DHSMV Policy Flashcards
Which statute covers Affirmative Action and equal employment opportunity? (DHSMV 3.01)
F.S.S 110.112
Which statute covers Preference in Employment, reemployment, promotion and retention? (DHSMV 3.01)
F.S.S 110.2135
Which statute is the Florida Civil Rights Act? (DHSMV 3.01)
Chapter 760 Part 1
Which state statute is the Florida Administrative Code? (DHSMV 3.01)
Chapter 60L-36
Which executive order was issued un reference to Ethics, Open Government, and Preventing Sexual Harassment? (DHSMV 3.01)
Executive Order 19-11 (issued on 01/08/2019)
_______ is designed to increase representation in jobs with a low representation of minorities in relation to their availability in the relevant labor market. (DHSMV 3.01)
Affirmative Action
(Executive Order 10925 John F Kennedy 1961)
________is further defined asPositive steps taken by an employer
which contribute toward greater employment opportunities for minorities,
females, the elderly, and the disabled.” (DHSMV 3.01)
Affirmative Action
_______ has been designated by the Executive Director to act as the Affirmative Action/ Equal Employment Opportunity Officer(AA/EEO) (DHSMV 3.01)
Chief of the Bureau of Personnel Services
__________ Positive steps taken by an employer
which contribute toward greater employment opportunities for minorities,
females, the elderly, and the disabled.” (DHSMV 3.01)
Employment Practices
_____________= Ensures all qualified individuals the right
to work and to advance only on the basis of objective, job-related merits, which
measure knowledge, skills and abilities to perform a particular job. EEO is
required by federal and state law. (DHSMV 3.01)
Equal Employment Practices
___________= Groups of individuals shielded against employment
discrimination based on their gender, sexual orientation, race, color, religion,
national origin, ethnicity, age, disability, marital status, veteran status, or any
other class protected under Florida or federal law (DHSMV 3.01)
Protected Classes
__________, as AA/EEO Officer, will
periodically provide the Executive Director and division directors with progress
reports on AA/EEO accomplishments and analysis of employment practices,
along with recommendations for any corrective action needed. (DHSMV 3.01)
The Chief of the Bureau of Personnel Services,
_________A Member or an applicant for employment with the department
alleging unlawful discrimination. (DHSMV 3.05)
**_________ – Severe and persistent unwelcome comments or
conduct (including sexual harassment) based on age, race, color, gender, sexual
orientation, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, marital status, or on
any other legally protected characteristic, that unreasonably interferes with a
member’s or a group of members’ work performance. (DHSMV 3.05) **
Hostile Work Environment
____________ – The Chief of Personnel Services or designee and the General
Counsel or designee have been designated by the Executive Director to receive,
assess, and facilitate resolution of claims of discrimination. (DHSMV 3.05)
Intake Officer
________ – Section within the Bureau of Personnel
Services designated to assist complainants with questions about unlawful
discrimination, provide information to the Intake Officer and the Inspector
General as needed, track the filing of claims of unlawful discrimination, assist
with ensuring their prompt and proper handling, and keep a record of their
ultimate resolution. (DHSMV 3.05)
Office of Employee Relations (OER)
__________ – Change in the work
environment which results in an equal employment opportunity for an individual
with a disability. An accommodation is not reasonable if it would fundamentally
alter the nature of the Department’s mission, cause significant difficulty or
expense, or otherwise impose an undue hardship. (DHSMV 3.05)
Reasonable Accommodation for Medical Reasons
________ – Changes in the work
environment made to accommodate a member’s sincerely held religious belief,
practice, or observance that conflicts with a work requirement. An
accommodation is not reasonable if it would fundamentally alter the nature of the
Department’s mission, cause significant difficulty or expense, or otherwise
impose an undue hardship. (DHSMV 3.05)
Reasonable Accommodation for Religious Reasons
