Death and the Afterlife Key Words Flashcards
Someone who is killed because of their religious faith
What is Parousia?
- Greek means ‘arrival’
- Referred to the second coming or arrival of of Christ after his resurrection when he will usher the kingdom of God
What is an Eschatology?
- Means ‘discussion of last things’
- Some forms consider processes to have already started and will be completed at the end of time
What is the Pharisees?
- Emerging at the time of Jesus
- Distinctive and Influential group of of religious teachers
What is Millenarianism?
- Based on Revelation 20:2-5
- Idea that Christ will return and rule on Earth for a thousand years follow by the last judgement
What is Purgatory?
The state after death where those who have died in a state of grace may continue to seek forgiveness for their sins and receive due punishment until final judgement
Kingdom of God
Described Gods rule or reign whether in this world, next world or heaven
Gospel of Matthew
- Written around 75 AD
- The author has revised Marks gospel and arranged teaching material in five blocks
Hades and Gehenna
- Hades is a place where departed spirits await judgement
- Gehenna originally referred to as the Valley of Hinnom as ti was with death and pollution
- In later Jewish thought it became a symbol of punishment for the wicked
What is Sheol?
OT equivalent to Hades, underworld of departed spirits
What are Sadducees?
A political party at the time of Jeuss representing the interests of high-ranking aristocratic priests
Maran atha
Aramic term translated as ‘O Lord, come!’
What is a parable?
A short story or simple saying which illustrated a moral, spiritual or religious idea
Means ‘light bearer’ who was a fallen angel
What is a Mortal Sin?
Sin which is morally gravely deficient, deliberately willed and in defiance of God’s law
What is the Beatific Vision?
The final and perfect human state of everlasting happiness and knowledge of God
What is Predestination?
The Christian teaching that God choses and guides some people to eternal salvation
The belief that hell is not eternal and the eschatological goal of the cosmos is perfection and restoration of the world to its pre-Fall state