Dermatopathology 05 Flashcards
What is the condition being seen here?
seborrheic keratosis
fly stuck on a wall appearance
What is the condition evidenced in this image?
fibroepithelial polyp
How are epithelial or follicular inclusion cysts formed?
formed by invagination and cystic expansion of epidermis or a hair follicle
Follicular inclusion Cyst?
What is an epithelial or follicular inclusion cyst?
traumatic rupture of large cysts that can spill keratin into the dermis leading to an extensive and painful granulomatous inflammatory response
What is the condition being seen here?
actinic keratosis
Understand this slide.
Understand slide.
What condition is being seen here?
Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans
What are some associations of Adnexal (appendage) tumors?
- May be associated with Mendelian patterns of inheritance and occur as multiple disfiguring lesions
- Association between multiple trichilemmomas and Cowden syndrome
What is Cowden syndrome?
germline loss of function mutations in PTEN associated with an increased risk of endometrial cancer, breast cancer, facial tricheilemmomas, hypertrichosis, gingival fibrzomatosis, oral mucosal papillomas, small bowel and colonic hamartomatous polyps (non-Peutz Jegher’s)
Where are Ecrine promos mostly found?
mostly on palms and soles (numerous sweat glands)
What are the clinical features of cylindromas?
forehead and scalp “Turban tumor)
What is the appearance of Cylindromas on histology?
Islands of basaloid cells fit together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle within a fibrous dermal matrix
Pathology of Cylindromas?
May be dominantly inherited, appear early in life, inactivating mutations in the tumor suppressor gene CYLD
What appendageal areas do cylindromas affect?
ductal (apocrine or eccrine) differentiation