_________________ – Type of unlawful discrimination consisting of unwelcome
sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other oral, written, or physical
conduct of a sexual nature, including displays of sexually-oriented images, when
this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual’s employment and unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work performance or creates a
hostile work environment. (DHSMV 3.05)
Sexual Harassment
____________ – Actions that create barriers, deny access, make
employment decisions, or create a hostile work environment on the basis of age,
race, color, sex, pregnancy, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, national
origin, disability, veteran status, marital status, genetic information, or on any
other basis protected under the law. (DHSMV 3.05)
Unlawful Discrimination
The department will provide initial education(Discrimination) to new members no later than _______days
after the start of employment through new member training courses. (DHSMV 3.05)
30 days
The new
member training courses address claims of discrimination, including sexual
harassment, and are required to be completed by the new member no later than________ from the course assignment date. (DHSMV 3.05)
30 days
Recurring mandatory training will be provided to all members on an annual basis
thereafter, and are required to be completed no later than __________ from course assignment date. In addition, the department will provide specific training for
supervisors. (DHSMV 3.05)
90 days
Upon receipt of a claim of unlawful discrimination, the department will _________ while maintaining the greatest degree of confidentiality possible. (DHSMV 03.05)
initiate a prompt review
Any member who is retaliated against for filing a discrimination complaint may file a complaint with the ______. (DHSMV 3.05)
Intake Officer
Upon employment, all new members will receive information and training
regarding this policy. New members must complete the training within_______from the date it is assigned by the department. (DHSMV 3.05)
30 days
Non-supervisory members must report any incidents of unlawful
discrimination they reasonably suspect, or that have been reported to them,
to the __________ at (850) 617-3202. (DHSMV 3.05)
Intake Officer
Supervisors shall not undertake investigation of such incidents. Rather,
supervisors must report such incidents to _________ at
(850) 617-3202. ( DHSMV 3.05)
chain of command and OER
Complainant should provide as much information as possible when making complaint, including name, department, position of offender, description of incident, the effect of the incidents on complainants ability to do job, and __________. (DHSMV 3.05)
What steps, if any, the complainant has taken to try and stop the harrassment.
_________ will promptly consult with appropriate department managers
and the Inspector General to evaluate the claim to determine whether further
inquiry or investigation is necessary. (DHSMV 03.05)
The Intake Officer
OER will initiate an inquiry no later than ___________ following receipt of
a claim and refer the claim to the Inspector General for investigation, if
necessary. Investigative activities will be handled by the Inspector General in
accordance with department Policy 11.07, Internal Audit and Investigations, and
will be prompt, thorough and impartial. (DHSMV 3.05)
the next business day
__________- A verbal or written communication where a member holds
himself/herself out as available for employment or contractual relationship for
remuneration. (DHSMV 3.08)
__________ - The position responsible for providing guidance and
information to agency members regarding provisions of this policy and Chapter
112, Part III, Florida Statutes. (DHSMV 3.08)
Chief Ethics Officer
__________ - A situation in which a private interest may lead to
disregard of a public duty or interest. (DHSMV 3.08)
Conflict or Conflict of Interest
_________= Any non-governmental individual, partnership, association, corporation
(for profit or not-for-profit), utility, or other organization, whether public or private,
doing business with or subject to regulation by the Department. (DHSMV 3.08)
_________= Anything accepted by a member or on the member’s behalf, whether
directly or indirectly for the member’s benefit and for which no payment is made.
