**Dental Sealants Flashcards
What areas of the teeth are to be sealed with sealants?
the pits and fissures or other “cavity-prone” areas
List some tooth surfaces that are considered “cavity-prone” and would be a candidate for sealants?
-posterior occlusal surfaces
-buccal pits of mandibular molars
-lingual grooves of maxillary molars and incisors
According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), when is the recommended time for children to have sealant treatment?
as soon as the first permanent molars have erupted and the occlusal surface is visible
List some contraindications for sealants.
-decay is present
-tooth has an open restoration
-tooth has well-joined pits and fissures
-uncooperative patients
Can a tooth with incipient decay be sealed; and why or why not?
yes, if it is small, because any remaining bacteria will no longer cause decay and will not continue to grow because bacteria cannot survive under a properly placed sealant
Can bacteria survive under a properly placed sealant?
What are the components of most sealant material?
a liquid resin monomer and BIS-GMA base
Sealant material is similar to what other restorative material in composition?
Composite resin
Are sealants typically “filled” or “unfilled” resins?
True or False: Sealant material can be ground down mechanically bruxism after the patient has been dismissed.
What type of polymerization allows for a longer working time for the operator?
-chemical polymerization
What is a benefit of a color-changing sealant material?
the material can change color during the polymerization process so that the operator can see exactly where the material has been successfully applied
Define: slurry
a mixture of pumice and water used to clean the tooth surface prior to sealant placement
How will the tooth appear after successful etching techniques have been performed?
dull and chalky white
What is of upmost importance for long-term success rates of sealants?
proper isolation
Define: enameloplasty
the method of using a fissurotomy bur to open the pits and fissures of tooth structure for better retention of the sealant material
When is enameloplasty beneficial?
-when a fissure has a narrow slit opening with a large base
-when a fissure has a narrow, short opening with a broad base
True or False: Sealants are only beneficial on primary dentition.
What does it mean that a sealant differs from composite resin material because it is unfilled?
sealants do not contain the filler particles that composites resin use to enhance the strength of the material
What type of sealant material does require occlusal adjustments before dismissal of the patient?
What is an alternative to resin-based sealant materials?
glass ionomer
True or False: When using a color-changing sealant material, the change in color confirms a complete polymerization has occurred.
What percentage of phosphoric acid has been shown to provide the best result in enamel conditioning prior to sealant placement?
True or False: Sealant material cannot flow into the enamel pores created by etching if they are filled with water.
True or False: After etching and drying, if the tooth surface becomes wet, the operator can rinse and dry the tooth surface again with water without re-etching in order to clean the area for sealant placement.
True or False: Opaque sealant materials have a shorter polymerization time than other types of sealant materials.
What is the ideal patient position for sealant placement, and why?
the patient is in a supine position with the head extended back and the chin up, which improves visibility and saliva pools towards the back of the throat/away from the tooth surface being worked on
True or False: Sealant material should not cover the marginal ridges of the tooth being sealed.
What is the typical time frame for a sealant to fail?
withing the first 6-12 months of initial placement
When possible, why should the dentist delay sealant placement on teeth that have not fully erupted?
if the operculum is covering the tooth structure, it can cause the gingival fluid to contaminate the tooth during placement