduction Scheme
Employer takes on a disabled person for a trial period.
Contribution towards wages up to 13 weeks
Job must be expected to last 6 months
Ill Health Retirement Pension Scheme
Doesn’t have to be given to new employees with a condition. OH will assess whether it is likely employee will be able to work till retirement age. If not, not allowed to contribute to ill health retirement pension.
Revised Code of Practice for EA for Employer
Where employee doesn’t consent to info being released, the manager is not deemed to know it.
NO DUTY to make adjustments unless they know.
Disability related discrimination
Employer treats disabled person unfavourable for a reason related to the disability.
Can be justified if employer can show reason like to protect health and safety. Must show disabled person would involve unacceptable risk.
Disability Harassment
Violating the disabled person’s disability
Creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading or offensive environment.
Committed by an employer who punishes a worker for complaining in good faith about alleged discrimination.
Eg. Giving him a poor reference when leaving.
Pre-employment Screening
There is no duty of employee to tell employer about disability. OH staff can recommend adjustments.
But may not be possible unless consent is gained to tell employer.
Records about SA, health not asked until job offer made.
Offer can be conditional on satisfactory med clearance.
Offer can be withdrawn if disability makes them unfit for the role.
Pre-employment Questionnaire
Can ask specific questions as long as everyone asked.
Terminating Employement
Justifiable to terminate employment where disability makes it impossible for them to perform main functions of the job and adjustment is not reasonable/practical.
Medical retirement under EA
There are no additional rights to medical retirement under EA.
Social Model of Disability
Restrictions which society places in the way of disabled people.
These form basis of our recommendations regarding provision of reasonable adjustments under the act.
Employers and ultimately tribunal decide if recommendations are reasonable.
Medical Model of Disability
Focuses on curing or managing illness or disability.
Continues to be used by pensions, insurance schemes.
Any loss or abnormality of psychological, physiological or anatomical structure or function.
Any restriction or lack (resulting from an impairment) of ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being.
A disadvantage for a given individual that limits or prevents the fulfilment of a role that is normal
Early OH Referral
MH Condition, substance abuse, workplace injury, MSK condition.
Best to refer to OH at around 4 weeks.
Urgent if sick notes states work place stress.
Provision, criterion, practice
Eg. when an employer wants everyone present at 9am on the dot. Someone with RA may not be able to
Constructive Dismissal
Employer commits a serious breach of contract
Employee accepts as terminating the contract
EG. harassment or failure to pay wages.