It includes real property, tangible or intangible personal property, or a beneficial
interest in real property or tangible or intangible personal property, or other item
of material value to the recipient. (DHSMV 3.08)
________ – Any person who meets the definition of that term as used in Chapter
112, Part III, Florida Statutes. It does not include an agency, judicial, or
legislative employee acting in the normal course of their duties. A “principal” is
anyone (other than an agency, legislative or judicial branch entity) who employs
or retains a lobbyist. (DHSMV 3.08)
_________ - Direct or indirect ownership of more than five percent of the
total assets or capital stock of any business entity. (DHSMV 3.08)
Material Interest
__________= The Executive Director, any Career Service, Senior Management
Service, Selected Exempt Service, or Other Personal Service member of the
Department. (DHSMV 3.08)
___________= Any member who participates through decision,
approval, disapproval, recommendation, preparation of any part of a purchase
request, influences the content of any specification or procurement standard,
renders advice, investigates, audits, or in any other advisory capacity in the
procurement of contractual services or commodities in excess of $1,000 in any
year. (DHSMV 3.08)
Procurement Employee
___________= An individual related to an agency member as father, mother, son,
daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, first cousin, nephew, niece, husband, wife,
father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-inlaw, stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother, stepsister, half
brother or half sister. (DHSMV 3.08)
___________ - Any member required to file a full or limited financial
disclosure pursuant to Section 8, Article II of the Florida Constitution or Section
112.3145, Florida Statutes. (DHSMV 3.08)
Reporting Individual
___________ - Rendering of services to any employer (including selfemployment) other than the State of Florida and for which the member receives
compensation. (DHSMV 3.08)
Secondary Employment
___________ - The agency General Counsel is designated as the DHSMV
Chief Ethics Officer. Any issues arising from application of this policy and/or the
requirements of Chapter 112, Part III, Florida Statutes, will be the responsibility of
the Chief Ethics Officer. Members may use the Request for Legal Assistance
form to seek guidance on ethical issues. (DHSMV 3.08)
Chief Ethics Officer
RIPE = (DHSMV 3.08)
Reporting Individuals and Procurement Employees
The ______, in conjunction with the General Counsel, will identify positions that must annually file financial disclosure with the Florida Commission on Ethics that meet the definitions found in F.S.S 112.3148. (DHSMV 3.08)
Bureau of Personnel Services
If a member has a contractual relationship, position or owns a material
interest in an entity with which the Department does business or regulates,
they will ___________(and provide a copy to the Chief Ethics Officer). (DHSMV 3.08)
file a sworn statement disclosing such interest to the Commission on
No member acting in an official capacity will directly or indirectly purchase,
rent, or lease for the Department from any business entity in which__________. (DHSMV 3.08)
they or
their spouse or child has a material interest, contractual relationship, or
A Department member, acting in a private capacity, ___________ rent,
lease, or sell any realty, goods, or services to this Department. ( DHSMV 3.08)
No member
will be held in violation of Subsection 112.313(12), (b), F.S., if the business is
awarded under a system of ___________. (DHSMV 3.08)
sealed, competitive bidding to the lowest or best
Any member who has an immediate relative (spouse, siblings, parents,
children) who is a_________ will not participate in any matter that would inure to
their relative(s) special gain or loss and will recuse themselves from
discussions or meetings involving clients of their immediate relative. (DHSMV 3.08)
No member may ________ any gift, regardless of its value, if the gift is for the
personal benefit of themselves, their family, or another employee. (DHSMV 3.08)
No ________may accept anything of value from a lobbyist or a lobbyist’s
principal, regardless of whether the thing is being offered or given for the
purpose of lobbying. ________who are married to or involved in a personal
relationship with a lobbyist or principal should consult with their division
director and the Chief Ethics Officer for guidance on the situation. (DHSMV 3.08)
No RIPE may accept a gift from a __________. There are limited exceptions
regarding accepting gifts from________ that are relatives or personal
friends. Consult with the Chief Ethics Officer for clarification on any particular
situation. On-site consumption of food and refreshment at events is permitted
provided the RIPE’s attendance is an appropriate exercise of official duties. (DHSMV 3.08)
non lobbyist
A RIPE may _________a thing of value provided by an employee organization,
union or professional organization even though the entity is a lobbyist or
principal if the thing of value is provided in connection with the member’s
membership or solicitation of membership in the entity and that membership
is allowed by law or collective bargaining agreement and acceptance
otherwise is not prohibited by statute or does not give rise to an appearance
of impropriety. The value of the thing of value may not exceed $25. (DHSMV 3.08)
Employees are ________ from traveling on state business in a private aircraft
unless they have obtained prior authorization from the Chief Ethics Officer. (DHSMV 3.08)
. The on-site consumption by a RIPE of food or refreshments at receptions or
other events sponsored by non-lobbyists or principals is allowed provided the
value does not exceed ________. (DHSMV 3.08)
RIPEs are allowed to consume food at public gatherings if such food provided is available to ________. (DHSMV 3.08)
the public at large
RIPES should consult with the _______ to be sure in situations that are not clear cut. (DHSMV 3.08)
Chief Ethics Officer
No member will accept other employment with any business entity subject to
the regulation of, or doing business with, the _________. (DHSMV 3.08)
A supervisor may not appoint, employ, promote, advance, advocate for appointment, employment, promotion or advancement in or to a position in the unit in which they serve or exercise control any person who is a _______ or poses a conflict of interest. (DHSMV 3.08)
relative (NEPOTISM)
Supervisors will not engage in ________ with any member they supervise directly or through subordinate supervisors. (DHSMV 3.08)
sexual or romantic relationships
A member may serve on a board or commission of another governmental
entity provided the entity is not regulated by________ and such service has
been approved by the Chief Ethics Officer. (DHSMV 3.08)
DHSMV Policy 5.01 in a nutshell
Members are expected to be at work on time, be at work on a regular and consistent basis, and plan in advance for absences as much as possible. Frequent unscheduled absences disrupt a supervisor’s ability to plan for for office coverage.
