digestive glands Pt 1 Flashcards
T/F: Digestive glands are foregut derivatives
What quadrant does the liver reside in?
Upper right quad of abdomen
What makes the liver hard to palpate? What is it suspended from?
Ribs. Diaphragm.
double layer of peritoneum/mesentary dividing living into anatomical left and right and attaching the liver to the anterior abdominal wall
falciform ligament
How is the anterior attachment of the liver unique?
Falciform ligament attaches liver to ANTerior abdominal wall
The lower margin of the falciform ligament forms ____
ligamentum teres
Ligament teres is a remnant of?
umblilican VEIN (carries OXYgenated blood from placenta to systemic circulation of fetus)
T/F: The gall bladder is a gut derivative
The gall bladder is described as _____ because of its attachment to the liver
Intraperitoneal (loses its mesentery and attach to bottom of liver–not ab wall)
The lobes created by the transverse fissure can only be view from _____ view
inferior or posterior
Lobe located in front of and anterior to horizontal fissure
lobe located posterior to horizontal fissure
Caudate Lobe (resembles a tail)
Contents of right sagittal fissure? Ant and Post
Anterior: Gallbladder
Posterior: IVC
Contents of left sagittal fissure? Ant and Post
Anterior: Lig Teres
Posterior: Ligamentum venosum (remnant of ductus deferens in fetus) AND Root of Lesser Omentum*
Hilum of liver, Portahepatis (where bile duct, hepatic artery, and portal vein enter/exit liver) are seen here (enclosed by part of lesser omentum)
–Omental Foramen
both here
Horizontal Fissure?
The Liver is partially mesenteric and ___
secondary retroperitoneal (adhesion to posterior ab wall) COVERED WITH VISCERAL PERITONEUM
Part of liver that adheres directly to diaphragm/posterior ab wall, forming retroperitoneal area with NO peritoneal covering
Bare Area of Liver (bound by reflections)
Suspends the stomach from the liver, connects liver to duodenum, and originates in the posterior part of the left sagitall fissure
lesser omentum