Carpus + Upper Forelimb Flashcards
What are the carpal bones?
- Proximal row =
-Accessory carpal bone
-Radial carpal
-Intermediate carpal
-Ulnar carpal - Distal row =
-Carpal bone 2,3 + 4
What are the ligaments and tendons of the carpus?
- Medial + lateral collateral ligaments
- Extensor carpi radialis
- Common digital extensor
- Lateral digital extensor
How would you investigate problems of the carpus?
- Clinical exam - reduced ROM, crepitus, joint effusion
- Diagnostic anaesthesia - carpal joint, median N, ulnar N
- Radiography
- Ultrasonography
What is carpal osteoarthritis? Causes? CS? Dx? Tx?
- Degenerative joint disease affecting carpal joints
- Causes = 2ary to trauma, sepsis, # or STS
-poor conformation predisposes + Arabs predisposed - CS = lameness, joint effusion, fibrosis, reduced ROM, crepitus
- Dx = CS, intra-articular anaesthesia + Radiography (osteophytes)
- Tx = intra-articular medication / NSAIDs
-arthrodesis in severe cases
What is osteochondral fragmentation? Dx? Tx?
- Fragmentation of osteophyte (OA), or from dorsal articular margin with training (racing breeds)
- Dx = diagnostic anaesthesia / radiography
- Tx = arthroscopic removal of fragment
How are carpal bone fractures diagnosed / treated?
- Dx = acute lameness + joint effusion + Radiography
- Tx = conservative = incomplete f#
-Surgical = usually internal fixation via arthroscopy
How can you treat accessory carpal bone fracture?
- Conservative = most heal by fibrosis
- Surgical = remove fragments - hard to repair
What does carpal canal syndrome include? (Carpal sheath constriction)
– Idiopathic tenosynovitis
– Septic tenosynovitis
– Tendinitis of the SDFT/DDFT (or muscle tears)
– AL-SDFT (SCL) desmitis
– Radial physeal exostosis
– Osteochondroma of the distal radius
– Accessory carpal bone (ACB) fracture
What are CS of carpal canal syndrome? Dx?
- CS = carpal sheath effusion, lameness/pain, puncture wound w sepsis
- Dx = diagnostic anaesthesia
-Radiography / US
How owuld you treat carpal canal syndrome?
- Treat underlying cause
-tenoscopic lavage
-removal of exostosis/osteochondroma
-debridement of damaged tendon / ligament
-Local anti-inflammatories
What causes carpal subluxation? Dx? Tx?
- Cause = Trauma - high speed fall
- Dx = radiograph
- Tx = full limb bandage + splint
-Euthanasia in many cases
-arthrodesis possible
What are causes of radial fractures? Tx?
- Causes = trauma -kick
- Tx = if open / complete fracture = euthanise
-conservative Tx = closed/incomplete = full limb bandage + lateral splint (to mid shoulder to prevent abduction)
-Surgical = foals = internal fixation
What causes ulnar fractures? CS? Dx?
- Causes = trauma / kick
- CS = dropped elbow stance
- Dx = radiography
Other than ulnar fractures what are DDx for dropped elbow stance?
- Radial nerve paralysis
- Triceps myopathy
How would you manage ulna fractures?
- First aid = splint carpus (loss of stay apparatus)
- Surgical = tension-band principal
-plate fixation in adults
What causes elbow OA? Dx? Tx?
- Unusual - 2ary to trauma, sepsis, Osseous Cyst Like Lesions
- Dx = radiography - difficult
- Tx = intra-articular meds - guarded prognosis
What causes fractures of the humerus + scapula? Tx?
- Causes = acute trauma + stress fractures in racehorses
- Tx = if complete humeral # = euthanasia
-Conservative = deltoid tuberosity / scapula spine
-Surgical = V difficult
What should be done with osteochondrosis of the elbow / shoulder?
- Poor prognosis as often 2ary to joint disease = euthanise
What breeds are shoulder dysplasia + subluxation seen in? Dx? TX?
- Shetland / miniature breeds
- Dx = radiographic assessment + CS
- Tx = most cases euthanised
-possibility of shoulder arthrodesis
What should be done with shoulder OA?
- Palliative care - guarded prognosis