Dietrich Bonhoeffer Flashcards
What led to Bonhoeffer to study theology?
- In 1918 his brother Walter was killed in action
- Led him to study theology despite not being a Church going family
- At age 13 he had a vision of how the church should be transformed
What was Bonhoeffers thinking at university like?
- 1923 he studied at Tubingen Uni and moved to Berlin 1 year later
- 1930 he completed his PHD in ‘act and being’ where he wanted the Church to challenge for Justice
- Believed German society had misinterpreted Luthers teaching as disobeying state = disobeying God
- Bonhoeffer had a more radical interpretation of Luther
How did Bonhoeffers thinking develop when he went to America?
- Sep 1930 he went to NY where he worked with influential theologians
- He was impressed by teaching of Christian social responsibility but thought they lacked faith in goodness of human nature
- He was introduced to black churches, more vibrant and different to Lutherian
- He concluded that Churches needed to develop relations despite geographical and racial tensions (PRE-HITLER HE WANTED REFORM)
When did Bonhoeffer give a radio announcement against Hitler?
1st Feb 1933 ‘The Younger Generations altered view of the concept of the Fuhrer’
- He criticised the ‘leadership principle’ and its effects on the Church
- Before he asserted that Hitler was a ‘misleader’ and the only authority was God he was cut off by the state
In what two ways was Bonhoeffer an enemy of the state after his radio announcement?
1) Became a member of the Confessing Church which was a group of clergy which rejected the notion of only Aryans could be members of the Church
2) He joined the resistance (widerstand) as he stayed n NY during Gestapo investigations
What did Bonhoeffer do to prevent serving in Hitler’s evil army?
- June 1939 visited NY as a lecturer
Why did Bonhoeffer change his view on being a pacifist?
- He realised that pacifism was secular and would not prepare Christianity for the Kingdom of God
- This pacifism was a secular view and not a Christian one
Why did Bonhoeffer call secular pacifism a scandal?
- It does not realise that Justice and Peace are not aspects of the world
- Secular Pacifism could not take on evil that perpetuates lies and injustice
What was the ‘terrible alternative’? (Quote)
- Choice to join the resistance was not intrinsically good, it was a terrible alternative in a world where all choices have bad consequences
“I must live through this difficult period… with the Christian people of Germany” - Letter to Reinhold Niebuhr - 1940 joined counter intelligence section with Hans Dohnangi
What did Bonhoeffer seek to explain in his unfinished work ‘ethics’?
- How Christian Ethics are different to Human Ethics
- He was against ethics with ideologies as they are an extension of human ideas to justify their use of power on others
- Christian ethics understands that humans are finite and sinful and no human decision can be absolutely right or wrong
What was Bonhoeffer’s Christian Ethics influenced by? (Quote Luther)
- Existential theologian Søren Kierkegaard says we cannot do anything but act out of despair with faith and hope
“Here I stand; I can do no other” - Luther - Killing Hitler was the only option for the Church despite it being wrong
What did Bonhoeffer believe about the duty to the state?
- Agreed that it was duty to follow a government that imposes law on a sinful human
- In practice however the state is too powerful and defines justice and allow policies for own self-gain
- The state fails to be obedient to Gods will and the stare cannot represent Gods will and therefore the church must keep them in check
What are the two kingdoms ordained by God that a person must follow?
- Spiritual kingdom of Christ governed by the Church
- Political kingdom of the world governed by the state
Quote Mark and Romans on obeying the state?
“Give to the emperor the things that are the emperors, and to God the things that are Gods” - Mark 12:17
“those authorities that exist have been instituted by God” - Romans 13:1
Bonhoeffer is concerned with obeying Gods will, what are his ideas on this?
- The will of God is only clear ‘in the moment of action’ as you act out of faith and submit to Gods will
“only clear in the moment of action” - No Rusty Swords
Why is Bonhoeffer critical of the autonomic school of thought?
