digestive glands Pt 1 Flashcards
T/F: Digestive glands are foregut derivatives
What quadrant does the liver reside in?
Upper right quad of abdomen
What makes the liver hard to palpate? What is it suspended from?
Ribs. Diaphragm.
double layer of peritoneum/mesentary dividing living into anatomical left and right and attaching the liver to the anterior abdominal wall
falciform ligament
How is the anterior attachment of the liver unique?
Falciform ligament attaches liver to ANTerior abdominal wall
The lower margin of the falciform ligament forms ____
ligamentum teres
Ligament teres is a remnant of?
umblilican VEIN (carries OXYgenated blood from placenta to systemic circulation of fetus)
T/F: The gall bladder is a gut derivative
The gall bladder is described as _____ because of its attachment to the liver
Intraperitoneal (loses its mesentery and attach to bottom of liver–not ab wall)
The lobes created by the transverse fissure can only be view from _____ view
inferior or posterior
Lobe located in front of and anterior to horizontal fissure
lobe located posterior to horizontal fissure
Caudate Lobe (resembles a tail)
Contents of right sagittal fissure? Ant and Post
Anterior: Gallbladder
Posterior: IVC
Contents of left sagittal fissure? Ant and Post
Anterior: Lig Teres
Posterior: Ligamentum venosum (remnant of ductus deferens in fetus) AND Root of Lesser Omentum*
Hilum of liver, Portahepatis (where bile duct, hepatic artery, and portal vein enter/exit liver) are seen here (enclosed by part of lesser omentum)
–Omental Foramen
both here
Horizontal Fissure?
The Liver is partially mesenteric and ___
secondary retroperitoneal (adhesion to posterior ab wall) COVERED WITH VISCERAL PERITONEUM
Part of liver that adheres directly to diaphragm/posterior ab wall, forming retroperitoneal area with NO peritoneal covering
Bare Area of Liver (bound by reflections)
Suspends the stomach from the liver, connects liver to duodenum, and originates in the posterior part of the left sagitall fissure
lesser omentum
Contents of the Porta Hepatis/Hilum of liver
Bile duct, hepatic artery, portal vein
The peritoneun covering the liver eventually becomes part of ___
greater omentum
T/F: The liver is partially mesenteric (cov by visceral perit) and partially retroperitoneal/secondary retroperitoneal
What is the omental foramen and what are its boundaries?
Where greater/lesser sac communicate. Anterior Wall: lesser omentum with portal structures
Posterior Walls: IVC
If finger inserted into omental foramen of a cadaver where would it enter?
lesser sac
formed by the reflection of parietal peritoneum onto visceral peritoneal; encircles the bare are of the liver
Coronary Ligament
The Coronary Ligament is continuous with:
2 layer of lesser omentum; two layer of falsiform ligament
Ligaments attaching liver to diaphragm
triangular ligaments
Formed by the constricted part of thr peritoneal cavity; located between liver and diaphragm
Subphrenic process
Posterior ab wall parietal peritoneum reflecting on visceral; located between the liver and right kidney (underneath and behind liver)
Hepatorenal Process/morison’s pouch?
**potential site for fluid accumulation due to limited fluid movement)
T/F: Constricted spacs like subphrenic and hepatorenal recesses are often sites of absess formation in case of infection
true–limited fluid movement–gravity guides infectious material info these spots in bedridden patients
Portal structures are found between the 2 layers of the ___
lesser omentum (pass through omental foramen)
T/F: Lymph from ab organs usually drains along arteries supplying organ
T/F: Lymph nodes/vessel run BACKWARD along arterial supply
In the liver, lymph drainage follows the branches of __
celiac artery
Liver is initially covered with ___ and diaphragm with ____; these layers adhere and ____ dissolves
visceral peritoneum; parietal peritoneam; perioneum dissolves (allowing direct contact)
When Liver and Diaphragm contact in base area, what happens?
peritoneum dissolves; vessels in liver and diaph form anastomoses across bare area (imp for metast of cancer)
A small fraction of the liver drains upward to ___ nodes and lungs VIA diaphragm
thoracic lymph nodes (significant for metast of cancers–could spread in either direction)
___ is secreted by the liver to help with digestion
Two bile ducts dividing the liver:
Left and Right Hepatic (bile) duct
Duct draining the left lobe, quadrate lobe, and caudate lobe
Left Hepatic (bile) duct
Duct draining the right lobe of the liver
Right Hepatic (bile) duct
Branches of the Hepatic Artery Proper:
Left and Right Hepatic Arterties
Supplies the left functional side of liver (left lobe, quad lobe, caud lobe)
Left Hepatic Artery
Supplies the right lobe and may partially supply the quadrate lobe (DUAL supply in most people)
Right Hepatic Artery
Supplies the Gallbladder
Cystic Artery (typically branches from right hep art but is variable in origin)
The Liver is supplied by branches of the ___ and gallbladder supplied by branches of the ___
Liver (Hepatic Artery Proper–left and right hep); Gallbladder (Final Branch of celiac artery–cystic artery)
Gallbladder store ___ produced by the liver