Developmental Psychology Flashcards
infant to 18 months – hope virtue
trust vs mistrust
18 months to 3 years – will virtue
autonomy vs shame/doubt
3 to 5 years – purpose virtue
initiative vs guilt
5 to 13 years – competency virtue
industry vs inferiority
13 to 21 years – fidelity virtue
identity vs confusion
21 to 39 years – love virtue
intimacy vs isolation
40 to 65 years – care virtue
generativity vs stagnation
65 and older – wisdom virtue
integrity vs despair
o Acquisition stage: childhood/adolescence – few responsibilities, acquiring info
o Achieving stage: young adult – intellectual skills for long-term goals
o Responsible stage: middle adult – problem-solving involves significant other or dependents
o Executive stage: middle adult – multiple perspectives and complex relationships
o Reorganizational stage: late adult – flexibility and problem-solving to manage life for after retirement
o Reintegrative stage: elderhood – cognitive efforts are reserved for problems that affect daily functioning
o Legacy-leaving stage: elderhood – leave behind an accounting from life
Shaie and Willis Stage theory of adult cognitive development
System: family, school, day care, health services, church, neighborhood
System: surrounding environments influence as well
System: friends of family, mass media, social services, legal services, extended fam
System: attitudes and ideologies of culture
o Bottom: infatuation, fatuous love (passion + commitment), empty love
o Middle: romantic love, companionate love = consummate love
o Top: liking, intimacy alone
o Goal is consummate love
Sternberg’s theory of love
Attachment style: less emotion at separation and reunion