Dialogue 01: Boiler Room Flashcards
Speaking & Vocabulary
Jerry: Michael, let me show you the section of the boiler room and floor where the work needs to be done. It is very important that the boiler replacement work is completed on time and safely.
Jerry: Michael, saya tunjukkan bagian dari boiler room dan lantai tempat pekerjaan perlu dilakukan. Hal ini sangat penting supaya pengerjaan penggantian boiler selesai tepat waktu dan aman.
Michael: As you know, our company has a lot of experience working with boilers and we have been working with installing the boilers that meet the new energy-saving standards.
Michael: Seperti yang Anda tahu, perusahaan kami punya banyak pengalaman dengan boiler dan kami sudah megerjakan pemasangan boiler yang memenuhi standar hemat energi baru.
Jerry: Very good! Energy saving and reasonable energy consumption is very important.
Jerry:Bagus sekali! Penghematan energi dan konsumsi energi yang masuk akal sangat penting.
Michael: In addition to the replacement of boilers, our company is engaged in the installation of double and triple-glazed windows and solar panels. These will help you save energy, too.
Michael: Selain penggantian boiler, perusahaan kami bergerak dalam bidang instalasi jendela kaca ganda dan tiga lapis dan panel surya. Ini akan membantu Anda menghemat energi juga.
Jerry: Thank you. You can share the information with my colleague, Dustin, who will provide more detailed instructions on how to work in an embassy. Dustin will be your point of contact during the repairs.
Jerry: Terima kasih Anda bisa berbagi informasi dengan kolega saya, Dustin, yang akan memberikan petunjuk lebih rinci tentang bagaimana bekerja di kedutaan. Dustin akan menjadi kontak Anda selama perbaikan.