Developmental Psychology Flashcards
Nature Vs Nurture
Experiences or maturation
Stability vs Change
To what extent are behaviours constant over the life span
Continuity vs Stages
Continuity suggests that change is uniform and gradual
- Stage theory suggests that change occurs in phases / stages
Environment substances that can cause birth defects
Motor Milestones / infants
Early movement is limited
- Infant vision is poor at birth
Functionality of senses
Hearing, smell, touch and pain are all functional at birth
- Infants are capable or producing a range of responses
An active, emotional relationship between two people that endures over time
Harlows Monkeys
Would always seek out the cloth mother over the wire mother as it is more comfortable?? and you spend more time with the cloth mother
Attachment Behavours
Phase 1: 0-8 weeks, indiscriminate social response
Phase 2: 2-7months, discriminate social responsiveness, orientates and signals to 1 or more persons
Phase 3: 8 months - 2 years, focused attachment, wary of strangers
Phase 4: 2-3 Years, development of partnership and mutuality
Phase 5: School age, relationship based on trust, affection and approval
Functions of Attachment
Ensure infants survival
Promote a working model of relationships
Attachment figure provides a secure base from which the infant can explore and learn
Piaget anmd Cognition
Cognitive reasoning is primitive at birth and gets better as one gets older
Basic units of intellect
- Organisation of ideas
- Idea about what something is and how to deal with it
Cognitive Adaption
Assimilation allows an existing schema to adapt to the environment
Accommodation allows the schema to change in order to handle a new environmental situation
Mental Process
Associated with labelling and naming
guides behaviour
Cognitive Development Stages
Sensorimotor Period: Birth-2 years
Simple schemes inc. interaction with people and objects
Pre-operational Period: 2-7, begin to use mental representations but problem solving is limited
Concrete Operations: 7-11, Performs mental operations
Formal Operations: 12-Adult, can use formal problem solving and higher level abstract thinking
Ego- Centrism
Refers to the incapacity of the child to see or adopt others perspectives
Pre-causal Reasoning
Absence of true mental operations precludes cause and effect reasoning
Ability to recognise that a given quantity, weight, or volume remains the same despite changes in shape, length, position
Thomas and chess categorise infants into 3 types:
Easy: Happy relaxed and agreeable (40%)
Difficult: Moody, easily frustrated, over-reactive (15%)
Slow to Warm up: Shy, withdrawn (15%)