A manual entitled “Attendance and Leave Procedures” is published by the _________. (DHSMV 5.01)
Bureau of Personnel Services
______ is any day of the month, excluding days identified as State holidays. (DHSMV 5.07)
Calendar Days
A grievance is ______ when the appropriate representative at either Step 1 or Step 2 actually
receives the grievance by hand delivery, fax or email. (DHSMV 5.07)
_________ =The dissatisfaction that occurs when a department member believes
that any condition affecting the member is unjust, inequitable, a hindrance to
effective operation, or creates a problem. (DHSMV 5.07)
__________=- A required meeting held between the aggrieved member and
appropriate Step Representative to discuss and attempt resolution of the
grievance. (DHSMV 5.07)
Grievance Meeting
_________= The office in the Bureau of Personnel
Services responsible for coordinating the Grievance Resolution Internal
Procedure (GRIP) process. (DHSMV 5.07)
Office of Employee Relations (OER)
_________ = Person responsible for responding to the grievance at the
step at which it is filed. (DHSMV 5.07)
Step Representative
The Step 1 Representative for the Florida Highway Patrol shall be _______. (DHSMV 5.07)
The Troop Commander
In all other divisions besides the Florida Highway Patrol, the Step 1 representative shall be _________. (DHSMV 5.07)
Bureau Chief level or higher
The Step 2 Representative is the _________. (DHSMV 5.07)
Chief of Personnel Services for the Executive Director
A member will not have the right to file a grievance against performance evaluations unless it is alleged _________. (DHSMV 5.07)
Review is based on factors other than the member’s performance
An employee must file a grievance with their STEP 1 Representative within _______ following the occurrence of the event giving rise to the grievance. (DHSMV 5.07)(DIFFERENT THAN PBA AGREEMENT!!)
14 calendar days
If Step 1 Representative is out of office, the employee may file grievance with _______. within 14 calendar days. (DHSMV 5.07)
Step 1 Representatives supervisor
_______ are responsible for providing copies of the grievance to their Division Director and to the OER. (DHSMV 5.07)
Step 1 Representatives
The STEP 1 Representative will meet in person or by telephone and discuss the grievance and will provide a written response to the member within _______ of receipt of grievance. (DHSMV 5.07)
7 business days
If member is dissatisfied with Step 1 Resolution they may file with their Step 2 Representative within ______ following receipt of Step 1 response. (DHSMV 5.07)
7 business days
No new issues may be raised in ________ grievance. (DHSMV 5.07)
Step 2
The Chief of Personnel Services will meet in person or by phone with the member filing the Step 2 Grievance within _______ following receipt. (DHSMV 5.07)
5 days
All decisions regarding STEP 2 grievances will be _______ under this policy. (DHSMV 5.07)
__________ The Chief of the Bureau of Personnel Services or designee. The coordinator provides consultation and guidance on
using the EAP (DHSMV 7.04)
EAP Coordinator
________ = - Where a supervisor, with the assistance
and form provided by the EAP coordinator, documents a workplace problem and
completes a Supervisory Referral form which offers the member EAP services (DHSMV 7.04)
Formal Supervisor Referral to EAP
__________ = - Where a supervisor notes a possible
workplace problem and gives the member a EAP card and a verbal referral. (DHSMV 7.04)
Informal Referral to EAP
_________ = Where a member recognizes they will benefit from EAP
services and makes a personal decision to contact the EAP for assistance (DHSMV 7.04)
Self-Referral to EAP
EAP= (DHSMV 7.04)
Employee Assistance Program
________is a goal-oriented program and assists members by providing therapy,
consultation, guidance and referral to appropriate resources, all at little or no cost. (DHSMV 7.04)
_________= - Members need not disclose a self referral to anyone and do not
have to tell their supervisor the purpose of leave requested to attend EAP
