Dialogue 04: Emergency Situation Flashcards
Speaking & Vocabulary
Frank: Hi David! What have you been doing this week?
Frank: Hai David! Apa yang sudah Anda kerjakan minggu ini?
David (part 1): I have been working on one emergency after another. Monday there were burned out light bulbs on the third floor. Tuesday the generator broke.
David: Saya sudah mengerjakan beberapa keadaan darurat. Senin ada bola lampu mati di lantai tiga. Selasa generator rusak.
David (part 2): Wednesday was a normal work day, but late in the evening, I received a message there was a leak on the fifth floor. I had to rush to the embassy to turn off the water and contact the contractor immediately.
Rabu adalah hari kerja yang normal, tapi menjelang sore, saya menerima pesan ada kebocoran di lantai lima. Saya harus segera ke kedutaan untuk mematikan air dan segera menghubungi kontraktor.
David (Part 1 & 2 - No recording): I have been working on one emergency after another. Monday there were burned out light bulbs on the third floor. Tuesday the generator broke. Wednesday was a normal work day, but late in the evening, I received a message there was a leak on the fifth floor. I had to rush to the embassy to turn off the water and contact the contractor immediately.
David: Saya sudah mengerjakan beberapa keadaan darurat. Senin ada bola lampu mati di lantai tiga. Selasa generator rusak. Rabu adalah hari kerja yang normal, tapi menjelang sore, saya menerima pesan ada kebocoran di lantai lima. Saya harus segera ke kedutaan untuk mematikan air dan segera menghubungi kontraktor.
Frank: The same night?
Frank: Malam yang sama?
David: Yes, that’s right, and we learned that the contractor doesn’t work after six and the company is having problems, so we had to find a new contractor. All day Thursday I was busy trying to find a new contractor and make the appropriate arrangements with the management section.
David: Ya, itu benar, dan kami mengetahui bahwa kontraktor tidak bekerja setelah pukul enam dan perusahaan tersebut mengalami masalah, jadi kami harus mencari kontraktor baru. Sepanjang hari Kamis saya sibuk mencari kontraktor baru dan membuat pengaturan yang sesuai dengan bagian manajemen.
Frank: And yesterday, everything went well?
Frank: Dan kemarin, semuanya berjalan lancar?
David: Thank goodness! Yesterday I was lucky - we found a new contractor who works around the clock, and has reasonable prices. We were able to make arrangements with GSO.
David: Syukurlah kemarin saya beruntung - kami mendapatkan kontraktor baru yang bekerja sepanjang waktu, dan harganya wajar. Kami bisa mengatur dengan GSO.
Frank: Well, now you can go fishing. Do you want to go tomorrow?
Frank: Nah, sekarang Anda bisa pergi memancing. Apakah Anda mau pergi besok?
David: That sounds fantastic. How about tomorrow morning at 6:00?
David: Kedengarannya menarik sekali. Bagaimana besok pagi jam 6:00?
Frank: Great, see you at 6:00.
Frank: Bagus, sampai besok jam 6:00.