Differential Achievement- Ethnicity Flashcards
What are the external factors?
Cultural deprivation
-Family structure, and parental support
-Attitude and values
-Intellectual and linguistic skills
Material deprivation
Racism in wider society
What are the internal factors?
Racialised expectations
Pupils subcultures and responses
ethnocentric curriculum
Institutional racism
Marketisation policies and selection
Assessment game and new IQism
Ao1 material deprivation
Some sociologists have argued that ethnic differences stems from material differences when we look at statistics we find that Pakistani and Bangladesh are three times more likely to be homeless and that unemployment is three times higher for African Caribbean, Bangladeshi and Pakistanis than it is for white people
There are several reasons why some ethnic minorities may be at risk of material deprivation This includes the lack of language skills or foreign qualifications which are not recognised or racial discrimination
These inequalities parallel those seen in educational achievement
Ao3 material deprivation
The government have introduced policies to tackle this problem, for example, equal opportunity registration
Ao1 cultural deprivation, family structure
Moynihan believe that because many black families are headed by lone mothers the children are deprived of adequate care
This is a cycle as black children fail and become inadequate parents themselves
For example, boys are deprived of a male father role
Ao3 cultural deprivation, family structure
Pilkington argues that cultural explanation should be approached with caution
There is a danger of ethnocentrism in viewing other cultures as inferior, just because they’re different, but they distract from failings in the education system
Ao1 cultural deprivation, lack of parental support
Sewell argues that it’s not the absence of fathers as role models that leaves black boys underachieving it is the lack of fatherly nurturing or tough love
This results in Black Boys finding it hard to overcome the emotional and behavioural difficulties of adolescence. The reason they join Street gangs is so that they can be offered loyalty and love.
Cultural deprivation, lack of parental support
Gilborn argues that it’s not peer pressure but institutional racism that fails a large number black boys
Ao1 cultural deprivation, attitudes and values for black families
Cultural deprivation theorists argue that black children are not socialised into the mainstream culture. This causes them to underachieve. An example of this is that they gain fatalistic attitudes that does not value education.
Ao1 and Ao3
cultural deprivation, attitude and values for Asian families
Driver and Ballards research suggest that Asian families have high aspirations for their children as the place, a high value on education passing on an ‘ high Asian work ethic’
Lupton that adult authority in Asian families as similar to the way schools operate, she found respectful behaviour towards adults was expected from children
An example of this was that high value was placed on education and going to the top universities and getting top jobs was important
This is not explain why Pakistani pupils perform below average at GCSEs
Ao1 and Ao3 cultural deprivation, intellectual and linguistic skills, Asian students
There is a few that children who do not speak English at home, they may be held back in education and the psi study found that a lack of fluency in English was a significant problem for some group
However, there was also important gender differences, nearly all men spoke English fluently between a fifth of Pakistani and Bangladeshi women were not fluent
Official statistics show that this is not a major factor, for example in 2010 pupils with English as a first language were only 3.2 points ahead of those without English
Gilborn and Mirza point out that the very high attainment of Indian pupils suggests that having English as a second language is not a major barrier
Ao1 and Ao3 cultural deprivation, intellectual and linguistic skills, black students
Berieter and Engelmann considered language spoken by low income black families as inadequate for social success
School is conducted with a elaborated code, so they will not have the skills needed for educational success
An example of this is that they will speak in restricted code. This is ungrammatical and disjointed. They will be incapable of expressing their ideas.
It is not just the external factors which influences children’s achievement, but also internal school factors, which are failing to teach elaborate code
Racism in wider society
Racism helps to explain why ethnic minorities are more likely to live in poverty and have low pay jobs
Mason claims that discrimination is a persistence experience of minorities that live in Britain
Wood et al sent three closely matched applications to 1000 job vacancies he found and only 1 in 16 ethnic minority applications got interview against 1 in 9 white applications.
This helps to explain why ethnic minorities are more likely to face unemployment and low pay, and this has negative effects on their children’s educational prospects
Ao3 racism in wider society
Equal opportunity legislations change this and help to tackle the problem and equality act Insures that ethnic minorities are given a fair chance
Ao1 racialised expectations
Mac an Ghail found that teachers hold racialised expectations of students that may affect how they treat pupils leading to inequality of opportunity.
Gilborn and Youdell argue that racism continues to play important part in disadvantaging ethnic minorities in the education system.
For example they found that teachers expect black students to have discipline problems and that their behavior is see as threatening or challenging authority.