Developmental Psychology Flashcards
Developmental psychology
Branch of psychology that studies systematic changes that occur during the lifespan
Stages of development throughout the life span
Prenatal period
Infancy period
Toddler period
Preschool period
Middle childhood
Young adulthood
Middle adulthood
Late adulthood
Longitudinal study
Researchers repeatedly examine the same individuals to detect any changes that might occur over a period of time
Cross-sectional study
Type of research design in which you collect data from many different individuals at a single point in time
Physical development
Early childhood
Older age
Stages of prenatal physical development
Germinal stage
Embryonic stage
Fetal stage
Prenatal complications
Problems with the placenta and teratogens
Environmental influence or agent that may harm the developing embryo or fetus
Examples: Alcohol and drugs, nicotine, pollution, undercooked meat and fish infections and viruses
Germinal stage
the zygote begins to divide in order to implant into the uterine wall
Embrynic stage
Stage of prenatal development from implantation through about the eighth week of preganncy. This is where major organ systems begin to form
Fetal stage
Stage of prenatal development in which the fetus develops, beginning around the ninth week of pregnancy and lasting until the birth of the child
The release of an egg cell from an ovary
The fmeale gonads which secretes estrogen and progesterone and produce mature egg cells
Fallopian tube
Straw-like tube between the ovary and the uterus through which an ovum passes after ovulation
Fertilized egg cell
Union of sperm and ovum
Female reproductive organ which nurtues the fertilized ovum
Developing organism at early stage of prenatal development
Neural tube
Area in the embryo from which the nervous system develops
Amiotic sac
Uterine sac that contains fetus
Organ that provides for utrients and waste materials between mother and fetus
Common childhood disease that can lead to serious birth defects if contracted by mother
Developing organism in the later stages of prenatal development
Spina bifida
neural tube defecti n which the chold is born with a hole in the tube surrounding the spinal cord.