Depression anemias Flashcards
Where are sources of iron?
- Most forage and grains
- Colostrum
- Soil, dam’s feces, and milk
When do you most often see iron deficiency?
- Chronic blood loss
- Big problem in pigs housed indoors (usually get iron dextran in the first 24 hours)
- Parasites
- Bleeding GI lesiosn
- Hemostatic defects
Clin Path of Iron deficiency
- Low PCV, normal protein
- Low hemoglobin, MCV, and MCHC (microcytic, hypochromic anemia)
- Weirdly shaped cells
- Hypoferritenemia and hypoferremia
Treatment for iron deficiency
- Correct causes for chronic blood loss
- Oral iron-ferrous sulfate
- Can give parenteral iron dextran in piglets ONLY
Why can’t you give iron dextran to ruminants or camelids?
- May cause anaphylactic shock
Copper deficiency - what does it resemble?
- Iron deficiency
- This is more common out here
Primary copper deficiency
- Milk fed animals or pastured in copper deficient areas
Secondary copper deficiency
- Trace mineral imbalances
- Molybdenum excess
- Sulfur and zinc content in the diet
Clinical signs of copper deficiency
- Reduced growth rate
- Rough and DEPIGMENTED hair, diarrhea, osteoporosis with spontaneous fractures
- Anemia
- Enzootic ataxia in lambs
What type of anemia in copper deficiency?
- Microcytic, hypochromic
- required for iron to be incorporated
Bone marrow of copper deficient animal?
- Intracellular accumulation of iron
- Sideroblasts*** (iron accumulation within early blast cells for erythrocytes)
Copper deficiency diagnosis
- Ceruloplasmin
- Erythrocyte dismutase
- Hair, liver, kidney levels*** (serial serum samples too)
Treatment of copper deficiency
- Mineral supplements
- Oral copper oxide needles
- Copper injections like multimin (not appropriate in sheep)
Cobalt, folate and Vit B12 deficiency - who gets?
- Associated with development of anemia in ruminants in horses
What do cobalt, folate, and Vit B12 play a role in within the body?
- DNA synthesis and protein and energy metabolism
Signs of cobalt, folate, and Vit B12 deficiency
- Ill thrift
- Weight loss
- Poor growth
- Anemia
Diagnosis for cobalt, folate, and Vit B12 deficiency
- Cobalt or B12 analysis in blood or tissues
- Anemia is normocytic, normochromic (differs from iron and copper***)
- May see a macrocytosis
Treatment of cobalt, folate, and Vit B12
- Vitamin injections
- Increase/add cobalt to the diet
Anemia of chronic disease cause
- Disturbance in iron metabolism
- Anemia also due to decrease in circulating RBC lifespan
- Depressed bone marrow response
Clin path of anemia of chronic disease
- Slowly progressive anemia that’s mild
- Unresponsive anemia
- Inflammatory indications (neutrophilic leukocytosis and monocytosis, elevated fibrinogen, TP, and globulin)
Treatment for anemia of chronic disease
- Treat underlying cause
- Parasites, tooth root abscesses, etc.
Anemia due to bone marrow dyplasia or dysfunction - how common
Not common
- Aplastic anemia
Where is the disorder with aplastic anemia?
- Stem cells
- Reflect alterations in other cells (neutropenia or thrombocytopenia)
Causes of aplastic anemia
- Neoplasia
- Drugs or toxins (phenylbutazone in cows)
Diagnosis of aplastic anemia
- history
- Clinical findings (pancytopenia)
- Bone marrow analysis
Treatment for aplastic anemia
- Remove animal from suspect cause
- Supportive care
- Broad spectrum abx
- rare blood transfusion
- platelet transfusion if you see bleeding episodes