Developmental Milestones Flashcards
Age: 1 mo
Adaptive/Fine Motor Skills: grasp reflex; hand fisted; gross motor skills: raises head slightly when prone; language: facial response to sounds; personal/social: stares at face
Age: 2 mo
Adaptive/fine motor skills: follows objects with eyes past midline; gross motor skills: lifts head from prone 45 degrees; language: coos, personal/social: smiles in response to others
Age: 4 mo
Adaptive/fine motor skills: hands open, brings objects to mouth; gross motor skills: sits, head steady, rolls to supine; language: laughs and squeals, toward voice; personal/social: smiles spontaneously
Age: 6 mo
adaptive/fine motor skills: palmar grasp of objects; starts transfer of objects; gross motor skills: sits independently, stands with hands held; language: babbles (consonant sounds): mimics sounds; personal/social: reaches for toys, recognizes strangers
Age: 9 mo
adaptive/fine motor skills: pincer grasp; claps hands; gross motor skills: pulls to stand; language: says ‘mama’, ‘dada’ nonspecifically; comprehends ‘no’, associates word and action; personal/social: finger-feeds self; waves bye-bye
Age: 1 year
adaptive/fine motor skills: helps to turn pages of book, tower of two blocks; gross motor skills: stands independently, walks with one hand held; language: 2-4 words, follows command with gesture; personal/social: points to indicate wants
Age: 18 mo
adaptive/fine motor skills: turns pages of book, imitates vertical lines; gross motor skills: walks up steps; language: 10-20 words, points to four body parts, obeys simple commands; personal/social: feeds self with spoon, uses cup
Age: 2 years
adaptive/fine motor skills: solves single-piece puzzles; gross motor skills: jumps, kicks ball; language: combines 2 to 3 words, uses I and you, 50 to 300 words; personal/social: removes coat, verbalizes wants
Age: 3 years
adaptive/fine motor skills: copies circle, draws person with three body parts, imitates horizontal lines, towers of six cubes, draws circles; gross motor skills: throws ball overhand, walks up stairs alternating feet; language: gives full name, age, sex, names two colors; personal/social: toilet trained, put on shirt and knows front from back
Age: 4 years
adaptive/fine motor skills: counts four objects; identifies some numbers and letters, uses scissors; gross motor skills: hops on one foot; language: understands prepositions (under, on, behind, in front of) asks “how” and “why; personal/social: dresses with little assistance, shows on correct feet
Age: 5 years
adaptive/fine motor skills: prints first name, counts 10 objects, draws triangle, draws person with several parts; gross motor skills: skips, alternating feet; language: asks meaning of words, understands conjunctions and past tenses, knows colors; personal/social: ties shoes