Differences between similar words Flashcards
- 心理 Xīnlǐ
2. 心里 Xīnlǐ
- psychological; psychology
2. to feel (in one’s heart or mind)
- 刺激 Cìjī
2. 兴奋 Xīngfèn
- to stimulate, to provoke; stimulation, excitement
2. excited; exciting
- 权利 Quánlì
2. 权力 Quánlì
- right, privilege
2. power
- 真诚 Zhēnchéng
2. 真实 Zhēnshí
- sincere, genuine, true
2. real, actual
- 信任 Xìnrèn
2. 相信 Xiāngxìn
- trust, have confidence in
2. believe in, be convinced of
- 尊重 Zūnzhòng
2. 尊敬 Zūnjìng
- respect, value, hold in high esteem
2. (to people who are one’s seniors or betters) respect, show respect for
- 庞大 Pángdà
2. 巨大 Jùdà
- massive (emphasizing numbers), immense, tremendous, enormous
- huge (emphasizing size or degree), gigantic
- 经历 Jīnglì
2. 经验 Jīngyàn
- primarily a verb; undergo, have the experience of
- primarily a noun; experience.
both can be used as a noun or verb, but this is how they are mainly used.
- 唯一 Wéiyī
2. 仅仅 Jǐnjǐn
- the sole, the only; an attributive, followed by an optional 的 and a noun phrase.
- only, merely, no more than; an adverb, followed by a verb.
- 反映 Fǎnyìng
2. 反应 Fǎnyìng
- reflect, mirror
2. react, respond; reaction, response
- 满足 Mǎnzú
2. 满意 Mǎnyì
- satisfy [some need], meet [a demand]
2. be satisfied [with the situation], be happy [about the situation]
- 品质 Pǐnzhí
2. 质量 Zhìliàng
- quality [of character], character, [moral] worth
2. quality [of goods]
- 平凡 Píngfán
2. 普通 Pǔtōng
- ordinary (in the sense of average), commonplace, mundane
2. in ordinary use, general, found everywhere, not special
- 永久 Yǒngjiǔ
2. 永远 Yǒngyuǎn
- usually an attribute, i.e. modifying a following noun; permanent, perpetual, everlasting
- always, forever (adv.)
- 信誉 Xìnyù
- 声誉 Shēngyù
- 信用 Xìnyòng
- reputation, name (in the sense of reputation), reliability
- reputation, fame. also common as an attribute: honorary
- trustworthiness, one’s word. often used as an attribute: credit (card, etc.)
- 缺乏 Quēfá
2. 缺少 Quēshǎo
- be short of, lack, for there to be a shortage of, insufficient. often used with abstract nouns such as 经验、信心; also used with collectives such as 人员 (people)、雨水(rainfall)
- overlaps with the first but this one tends to refer to more concrete objects such as 钱、人, and can be followed by number phrases
- 显著 Xiǎnzhù
2. 明显 Míngxiǎn
- notable, remarkable, outstanding, prominent
2. clear, obvious, evident
- 改善 Gǎishàn
2. 改进 Gǎijìn
- improve (something), make (something) even better
2. improvements; improve and make further progress on something
- 辛苦 Xīnkǔ
2. 辛劳 Xīnláo
- to work hard, to endure hardships or suffering; laborious, tough
- to toil; hard work, toil
- 清晰 Qīngxī
2. 清楚 Qīngchǔ
- distinct, clear (of sounds, views, etc.)