appointments. (DHSMV 7.04)
The_______ must note all informal referrals in the member’s work file. (DHSMV 7.04)
___________ can be processed only after consultation with the
Department’s EAP coordinator in the Bureau of Personnel Services. (DHSMV 7.04)
Formal supervisory referrals
. The member does not have to agree to _______the Formal Supervisory referral (DHSMV 7.04)
Failure of the member to _________will be noted as
an indicator that work performance or conduct deficiencies are not recognized
by the member. (DHSMV 7.04)
sign the formal supervisory referral
A formal supervisory referral is not the same as a _________. (DHSMV 7.04)
Fitness for Duty exam
_________ = This occurs when a member’s continued employment is dependent upon
successful completion of a treatment plan designed by the EAP provider (DHSMV 7.04)
EAP as a Condition of Employment
All ________ will be completed after consultation with the EAP
coordinator, division management, and with approval of the Executive
Director or designee. (DHSMV 7.04)
of employment agreements
If the EAP provider informs the EAP coordinator that the member has not
completed their treatment plan, _____________, the extent of which will depend on the circumstances involved. (DHSMV 7.04)
administrative or disciplinary action will be
Drug or alcohol abuse treatment will only be offered on a _______ for
eligible members. (DHSMV 7.04)
first offense
_________the appropriate treatment for drug or alcohol abuse will lead to the
discipline being imposed. (DHSMV 7.04)
failure to
When a member must submit to a medical evaluation to determine fitness for duty, the medical evaluation will be paid for by the ________. (DHSMV 7.04)
________= – Department computer hardware,
software, services, communications, supplies, personnel, facility resources,
maintenance and training. (DHSMV 8.03)
Information Technology(IT) Resources
_______= Information Systems Administration. (DHSMV 8.03)
_________= Online community of people with a common interest who
use a website or other technologies to communicate with each other and
share information. Examples: Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter,
Instagram, etc. (DHSMV 8.03)
Social Networking
_________ = Any authorized individual (including contractors and vendors) who
uses Information Technology resources. (DHSMV 8.03)
Members should have no expectation of _______ for any aspect of IT resource
use. (DHSMV 8.03)
Access to personal email or instant messaging on state owned devices or
networks is _________. (DHSMV 8.03)
strictly prohibited
Each member is required to ________ complete and pass an online training
module and acknowledge their understanding and acceptance of the
responsibilities. ( DHSMV 8.03)
____________will coordinate the review of system logs or
reports with the Information Security Manager as deemed necessary. (DHSMV 8.03)
Bureau of Personnel Services
Supervisors are responsible for immediately and accurately reporting leave without pay
to the __________. (DHSMV Attendance and Leave)
Bureau of Personnel Services (BPS)
. Supervisors are required to inform subordinates of their potential eligibility for_______. (DHSMV Attendance and Leave)
Supervisors will ensure that their direct reports’ timesheets are submitted and approved
within________ of the end of each workweek for included members and the
end of the work month for excluded members. (DHSMV Attendance and Leave)
5 calendar days
Supervisors_______ complete and/or submit timesheets for members, unless exigent circumstance arise where member is unable to do so.
(DHSMV Attendance and Leave)
If a member is interested in working a flex schedule, they would need to request it ______and meet with their supervisor to discuss. (DHSMV Attendance and Leave)
in writing
Flex schedules requests must be approved by ________. (DHSMV Attendance and Leave)
Troop Commander/ bureau Chief