Diabetes Nursing Care and Management Flashcards
Hypergylcemia caused by defect in insulin secretion or insulin action or both
beta cells produce
Glycemic control reduces
Coronary vascular disease
90% of cases are type _____
Type 2
Transports & Metabolizes glucose for energy in the cells
Stimulates storage of glucose in the liver as glycogen
Signals the liver to stop producing glucose
Assists with the storage of fat into adipose cells
Accelerates the transport of amino acids into the cells
Prevents the breakdown of stored glucose, fat, and protein
Sugar breaks down ______ first then _____ then ______
Sugar breaks down glucose first then fat then protein
Is a protein sparing hormone
Primarily a disease of insulin deficiency
Type 1 Diabetes
Insulin producing beta cells (pancreas) are destroyed by genetic, immunologic, and environmental factors.
Type 1 Diabetes
Results in decreased to absent insulin production, unchecked glucose production by the liver, and hyperglycemia.
Type 1 Diabetes
Affects 5% of adults with diabetes
Type 1 Diabetes
Primarily a disease of INSULIN RESTIANCE and/or Impaired insulin secretion
Type 2 Diabetes
Slow, progressive glucose intolerance may go undetected for years.
Type 2 Diabetes
Autoimmune disease attacks pancreatic cells at a later age
Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of Adults (LADA)
Condition where blood sugars begin to increase, putting person at future diabetes
Pre-Diabetes / Impaired Glucose Tolerance
Believed to be an autoimmune reaction to insulin
Type 1 diabetes
Some viruses can trigger an autoimmune response leading to
Type 1 diabetes
Body still produces insulin but is resistant or impaired secretion
Type 2 diabetes
gestational diabetes testing is done at
24-28 weeks
diabetes can be postponed with
diet and exercise
What factors increase blood sugar in the body?
Sedentary lifestyle, excessive sugar in diet, stress (cortisol released), or medications
What decreases blood sugar in the body?
Insulin, exercise, diet, and medications
Growth hormone
Birth control pills
Oral diabetic meds
Beta blockers
Decreases blood glucose
during meals, insulin ____
goes up
Hormone secreted by Beta cells of Islets of Langerhans (Pancreas)
After 8-12 hrs without food, the liver begins to form glucose from the
breakdown of proteins and fats (gluconeogenesis)
Pancreas also has alpha cells secreting glucogon to break up ______ stores in liver
normal fasting range
hypoglycemia range
hyperglycemia range
> 120
Number where excess glucose spills from blood into urine
Occurs because water follows glucose and polyuria and polydipsia occur.
Osmotic diuresis
Hormone made in the intestine that assists in releasing insulin
Three “Ps”
Excessive hunger or increased appetite
In type 1 diabetes, because of no insulin the body uses ____ and ____ to survive
body fat and protein
RBC lifespan
120 days
Normal A1C
Glycosylated Hemoglobin Test
Normal, non-diabetic A1C
between 5.0 – 5.7
Controlled diabetic A1C is .
6.4 or less
Diagnosing diabetes
An A1C of ≥6.5 on 2 separate days
A low to negative C-peptide blood test indicates
Type 1 or insulin deficiency
C peptide is formed when
insulin is produced
If C-peptide is zero, patient has
Type 1 diabetes
If C-peptide is present, patient has
Type 2 diabetes
One of the strongest factors of Type 2
Obesity: BMI>25
Considered to be a risk for diabetes & included under Type 2
HDL < 40-50
3 examples of BASIC SKILL information a new diabetic would need
Monitor blood sugar
Onset usually abrupt with flu-like for several days until Ketoacidosis / coma
Type 1
Fasting blood glucose above normal (>300)
Type 1
S/S can be gradual and subtle
Type 2
What findings are similar in BOTH Type 1 and Type 2?
Hunger, tired, high Hbg, vision problems, slow to heal
Bedtime blood glucose should be between
100 – 140 mg/dL
Type 1: Dependent on insulin for life…
Insulin is calculated to “cover” (or account for) the total amount of
carbohydrates in a meal needed to be taken up
Healthy diet:
Carbohydrates should be
50-60%; emphasis on whole grains
Healthy diet:
Fats should be
limit saturated fats to 10% and <300 mg cholesterol
Healthy diet:
Proteins should be
Non-animal sources of protein (lower fat: legumes, whole grains), and increase fiber. Protein 15-20%
Combining starchy foods with protein and fat slows
absorption and glycemic response
Raw or whole foods tend to have ______ than cooked, chopped, or puree foods
lower responses
The diet focuses on carbohydrates, with the goal of eating foods that produce a steady rise in blood sugar instead of the spike in blood sugar created by eating foods that are quickly digested
Glycemic index Diet
High GI foods score
70 or higher
Medium GI food score
Low GI food score
55 and under
How can alcohol affect blood sugar?
