DEMOCRACY Flashcards
What is Democracy?
A form of government which people govern themselves
A political and legal system that is based on the principles of individual freedom and equality of the rule of the people
What is two forms of democracy
Representative democracy and Direct/Pure democracy
What is representative democracy
A form of democracy in which the citizens delegate their sovereignty to elected representatives to make laws which the people’s belief and values
What is liberal democracy
A political and legal system that is based on the principles of individual freedom and equality of the rule of the people
A form of democracy in which majority rule does not temper with the rights and freedom of an individual
What is sovernity
The authority to govern
The unlimited authority of a nation state or state within in a federation to govern itself.
What is four principles of liberal democracies
Majority Rule, Political Freedom, Political Participation, Equality of Political Rights
Example of liberal democracy
Taiwan, Uruguay, Switzerland
Example of representative democracy
Canada, AUS ,UK
What is Majority Rule?
A key operating principle in a liberal democracy. It is based on popular sovereignty and expression of the will of the majority in government and law making
What is Political Participation
When the people actively take part in their own government by putting use their polt right and polt freedoms. Doing this enables them to influecne law making and government decision making
Equality of Political Rights?
Is a key operating principle in a liberal democracy which allows all citizens to be equally entitled to political rights which allow them to participate in government
What is political freedom
Political freedom are entitlements that all people have that enable them to participate in their government. To be free means to be able to make choices without intimidation, coercion or pressure from those with power
Political freedoms include freedom of assembly, association, media and the press
What is Rule of Law
Rule of Law means everyone is subject to law even those make laws or administer law
What are some issues with the rule of law
- Affordability of Civil Justice
- Issues of Discrimination in Legal System
- corruption of legislators
What are checks?
are mechanisms that limit or stop one person or arm of government from becoming too powerful and able to exceed their specific powers. Checks enable each arm of Government to review, criticise or override the actions of the other two arms.
What are balances?
As outlined in the Australian Constitution, power is balanced between the three arms of government (the Legislature, Executive, and Judiciary) with each arm having its own separate functions and responsibilities.
What is doctrine of separation of powers
A doctrine by which the functions of government to make, carry out, interpret the law are dispersed to prevent the concentration of power
What is separation of power?
The separation of powers is the organisation of the powers of government in such a way that prevents the concentration of power in the hands of one leader or an elite group
What is doctrine of separation of powers
A doctrine by which the functions of government to make, carry out, interpret the law are dispersed to prevent the concentration of power
What are three elements to qualify as a nation state
Organised political system
Were did democracy originate from
Ancient Athens
What is direct democracy
A form of democracy in which the people participate directly in their own government. Laws are decided by people themselves