2. clear, easy to understand
- 严厉 Yánlì
- 严格 Yángé
- 严肃 Yánsù
- 严重 Yánzhòng
- stern, sever, harsh (punishment, personality type)
- strict, rigid (rules, systems, training, standards)
- solemn, earnest, serious (atmosphere, attitude)
- serious, grave, critical (illness, a deteriorating situation)
- 家庭 Jiātíng
- 家 Jiā
- 家人 Jiārén
- family, household (often opposed to ‘individuals’, ‘society’, or ‘the nation’
- home, family
- family members
- 依附 Yīfù
- 依赖 Yīlài
- 依靠 Yīkào
- depend on, attach oneself to, be swayed by
- be dependent on (somebody or something)
- rely on, depend on, fall back on, live off; support, backing, means
- 缘故 Yuángù
2. 原因 Yuányīn
- cause, reason (由于 X 的缘故, 因为 X 的缘故)
2. reason, cause
- 传统 Chuántǒng
2. 保守 Bǎoshǒu
- tradition, convention; traditional, conventional
2. conservative
- 合适 Héshì
2. 适合 Shìhé
- suit, suited for, fit, to be fit, geared to, suitable (more of an adj)
- be suitable, appropriate, proper, fitting (more of a verb)
- 形成 Xíngchéng
2. 变成 Biàn chéng
- form (a habit), develop, become, take shape (more gradual change)
- change into, turn into (all of a sudden)
- 特色 Tèsè
2. 特点 Tèdiǎn
- distinguishing feature, special quality, uniqueness (mostly describes places)
- characteristics, features, notable things (often followed by a list) (mostly describes people)
- 传播 Chuánbò
2. 宣传 Xuānchuán
- to spread, be disseminated to, relay to
2. give publicity to, publicize, to disseminate; propaganda
- 衰落 Shuāiluò
2. 衰弱 Shuāiruò
- decline (economies), wane (empires), go into decline or go downhill (companies or institutions), decay (cities), be at a low ebb
- be weak, feeble, poor in health; to diminish in strength
- 浅显 Qiǎnxiǎn
2. 肤浅 Fūqiǎn
- easy to understand, simple and clear (usually complimentary)
- superficial, shallow [derogatory]
- 彻底 Chèdǐ
2. 透彻 Tòuchè
- (penetrate to the bottom): through and through, thoroughly, completely, totally (more about doing something thoroughly)
- in-depth, penetrating, thorough (of work, analysis, understanding, resolution, etc.) (more about someone has done something thoroughly already)
- 孕育 Yùnyù
2. 怀孕 Huáiyùn
- give birth to (something metaphorical, rarely a real child), serve as the cradle of, give rise to, to produce
- to be pregnant (VO)
- 批评 Pīpíng
2. 批判 Pīpàn
- be critical of, to criticize; criticism; more of a critique of individuals (to critically judge a person)
- to criticize (erroneous thinking, etc.), to repudiate; critique; a systemic critique of something (of ideas or a way of thinking)
- 遭到 Zāo dào
- 受到 Shòudào
- 得到 Dédào
- to encounter (something bad), run into, to suffer
- to receive (warm welcom, favorable attention), to suffer (cruel punishment, culture shock), to get or be affected by (influence, criticism)
- to obtain, to get
- 举行 Jǔxíng
2. 举办 Jǔbàn
- to hold (an event)
2. to sponsor (an event), to host, to hold or put on
- 延续 Yánxù
2. 持续 Chíxù
- continue, go on, last (of an era, an event), survive, persist. Also an attr.: extended
- persist, linger, endure, last, continue, be continual (V); duration
- 特殊 Tèshū
2. 特别 Tèbié
- special, particular, peculiar, exceptional (more neutral)
2. be special, particular, specially, particularly (adv and sv) (more positive)
- 停滞 Tíngzhì
2. 停止 Tíngzhǐ
- (for something to) stagnate, bog down, stop
2. stop, cease, discontinue (some activity); (for some activity to) come to a stop, be discontinued
- 尝试 Chángshì
2. 品尝 Pǐncháng
- try, try to or attempt to (do something)
2. taste, savor
- 近似 Jìnsì
- 类似 Lèisì
- 相似 Xiāngsì
- (close-alike): quite like, similar to; approximate
- (category-similar): similar, be like, be analogous to, be comparable to
- (mutual-similar): be mutually alike, similar; to resemble
- 选举 Xuǎnjǔ
2. 竞选 Jìngxuǎn
- elect (by vote)
2. run for (office), campaign; a campaign
- 强烈 Qiángliè
2. 激烈 Jīliè
- intense (emotions), strong (light or physical stimuli), fervent, vehement; strongly (sv.)
- intense (competition, fighting, debate), bitter (quarrel), violent, passionately
- 基于 Jīyú
2. 根据 Gēnjù
- (base-on): in view of, for the sake of, because of, out of, given (prep) (more subjective)
- according to, be based on (prep.); basis, grounds, foundation (more objective)
- 威吓 Wēihè
2. 威胁 Wēixié
- carry out actions that threaten, intimidate (more about scaring someone)
- threaten (=likely to damage), menace, imperil (just about threatening)
- 和平 Hépíng
- 安宁 Ānníng
- 安定 Āndìng
- 稳定 Wěndìng
- peace (N)
- peaceful (free from worry), tranquil, calm
- quiet and in order (life, job), secure, settled
- stable; stabilize
- 均衡 Jūnhéng
2. 平衡 Pínghéng
- balance (several factors); be balanced, proportionate, harmonious (balance of many things)
- to maintain a balance or equilibrium; equilibrium, balance (balance of two things)
- 容许 Róngxǔ
2. 允许 Yǔnxǔ
- to tolerate, to brook, to permit (involves emotions)
2. to allow, to permit (involves less emotions)