Death and the Afterlife Pt 2 Flashcards
How is hell shown as a spiritual state?
- Origen regarded as a spiritual state
- Not inflicted by God through Satan but an ‘interior anguish’ of being separated from God
- Thought hell was temporary and would pass when the world is redeemed
How is hell shown through conscience?
- Gregory and Nysa argued that the judgement and torture of hell is a guilty conscience in front of Christ
What is the traditional view of hell?
- A punishment that is eternal
- Necessary belief in Christ and repentance
- Hell illustrated God’s love and justice, he punishes the wicked
What was Dantes vision of hell? (Quote)
- Powerful and imaginative account in ‘Divine Comedy’
- Physical, mental and spiritual
- Created at the moment of Jesus’ death, Matthews Gospel says an earthquake cause the dead to awaken from their tombs
“Through me the way into the woeful city” - heavy imagery
What is hell characterised by for Dante, explain some of his imagery.
- Hell is characterised by Aristotelian and Christian vices which occupy one of 9 circles of hell
- Each sin has an appropriate punishment
- Ninth circle is where the most heinous vices live through sin/ treachery and misuse of reason
- Lucifer has his throne here, in Luke his wings flap so cold that the condemned cannot weep
What two cases does Dante refer to in his account of hell?
- Judas Iscroit who betrayed Christ
- Brutus and Cassius who murdered Caesar
- They deliberately destabilised God given moral/spiritual order + political order
- He forces us to think about the type of people we become through actions, no escape and no redemption as we have alienated ourselves from God
Should we abandon hell-type language as our cosmology proves it wrong?
- Existentialist Theologians argue there is a place of interpretation as psychological and spiritual description of human alienation
- Paul Tillich would argue through Origen that if God is all loving then it is contradictory and immoral to exclude some creatures
- Hell maintains psychological power
What is hell as a state of being?
- Alienated from the divine, no purpose in life
- No joy in music, art and nature
What does Jean-Paul Sartre’s play ‘no exit’ show about hell as a state of being and alienation?
- 3 people who have died are in a waiting room preparing for the conventional ‘fiery’ hell
- They discover that hell is living with lies, deceit, false relationship and cowardliness
- They torment each other about their failures and realise they have become the psychological torturers they were expecting
- The alienated/imprisoned human state, ends with the realisation there is ‘no exit’
What does the Catholic Church teach about hell?
- Hell is eternal separation who commit mortal sins
- Includes hating on ones neighbour and not meeting needs of the poor and weak
- Committing mortal sin without repentance and not accepting Gods merciful love and separating from him
What is Purgatory as a Foretaste of Heaven and Hell?
- Ambrose considered it a place for souls to await judgement and have a taste of what’s in store
What is Purgatory as Probationary School?
- Origen argued it was a place where the soul is given opportunity over ‘many worlds’ of experience to perfect itself
What is Purgatory as Redemption of the whole of creation?
- Gregory of Nyssa, similar to Origen, emphasised purifying purpose so all people could be cleansed and God completes purpose of redeeming and restoring his creation
What was Dante’s vision of Purgatory?
- For the souls of those who believed in Christ before death
- Have the opportunity to purge themselves of all wrong decisions/actions
- Unable to sin therefore the process is positive unlike hell
How is Dante’s vision of Purgatory an allegory of how life should be lived?
- A poetic description of the soul ascending ‘terraces of mountains’ who’s goal is the beatific vision
- Each terrace is one of 7 deadly sins and overseen by angels
- The earth like the mountain has temptations that the soul must conquer to achieve salvation (how life should be lived)
What is Catholic teaching on Purgatory? (Quote)
“after they undergo purification” - Catechism
- idea of ‘cleansing by fire’ some sins forgiven in current age some in age to come
- Purgatory as post mortem interim state is another stage of souls journey to purification
- Judas Maccebeus prayed for souls of the dead for freedom of sin
What is John Hicks take on the Intermediate State?
- Argues need for intermediate state makes logical sense, inspired by Origen and Gregory of Nyssa
- Rejects RCC teaching that God judges who enters heaven and makes final judgement
- More logical sense to think of afterlife as continuation of ‘person-making’ started on earth
- Intermediate states on the journey to be united with God
What is Heaven?
- Ultimate state of ‘face to face’ with God
- State of pure knowledge when sin has been purged and the soul experiences fullness of joy
- Heaven not the restoration of God-human relationship but the whole of creation
What was Dante’s vision of heaven?
- Heaven is beyond description only rational souls enter and Empyrean is the end of the journey where knowledge and illumination descends
- 10 heavens with different level of intellectual truth, everyone finds their own level
- Dante and Beatrice rise up through illumination souls, Beatrice takes her place, St Bernard guides
- Pray to Virgin Mary and ascend to the vision of God
Does Dante’s vision align with modern cosmology?
- Depends on cosmology that thought the world was the centre of the universe
- Modern cosmology leads us to think of heaven as not occupying space and time
- Provides a psychologically evocative account of God human relationship
What is the Catholic Teaching on the Beatific Vision?
- A state of definitive happiness where God reveals himself in a glorious way
- Communion of life and love with Trinity
- Heaven is for immortal souls who are obedient and live in everlasting bliss
- Reign with Christ forever in this world and world to come
What is Election?
- Ekloge in Greek in the NT and means ‘choice’
- Refers to those chosen for eternal life
What is Limited + Unlimited Election?
- Some think election and predestination are distinct, some think they are interchangeable terms
- Gods gracious nature and relationship w his creation
What is Limited Election?
- Salvation and reward of afterlife is only for those who God elects after judgement through righteousness
- ‘Limited atonement’ Christ only did this of the elect
What is Unlimited Election?
- God of love calls for all people to salvation and achieve perfection, promise for heaven is possible for all
- ‘unlimited atonement’
- Alister Mcgrath calls it most puzzling part of theology
What is St Augustines interpretation of St Pauls letter to Timothy? (Quote)
“who desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of truth”
- Those who are called for salvation he knows from the beginning, the elect
- Those who are incapable of receiving grace are pre-destined to perdition
- The will was weakened by the fall, salvation only possible through Gods mercy and Christs redemption for sin was insufficient
- Limited and Double
What is Single Predestination?
God elects only those whom he orders to heaven and eternal life
What is Double Predestination?
God elects only those whom he ordains to enter heaven and eternal life and also decrees that the reprobate or sinners are destined for hell and damnation
What is the Antelapsarian Decree?
God decreed who were the elect and reprobate at the moment of creation before the Fall
What is the Postlapsarian Decree?
God decreed who where the elect and reprobate after the Fall