Depression Flashcards
What are the psychological and physical symptoms of depression?
Psychological symptoms:
- Low self esteem
- Worry and anxiety
- Suicidal thoughts
Physical symptoms:
- Lack of energy
- Changes in weight/appetite
- Insomnia: early morning wakens
What are the different classes of antidepressants?
- Amitriptylline*
- Doselupin*
- Nortriptylline*
- Imipramine*
TCA-related antidepressants
- Mianserin*
- Trazodone*
- Citalopram*
- Fluoxetine*
- Escitalopram*
- Sertraline*
- Paroxetine*
- Fluvoxamine*
Irreversible MAOs
- Phenelzine*
- Isocarboxazid*
- Tranylcypromine*
Reversible MAOs (short-acting)
- Duloxetine*
- Venlafaxine*
Other antidepressant drugs
What antidepressants are first line in depression and why?
- Better tolerated and safer in overdose than other classes
- Less sedating, antimuscularinic, epileptogenic, cardiotoxic than TCAs
- MAOIs rarely used as dangerous food and drug interactions
How long do antidepressants take to work?
- *4 weeks**
- *6 weeks in elderly**
Review every 1-2 weeks
Initially feel worse, increased agitation, anxiety and suicidal ideation
How long should antidepressants be continued after remission? (+ in elderly)
6 months
12 months elderly
How long should antidepressants be continued after remission in generalised anxiety disorder?
12 months - at high risk of relapse
How long should antidepressants be continued after remission in recurrent depression?
2 years
What if patient does not respond to first line treatment for depression?
Increase SSRI dose
Different SSRI
Add another antidepressant class
Augmenting agent e.g. lithium or antipsychotic
What are the side effects of antidepressants?
- Hyponatraemia:
drowsiness, confusion, convulsions
especially SSRIs
- Suicidal ideation and behaviour
- Serotonin syndrome
What are the serotonin syndrome symptoms?
- Neuromuscular hyperactivity (tremor, hyperreflixia, clonus, myoclonus, rigidity)
- Autonomic dysfunction (tachycardia, BP changes, hyperthermia, diaphoresis, shivering)
- Altered mental state (agitation, confusion, mania)
When is a washout period needed?
When antidepressant is stopped before switching to different antidepressant class to avoid serotonin syndromew
Washout out period for:
MAOIs - wait 2 weeks. (Moclobemide no washout)
SSRIs - wait 1 week (2 weeks sertraline, 5 weeks fluoxetine)
TCAs - wait 1-2 weeks (3 weeks imipramine or clomipramine)
Which anti-depressants have greatest risk of withdrawl reaction and why
Paroxetine and venlaxfaxine - shorter half life
When do withdrawal reactions normally occur
Within 5 days of stopping antidepressant
What increases the risk of withdrawal reactions of antidepressants?
Stopped suddenly after taking for > 8 weeks
How to withdraw antidepressants safely
Reduce dose gradually over 4 weeks, longer if withdrawl (6 months in pts on long-term tx)
How do SSRIs work?
Inhibit reuptake of serotonin, increasing serotonin activity
List some SSRIs (6)
Citalopram, Escitalopram, paroxetine, fluoxetine, sertraline, fluvoxamine
Side effects of SSRIs
G - GI disturbances - N, V, D A
A - Appetite or weight disturbance
S - serotonin syndrome
H - Hypersensitivity reactions - stop if rash
Others - bleeding, QT interval, lower seizure threshold, movement disorders, dyskinesia, sexual dysfunction (may persist after stopping)
What the symptoms of SSRI overdose
N, V, agitation, tremor, nystagmus, drowsiness, sinus tachycardia, convulsions
Rare - results in serotonin syndrome (neuropsychiatric effects, neurmuscular hyperactivity and autonomic instability, hyperthermia, rhabdomyolysis, renal failure and coagulopahies (bleeding disorders)