dezvoltarea moralitatii Flashcards
What is moral development
Development to reason or judge whether an action is right or wrong and be prepared to act accordingly.
What implications does morality have?
Has criminal responsibility implications because if we know when morality develops then we know when they can be responsible for their crime.
What is Piaget’s theory of moral development basic principles?
Stage based
Maturity involves both an understanding of social rules and a concern for equality and reciprocity in human relationships.
Children learn about morality through social interactions.
What are the stages of Piaget?
Premoral judgement (up to 4-5yo) - rules not understood
Moral realism (from 4-5 to 9-10) - rules come from higher authority and can’t be changed. Evaluate actions from outcomes. Punishment is inevitable.
Moral subjectivism (after 9-10) - rules created by ppl and can be changed by mutual consent. Evaluate actions by intentions rather than outcomes.
What is an example of moral realism? (example of the play questions)
Ben said others can’t use the rule that he invented because it would be cheating. A fair rule is one that is in the game.
What is an example of vignette studies?
A. A little boy knocked 15 cups by accident.
B. A little boy tried to get jam when his mum was not at home. He knocked over a cup.
Who do children at different stages judge the naughtiest?
Stage 2: judges on the basis of damage (the outcome)
Stage 3: judges on the basis of intent
What is evaluation of this?
Young children are able to make moral judgements that are not based on one-way respect towards adults - if adult says this is rule they don’t take as absolute.
They were asked what if skl policy allowed children to hit each other
Most children said hitting people is wrong.
at 5 years old
What is another evaluation of piaget?
Children as young as 3 are able to distinguish true moral rules from more social conventions rules.
Across cultures, children tend to identify the same moral rules but different social rules.
If hitting is wrong in UK, then it’s wrong in other countries too.
The global morality we share now is more similar.
Young children’s morality is not solely based on obedience.
What is Kohlber’s theory of moral development
Refined Piaget’s stages and extended them to later development.
Believed moral development was driven by cognitive skills, not social interaction - waiting for cognitive to develop to allow individuals to move across stages
10-26 yo males
What are the stages of kholberg?
Pre conventional (10)
morality is a matter of what others tell you to do - obedience to authority based on desire to avoid punishment and gain rewards
Conventional - morality is following the rules of your group - rules followed to gain approval
Post conventional - accepts the rules of society but understands they are subservient to ethical principles
How did different stages respond to the Heinz dilemma?
Pre conventional level - steal the drug
Conventional level - still wrong to steal
Post conventional - can’t have everyone stealing. Ends don’t justify the means.
What is support for theory?
44 studies in 36 cultures found evidence of the predicted stages of moral development
What is negative evaluation of kohlberg?
Women achieved lower scores on Kohlberg’s test. - female ppts take a caring approach to moral judgement while men emphasise more abstract concepts such as principles of justice.
Women think what it would be like to be in that situation rather than thinking in an abstract way.
What is another criticism of kholberg?
Underestimates the role of social factors - moral reasoning is influenced by environment
What are the social factors in moral development?
Young children learn about the differences between right and wrong from family exchanges - not just cognitive maturation
Children’s development of moral reasoning is associated with the quality of peer and family relationships.
What is the role of negative emotions in moral judgement?
360 children and adults presented with disgusting vignettes.
Moral judgements were better predicted by affective reactions rather than the harmfulness of those vignettes for both children and adults.
Not so much about the impact, but how it makes you feel.
High SES students judged the vignettes as moral issues, not so emotional
What is the social intuitionist model?
Moral judgements is caused by quick moral intuitions and is followed by slow, post hoc moral reasoning. - we do have analytical thought process of moral reasoning, but its preceded by a quick and intuitive model that’s built on past experiences - gut feeling.
Emotional appraisals drive morality.
What is the intuitive level?
Implicit / automatic
Mental shortucts
What is the analytical level?
Deliberate / rational
Complex analysis
What are the principles of universal moral grammar?
Mentalist - focused on perception and cognition
Modular - driven by a distinct mental module
Nativist - pre-determined by the inherent structure of the mind
What is the role of environment in universal moral grammar?
Cognitive systems for moral reasoning are pre-determined at birth, but their development requires appropriate stimuli and can be impeded by hostile learning environments.
what is the evidence for universal moral grammar?
Babies show preference for good character puppet.
Toddlers spontaneously help adult strangers when they struggle to get an object that is out of reach (that was shown in monkeys too).
Poverty of moral stimulus: the emergence of moral knowledge can’t be explained by explicit instructions, or imitation, internalisation, socialisation - just how parents don’t correct their children when they make a grammatical mistake??
To summarise, what did Piaget theorise?
Through social interactions and cognitive development, children move from heteronomous to autonomous morality.
To summarise, what did Kohlberg do?
Focusing on cognitive development, Kohlberg showed that moral development continues in adolescence and adulthood.