- He disagrees with the use of the love principle
- If love is self-evident morality would be reduced to purely human and reduce God to a human idea
- He believes Jesus’ teaching on inner law is only achieved through prayer, conscience and reflecting on Christ in a Christian Community
What were Bonhoeffer’s ideas on leadership?
- Both an idea in a community and specific to a person
- Leadership itself goes beyond the leader, a higher responsibility to God, Society etc
- Germany invented a new category of leader divorced from society, the group has decided to give up freedom in obedience to a tyrant
- Believes it is impossible to give a rational basis for the “nature of a leader”
How did Bonhoeffer justify civil disobedience from the Church?
- He believes Christians have a duty to the state, not to create one but to act in accordance to Gods will
- Germany had ‘reasonable people face unreasonable situations’ and the Church failed to act, this was wrong.
What were Bonhoeffer’s thoughts on Tyrannicide?
- May be a Christian duty as it re-establishes social order in a state of “suffering disobedience”
- Killing Hitler is in no way ethical but we can only hope for forgiveness before God as we submit to another ‘terrible alternative’
- In prison he wrote a ‘man who becomes a sinner in the process’ through the bold actions
What did Bonhoeffer agree with Kant on?
- Acting out of duty is best as you act with solidarity with human kind
- The Church should interact with the religionless world and act as a moral, spiritual community with the support to live morally
What was religionless Christianity for Bonhoeffer?
- Western culture was a world come of age whereby ‘childish views’ of prayer and Christianity had now been replaced, leaving a ‘Western Void’
- This void was a moral and spiritual vacuum in which new radical ideologies filled it, to avoid this Bonhoeffer believed in religionless Christianity
- No Rusty Swords is a phrase for the outworn ethical attitudes of Christianity, this should be left behind and the Church should embrace the contemporary world
What was the Confessing Church?
- After 1934 Hitler issued the ‘Aryan Paragraph’ and led to Bonhoeffer and Niemoller to find a group of clergy who disagreed
- Karl Barth issued the Barmen declaration where a states primary duty is to Christ and teaching in his accordance, not racial theory
- The Confessing Church was to not become a national church as it should not have national, political and racial boundaries
Why did Bonhoeffer become disillusioned with the Confessing Church?
- They were becoming too defensive and less engaged with the world
- Christ was involved with man and therefore the Church should be too
- They failed to topple Hitler and therefore was not a church come of age
What was the Religious Community at Finkenwalde?
- 1935 USA Bonhoeffer set up a community for training ministers and pastors of the Confessing Church
- This was closed in September 1937 following the Himmler Decree
- Purpose was to develop practical Christian living as a community of disciples whilst practicing Christian virtue
What were some key aspects of the Religious Community at Finkenwalde?
- Discipline: exercise came with this in form of bike rides
- Meditation: Develop discipline
- Bible: Discussion, debate and lectures
- Brotherhood: Together with love of Christ
- Community: For everyone not just righteous cause no ones perfect
What did Bonhoeffer preach as a result of the Religious Community?
- To obey the will of God and to ignore issues of right and wrong
- We should ask who is Christ for us today?
- Christology, ethics and discipleship are inseparable
What is Bonhoeffers view on Ethics as Action?
- If Christianity was to mean anything it cannot be mere abstract thought
- Jesus was an example of God having revelatory actions to spread the word of Christianity
- If we do not act we would be passive recipients and no better than the Pharisees
What does the story of Mary and Martha in the bible tell us about Ethics as Action?
- In Luke’s gospel Martha acts but does not listen to Jesus and is not a doer of the law
- Jesus wants us to be doers of the law
What are the primary points of treating Ethics as Action?
- Action is liberating
- Action is a conscience process, e.g when Bonhoeffer chose the ‘terrible alternative when in America’
- Conflict and Action, conflict is knowing good and evil whilst action is distinguishing between the two
- Agape overcomes divinity