Diagnostic analgesia Flashcards
What is the onset of action + duration of different local anaesthetics?
- Mepivicaine = 1-2min onset + 45-60min duration
- Bupivicaine = 4-5min onset + 1-2hr duration
What are contraindications for using diagnostic anaesthesia?
- Suspect fracture
- Cellulitis - risk of iatrogenic sepsis
- Uncooperative horse
What are complications of diagnostic anaesthesia?
- Broken needles - small / bent needles, horse moving suddenly
- Severe lameness after block =
-Flare (30-60mins)
-Synovial sepsis (12-24hrs)
What are reasons for poor response to local anaesthesia?
- Severe pain - e.g. P3 fractures + subsolar abscessation
- Poor technique / inadequate volume = re-block
- Sub-chondral bone pain - bone pain modelling not desensitised by intra-articular anaesthesia
- Pain originating more proximal = neck pain
- Neurological / mechanical = lameness/gait abnormality may not improve = perform neuro exam
What are diagnostic analgesia options for the forelimb?
Perineural =
* Palmar digital nerve block
* Abaxial sesamoid nerve block
* Low 4-point nerve block
Synovial =
* Distal interphalangeal joint
* Navicular bursa
What are diagnostic analgesia options for the hindlimb?
- Perineural
-Abaxial sesamoid nerve block
-Low 6-point nerve block
How is Palmar digital analgesia carried out?
- Proximal to collateral cartilage, abaxial to edge of DDFT
- Technique = limb non-weightbearing, palpate neurovascular bundle w thumb, place needle angled distal + over bundle
- wait 5-10mins the test be checking skin sensation to heel bulbs
- 25G needle
What structures are desensitised by PDNB?
- Navicular bone + bursa, collateral suspensory ligaments, distal sesamoidean impar ligament
- Distal DDFT + tendon sheath, insertion of SDFT
- Digital cushion, palmar third of lamellar corium + corium sole
- Palmar process of pedal bone, collateral cartilages, palmar aspect of DIP
How is abaxial sesamoid nerve block carried out?
- Immediately palmar to neurovascular bundle at the abaxial surface of the base of the PSB
- 25G needle
What structures are desensitised by ASNB?
- Same as PDNB + rest of digit
- Rest of P3 + P2
- Distal seasmoidean ligaments
- Corium + coronary band
- Dorsal branch of suspensory ligaments
Where do you go with DIP block
- Dorsal approach - palpate depression proximal of coronary + insert needle vertically through skin + extensor tendon
- Weight bearing
- Needle = 20G + 1.5”
What does the DIPJ block desensitise?
- DIP joint
- Navicular bone + bursa
- Toe region of sole - not heel
How is navicular bursa block carried out?
- WEight bearing or flexed
- Through DDFT, May need radiograph control
- 18G spinal needle
How is the low 4 block carried out?
- Forelimb, 2-3ml per site 23G needle
-Lateral + medial palmar metacarpal nerves (just below buttons of splints)
-Lateral + medial palmar nerves (dorsal to DDFT laterally + between DDFT + SDT medially)
How is the low 6 point block carried out?
- Hindlimb - 2-3ml per site 23G needle
-Lateral + medial plantar nerves
-Lateral + medial plantar metatarsal nerves
-Lateral + medial dorsal metatarsal nerves - fan dorsally