anatomy and physiology (part 1) Flashcards
how many bones is the cranium composed of
there are 8 bones
- frontal
- occipital
- parietal
- temporal
- sphenoid
- ethmoid
how many bones does the face consist of
there are 14 bones in the face
- lacrimal
- nasal
- vomer
- inferior nasal conchae
- palatine
- zygomatic
- maxilla
- mandible
what are the names and locations of the cranium sutures
coronal suture - connects frontal and parietal
sagittal suture - connects both parietal
lambdoidal suture - connects the occipital to parietal
squamous suture - connects the temporal and parietal
what are the body planes
midsagittal - divides the body into two equal right and left halves
horizontal or transverse plane - divides the body into superior and inferior portions
frontal or coronal plane - divides the body into anterior and posterior portions
what is the TMJ
temporomandibular joint is a joint on each side of the head and allows movement of the mandible for speech and mastication
what are the bony parts of the tmj
glenoid fossa, articular eminence, condyloid process
what is the articular disc (meniscus)
a cushion of connective tissue that prevents bone on bone contacts from the glenoid fossa and condyloid process
what is the fibrous joint that encloses the tmj
capsular ligament
what are the jaw movements of the tmj
hinge action - opens and closes the mouth
gliding movement
- protrusion and retrusion - forward and backward movement of the mandible
- lateral movement - mandible moves side to side
what are the muscles of mastication
temporal - raises mandible and closes jaw
masseter - raises mandible and closes jaw
internal pterygoid - closes jaw
external pterygoid - depresses mandible to open jaw
papilla of the tongue and their functions
circumvallate lingual papilla
- located on the tips and edges of the tongue, helps with taste, temperature and touch
fungiform papilla
- responsible for taste
filifom papillae
- responsible for touch
what are the names of the sinuses and locations
maxillary sinuses
- largest and located in the cheeks
frontal sinuses
- located within the forehead above the eyes
ethmoid sinuses
- near orbital cavity
sphenoid sinuses
- close to optic nerve
what are the components of the gingival unit
unattached gingiva
interdental gingiva
gingival groove
attached gingiva
mucogingival junction
alveolar mucosa
marginal gingiva
conditions of the tmj
bruxism - grinding of the teeth
clenching - holding teeth tightly together
trismus - spasms of the muscles of mastication