Alcohol can increase or decrease sugar
Humalog; Novolog Peak
an insulin that’s twice the concentration of Humalog U-100.
Humalog U-200
Insulin with 5 times as much insulin in the same volume
Humulin R U-500
Humulin/Novolin R peak
2-4 hrs
Short acting insulin
Humulin/Novolin R
Fast acting insulin
Humalog, novalog
Intermediate-acting insulin
Humulin or Novolin N
Humulin or Novolin N peak
over 8 hrs
Insulin where food does not need to be taken immediately
Humulin or Novolin N
Insulin where food needs to be taken within 30 minutes
Humulin, Novolin R
Insulin that is planned with meals
Humalog, Novolog
Long acting insulin
Glargine (LANTUS):
Glargine (LANTUS) peak
no peak
Only type of insulin that can be given through IV
“Regular” - Humulin/Novolin R
Insulin injections must be 1 inch away from
Previous injection site
Do not use same injection site more than once within
2 weeks
What happens when you DO NOT ROTATE sites?
Scar tissue builds
Avoid injecting insulin in body area that
is about to be exercised
Insulin storage temp
below 86F
Insulin pens do not need
Safety requirements= 2 nurses should
check before insulin is given
Closest thing to a functioning pancreas
insulin pump
Insulin pump site must be changed every
insulin pump can use _____ type of insulin
reg or rapid
insulin sensor tells pump _____
how much insulin to deliver
inhaled insulin needs
insulin injections to supplement
Type 2 oral hypoglycemic med that must be skipped if meal is skipped
Oral hypoglycemic taken before a meal
Drug that must be held for 48hrs before and after IV contrast dye (CAT Scan) because it can cause kidney damage
Glucophage (metformin)
Type 2 Meds: Oral Hypoglycemics that is contraindicated for CHF and heart disease Black Box Warning
Tthiazolidinediones (TZD)
Type 2 Meds: Oral Hypoglycemics
“Starch Blockers”
Alpha glucosidase inhibitors
GLP-1 inhibits glucagon by
alpha cells and increases insulin, also inhibits appetite
Drugs that mimic GLP-1
Drugs that mimic this are:
(Exenatide) Byetta & (Liraglutide)Victosa
(dulaglutide) Trulicity
GLP-1 medication is contraindicated for
breastfeeding women
Medication that blocks the enzyme that breaks down the GLP1
DPP4 meds
Sitagliptin (Januvia)
Saxagliptin ( Onglyza)
Pramlintide ( Symlin) = synthetic
Peptide hormone secreted with insulin by beta cells
Blocks glucose reabsorption from kidney= more glucose loss from kidney into urine
SGLT-2 Inhibitors
SGLT-2 Inhibitors drug
Invokana ( canaglifloxozin)
Which is more dangerous, too high or too low glucose?
Too low
basal insulin is given pre-op even in ______ pts preop/postop
LDL should be:
HDL should be: >40 (w) >50 (m)
> 40 (w) >50 (m)
Triglycerides should be:
Type 1 diabetic should only exercise when blood sugar =
<250 & negative urine ketones
Type 1 who exercise can go into
3am hypoglycemia due to body over reacting to bedtime meal:
Morning hyperglycemia
Dawn phenomenon
If patient is sweating or acting erratic,
give them a snack to raise glucose
Signs and symptoms of Hypoglycemia:
Feeling shaky
Confused / Irritable
Blurred vision
Behavior change or nothing at all!!!
Always follow glucose treatment (juice, candies, etc) with
a protein based snack
Treatment for Severe Hypoglycemia <50
Give glucose by mouth (or IV/IM if unconscious)
Hot & Dry=
Sugar is HIGH
Treatment for hyperglycemia with Blood Sugars >180:
Decrease food
Increase fluids
Dehydration causes osmotic diuresis
↑ in kidney labs BUN & Creatinine
What are KETONES???
the byproduct of fat breakdown
Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Blood becomes acidic
High mortality rate of 8-20%
Hyperglycemic, Hyperosmolar State (HHS): type 2
C-peptide in type 1
C-peptide in type 2
Is present