CCB Grammar Flashcards
随着 X (的发展,变化,改变,进步。。。)
in conjunction with X (some kind of change)
- corresponds to English phrases such as: “along with”, “in conjunction with”, “in the wake of” and “keeping pace with”, bit is always in reference to some change or transition.
a classical chinese word that is still used in certain constructions and turns of phrases:
1. certain phrases where 之 replaces 的 and therefore makes it more concise and sound better:
无价之宝 = a priceless object
2. serves as a pronominal object similar to ‘it’:
用之不竭 = use it not exhaust = inexhaustible
for this reason
- a literary substitute for 所以 and appears like it in the reason clause, either before or after the subject.
Verb + 起来
can be used in various ways: 1. 'up (together)': 全国人民联合起来 = people of all nations unite! 2. 'start to, suddenly become' 流行起来 = get popular; suddenly become popular 3. 'when it comes to' 说起来容易 = it is easy to talk about it
或 X 或 Y
either X or Y
- a reduce form of 或者 and is built around pairs of stative verbs that are opposites:
或真或假 = either true or false
或大或小 = either big or small
hold/have (a certain kind of view, etc.)
- formal way of saying ‘have’ or ‘hold’, common in journalistic styles:
他们持保守看法 = they hold a conservative viewpoint
当 X 时
when X
- the literary alternative to 在 X 的时候, meaning ‘when something is taking place’
because …
- the 而 serves to resume the clause after the mention of a reason or cause. The subject of the clause NEEDS to be same as the of the 因为 clause, so 而 here is NOT a replacement of 所以:
学生因为社交活动太多而没有时间睡觉 = because they have so many social activities, students don’t have any time to sleep.
anyway, in any case or regardless
- can only appear at the head of a sentence or a clause.
尽管 X 然而 Y
although X, Y
- the literary equivalent of 虽然 X 可是/但是 Y, either of them can be omitted.
凡是 X 都 Y
every X, is Y
- 凡是 by itself means ‘whatever is’ or ‘anyone is’, but with 都 in the sentence you get this construction:
凡是合理的,都是存在的 = everything rational, is real
不外乎 X
be nothing but X, be just for X
所 X
that which is X
- 所有的 = that which exists = all
can be used with anything that comes after it, and not just in preset compounds like the one above.
至于 X
as for X
- used to introduce a new topic, often contrastive.
以至于 X
to such an extent as to X
- a more formal version of 结果, and is likewise used to to indicate that what follows is a consequence of what preceded.
对 X 说来
speaking of X; for X; to X
- X is usually a person in this construction
X 便 Y
X and then Y
- a written variant of the colloquial 就
X 把 Y 视为 Z
for X to view/regard Y as Z
- 视为 is a more literary version of 看成
- Z NEEDS to be a noun or a noun phrase
具(有) X
to possess X, to have X
- using 具, with or without 有, is a way denote a more formal way of denoting possession. 有 can be used for more concrete nouns and 具 can be more abstract:
有自行车= to have a bicycle
具潜力= to have/possess potential
X 之所以 Y
the reason that X Y
- 我之所以今天没去上课。。。 = the reason that I did not go to school today …
- it heavily relies on classical chinese; 所以 = reason and 之 = 的:
我之所以 = my reason
X 者
a person who X; X-er; X-ist
- 消费者 = to consumer -er = consumer
- 无政府主义者= with government -ist = anarchist
- X 与 Y 成正比
2. X 与 Y 成反比
- X and Y are directly proportional
2. X and Y are inversely proportional
once; if one day; now that
- often used in conditional sentences in the sense of: ‘[if] one day, where it come to pass’
- literary version of 和 or 跟 and is often used before the last member of a list: X, Y 及 Z
固然 X 但是 Y
granted X, but Y
- functions rhetorically to concede a point without conceding the argument.
- 固然 often comes after the subject, not before it.
既 X,也/又 Y
not only X, but also Y
- literary variant of 不但 X,而且 Y
以 X 的手法 Y
to adopt strategy/technique/ploy X in order to Y
- this used in a context where Y denotes something a bit devious, like crime for instance.
