Dermatology - Acne Flashcards
What disease is characterized by multifaceted non-inflammatory open and closed comedons or inflammatory papules, pustules and nodules (cysts)
Acne Vulgaris
May lead to pitted or hypertrophic scars
Acne Vulgaris is an inflammatory disease of the…
Pilosebaceous glands and associated small hairs
*Obstruction of the Pilosebaceous Canal
Caused by excessive sebum production (usually during puberty)
Follicular Plugging
The most common bacterial related to acne is?
Propionibacterium acnes
A coagulase negative micrococci
Common Causes of Acne flare ups…
Mechanical obstruction of sebaceous gland
Occupational exposures
Medications Causing acne
Anabolic Steroids Corticosteroids Isoniazid Lithium Phenytoin
Classification of Acne MILD, MODERATE, SEVERE
Mild - few to several papules and pustules, no nodules
Moderate - several to many papules and pustules along with several nodules
Severe - numerous or extensive papules and pustules and many nodules
What are the three classifications of acne?
Grade I Acne
Superficial, non-inflammatory Open and closed comedones Flesh colored papules NO Inflammation NO Pustules NO Nodules NO Scars
Grade II Acne
Superficial inflammatory Open and closed comedones Inflammation Pustules/pustules - few to several NO Nodules NO Scars
Grade III Acne
Deep inflammatory Moderate to Severe Open and closed comedones Pustules/pustules - several to many Few Nodules NO Scars
Grade IV Acne
Severe Nodulocystic Deep Inflammatory Open and closed comedones Papuls/Pustules - Many Extensive Nodules Variable Degree Scarring
DDX of Acne Vulgaris
Acne Rosacea
Gram - Neg Folliculitis
Perioral Dermatitis
Steroid-indueced Acne
What disease is defined by Chronic and progressive dermatosis characterized by erythema, papules and pustules, telangiectasia, and potential hyperplasia over the central portion of the face usually affecting middle aged adults?
Acne Rosacea
What is the hallmark of Acne Rosacea