BASICS Flashcards
What is sovernity
The unlimited authority of a nation state or state within in a federation to govern itself.
Requires geographical terirtoy, population and legal and poltical system
What is government
Government is the political and legal system of a nation state, which has the legal authority to set political policy.The exectutive branch of government
What are the two houses in australia government called
Senate and House of Representatives
What is the name of the upper house
Senate - house of state and review
What is the name of the lower house
House of reps - house of people
What is seperation of powers
The seperation of powers is the organisation of the powers of government in such a way that prevents the concentration of power in the hands of one leader or an eletite group.
A doctorine by which the functions of government to make, carry out, intepret the law are dispersed to prevent the concentration of power
How is government formed
In Australia the government is the party / ies that can maintain a majority in the lower house of parliament.