- 远自 X,近至 Y
2. 大自 X,小至 Y
- from the farthest X, to the nearest Y
- from the largest X, to the smallest Y
- this can be done with any opposing pairs of stative verbs
为了 X 而 Y
in order to X, do Y –> to do Y in order to X
- replace 而 with 就 in order to create a less formal version of this construction.
X 与 Y 产生共鸣
X strikes a [sympathetic] chord with Y; X resonates with Y
X 为 Y 打抱不平
X defends Y against an injustice
the sole, the only
- in English ‘only’ can function as an adj or adv, but in Chinese 只 is as an adv and 唯一 is and adj:
he is my only friend = 她是我唯一的朋友
he only wants to work = 他只想工作
仅仅 X 而已
nothing more than X, and that is all
- 仅仅 can be replaced with 仅,只有 or 只是
- can also be written without the 仅仅 or without the 而已
即使 X,也 Y
even (if/though) X, Y; Y even (if/though) X
- a slightly more formal version of 就是 X,也 Y
靠 X 起家
found a family fortune by X, start an enterprise by X
- 家 here specifically means ‘enterprise’ and this phrase inherently implies that the subject (person or enterprise) has been extremely successful.
用 X 换取 Y
Exchange (or barter) X for Y
把/对 Object 加以 Verb (two syllables)
conveys a relatively formal tone.
取缔 = ban –> 加以取缔 = institute a ban [on something]
解决问题 –> 把/对问题加以解决
来自 X
从 X 来
come from X
- first one is formal and the second one is colloquial
来自 X
从 X 来
come from X
- first one is formal and the second one is colloquial
由 X 而 Y
from X to Y
- the X and Y suggest a broad shift from one situation to another:
由盛而衰 = from prosperity to decline = show sharp decline
便于 X
so as to allow X, make it easier for X
- formal version of 对 X 很方便
(如果) X 的话,那 Y
If X, (then) Y
- conveys a relatively far-fetched or less preferred option
一 + MW + MW
lots and lost of, each and every one
截至 + specified time
at, by [time]
- a formal version of 到 [time] 为止 = up to [time]
为/给/对 X 带来 Y
creates Y for X
经济稳定给老百姓带来恐慌(kong3huang1) = an unstable economy creates fear in the [common] people.
由于 X, 以至于 Y
because of/due to X, [the result is] Y
X 以 Y
X in order to Y
- former counterpart to 来
对 X 产生了 Y 的影响
to have a Y influence on X
- Y can be 正面 = positive, 很坏 = bad, 极大 = major, etc.
- is a formal version of 有影响:
看电视过多对孩子有不好的影响 –> 看电视过多对儿童产生了不良的影响
X。。。Y 则
X … whereas Y
既 X 又 Y
not only X, but also Y; both X and Y; on the one had X and on the other hand Y
- more formal version of 又 X 又 Y
- X and Y have to be both positive or both negative
既 X 又 Y
not only X, but also Y; both X and Y; on the one had X and on the other hand Y
- more formal version of 又 X 又 Y
- X and Y have to be both positive or both negative
that is to say, i.e.
- connects to sentences, the second of which typically serves to paraphrase (or explain) the first
由 X 做主;由 X 撮合
decided by X, matched together by X
- 由 can be omitted
X 而 Y
X and Y | X or Y | Y as a result of X
X 一直等到 Y 才 Z
X has to wait till Y to do Z
(没)有 X 的余地
to have (no) leeway/room/margin for X
更加 X 的是 Y
what is (even) more X is Y - X here is an Adj; 更加奇怪的是 = what is even more stranger is...
X 出于 Y
for X to stem from Y, for X to come from/out of Y
X 出于 Y
for X to stem from Y, for X to come from/out of Y
得以 X
so as to make it possible to X
以 X 为基础
be based on X
随之而来的是 X
along with it comes X, it goes had in hand with X, at the same time comes X, right afterwards comes X
X 仅次于 Y
X is only second to Y, X is immediately followed by Y
哪儿有 X 的
Where can you find X?
- this is rhetorical and supposed to convey that X does not exist
一(X)再 X
do X again and again, X on and on
- X can be duplicated before 再; 一拖再拖 = drag on and on
以 X 的身份
in a X capacity, as an X
- ex. 以个人的身份 = as an individual; 以官方的身份 = in an official capacity.
