dental and medical emergencies Flashcards
what are typs of medical emergencies
postural hypotension
pregnant patients
cardiac emergencies
cerebrovascular accident
asthma attack
allergic reaction
epileptic seizure
diabetes mellitus
what is syncope and responses
fainting from reduced blood flow to brain
- ensure someone is their to protect unconscious patient
- not harmful to pt
what is postural hypotension and responses
a drop in blood pressure due to lack of blood flow to brain after sudden change in position
- pposition pt in subsupine position
- establish airway
- slowly move pt upright
- monitor vital signs
what can occur to pregnant patients and responses
pregnant patients may feel dizzy while supine due to enlarged uterus or abdominal veins
- some procedure steps as postural hypotension
what is angina and its responses
occurs when heart is deprived of adequate oxygen
- can last 2-8 minutes
- tightness in chest
- pain radiates from elft shoulder
- position pt in semi upright position, prepare nitroglycerin and administer oxygen if needed
what is acute myocardial infraction and its responses
it is insufficient oxygen supply to the muscles of the heart causing damage
- position pt semi-upright
- administer oxygen if needed
- ready aspirin or nitroglycerin
- perform cpr
what is cerebrovascular accident and its responses
it is an interruption of blood flow to the brain
- place patient in semii-upright position
- monitor vital signs
- perform cpr
what is hyperventilation and its responses
increase frequency and depth of respiration due to stress and anxiety
- position patient upright
- calm and reassure patient
- have patient breathe in cupped hands
what is asthma and its responses
a pulmonary disorder by attacks of sudden onset, where airways are narrowed
- have patient self-medicate inhaler
- administer oxygen if needed
what is an allergic reaction and its responses
a reactivity that occurs in body tissues in reesponse to specific antigens
- prepare antihistamine
- prepare cpr if needed
if pt has anaphylactic shock
- give cpr
- administer epipen or oxygen
what is an epileptic seizure and its responses
a neurologic disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of seizures
- grand mal ( remove all mateirals from pt, protect from self injury, prepare diazepam and perform cpr if needed)
- petit mal or partial (position patient comfortably, monitor vital signs
what is diabetes mellitus and its responses
a metabolic disorder that results from disturbances in bodys normal insulin mechanism
- type I, insulin dependent
- type II, manages proper diet, taes medication and or insulin
can be hyperclycemic - an increase in bloods glucose levels
- ask if patient ate or took insulin, give oral glucose if needed
can be hypoglycemic, decrease in blood glucose levels
- ask patient if they ate or took insulin
what are the vital signs that will be taken at a dental clinic
how do you take the temperature of a patient and what is the normal body temp
average range of oral temp is 36.5-37.8 C
- can be digital, tympanic (ear), glass or strip type
how do you take the pulse of a patient and where, what is normal range
normal pulse for an adult is 60-100 bpm
normal pulse for a child is 70-120 bpm
can be done on radial artery
brachial artery
carotid artery
what is the normal respiration rate
normal rate for adults is 12-20 per minute
normal rate for child is 18-30 per minute
what is the normal blood pressure and what do you use
normal is less than 120, and less than 80
- uses a sphygaomanometer or stethescope
what is a pulse oximetry
measure the blood oxygen levels
what is an electrodiagram
measures the electrical activity of heartbeat