有的 X,有的则 Y
some X, whereas/while others Y
只要 X 就算了
as long as X [they] don’t care; all that matters is X
最 X 的(Verb)莫过于 Y
There is nothing more X than Y
X 源自于 Y
X has its origin in Y; Y is the source of X
随 X 而变
Change according to X; depend on X
且不说 X 就是 Y 也 Z
Not to mention X, even Y, Z
具有 X 的功能
Serve as X; perform the function of X
Verb 不得
should not ((do) verb)
有待 X
Needs further X; pending further X
从 X 入手
start with/by X; begin with/by X; proceed with/by X
不分 X (与) Y
make no distinction between X and Y
X 而 Y
X and Y
connects verb phrases with each other
Verb 为
Verb as; be [verb’d] as
视为 = be viewed as
以 X 作为 Y
to regard X as Y; to take X to be Y
过 X
excessively, too - X is a single-syllable stative verb - it is a more formal version of 太 X 了 体重过重 = overweight 处罚过轻 = the punishment is too light
X 之所以 Y 的最大原因(就)在于 Z
The reason the/for X has Y lies mainly [in the fact that] Z
韩剧之所以受到中国老百姓欢迎的最大原因就在于它能真实地反映老百姓的感情 =
the reason that Korean drama was se well received by ordinary Chinese lay mainly in the fact that it reflected people’s feelings quite realistically.
- 以 X 为主
- 以 X 为中心
- 以 X 为标准
- to consider X the main focus, focus on X
- to give a central role to X
- to regard X as the standard
所谓 X 就是 Y
so-called X is Y, X refers to Y
- often used when a word or phrase has to be defined with Y being the definition.
以 X (来)命名
to name [something] after X
不光 X 甚至 Y(object) 也 Y(verb)
not only X, but also Y
这孩子真聪明,不光是会认2000个汉字,甚至《唐诗300首》也会背 =
the kid’s bright! Not only can he recognize 2000 characters, but he can recite 300 Tang poems as well.
X 与 Y 迥异
X and Y are totally different; X is totally different from Y
- a more formal version of X 和 Y 完全不一样/不同
X 被奉为 Y
X is revered as Y; X is looked up to as Y
响应 X 的号召 Y
respond to X’s appeal/call for Y
正处于 X 的时期/状态/情况
[located] in a time/state/condition of X
到了 X 的边缘
On the verge of X, reach the verge of X
- suggests undesirables outcomes
X 名义上 Y,实际上 Z
X was nominally/supposedly (done for) X, but in reality it was (done for) Y
通过 X 的途径 Y
Take the X route in order to Y | Do Y by way of X
扮演 X 的角色
Play X role | take a part [in] X
(正)赶上 X
[just] happen to run into/encounter X | [right] at the time when X
X 成了 Y 的代名词
X is synonymous with/is another name for Y
- 为 (2nd tone)
2. 为 (4th tone)
- for, to, on account of, for the sake of
2. be, become
how to alter the following sentences using 于:
- X 和 Y 很像
- 因为 X 的原因
- X 对 Y 有帮助
- X 在 Y
- X 近似于 Y OR X 类似于 Y = X is similar to Y
- 基于 X = because of X
- X 有助于 Y = X is helpful to Y
- X 位于 Y = X is located in Y
X 以 Y (而) 出名
X is famous for Y
当着 X 的面
To X’s face; in the presence of X
- 一一(一个一个)
2. 一张一张
- one by one; one after another
2. page by page; page after page
则 X
whereas X; while X
倒 V
On the contrary, contrary to the speaker’s prior expectation
- formal version of 反而
不需要 X,更不需要 Y
There is no need to do X, and there is even less need to do Y
不但不 X 反而 Y
不但没有 X 反而 Y
Not only X, but [on the contrary] Y
未免 X
rather too X; bound to [look like] X; inevitably X
你这样做太自私了 = that’d be too selfish of you.
你这样做未免太自私了 = you’re bound to look selfish if you do that.
- X 不同于 Y
- X 大于 Y
- X 小于 Y
- X is not the same as Y
- X is larger than Y
- X is smaller than Y
以 X 来 Y
Employ X in order to do Y