dementia and MS Flashcards
alzheimers disease
most common cause of dementia in the elderly.
widespread cortical atrophy with decreased ACh. senile plaques extracellular beta-amyloid core intracellular neurofibrillary tangles.
who has an increased risk for Alzheimers
Down syndrome. early onset dementia APP (21), presenilin-1 (14), presenilin-2 (1), ApoE2(19) is protective.
what are the neurofibrillary tangles in ALZ
abnormally phosphorylated tao protein. the tangles correlate with the degree of dementia.
what is picks disease of FTD
presents with dementia, aphasia, parkinsonian features, changes in personality. spares the pareital lobesand 2/3 of the posterior superior temporal gyrus.
are the histological findings in pIcks
yes. spherical tao protein aggregates and frontal temporal atrophy.
Lewy body dementia
parkinsonian features with dementia and hallucinations.
what are the histological findings in lewy body dementia
typical presentation of MS
woman in her 20-30s optic neuritis, INO, hemiparesis, hemisensory symptoms, incontinence, relapsing and remitting course.
what is charcot’s triad for MS
SIN: scanning speech, INO (incontinence, intention tremor), nystagmus.
what are the imaging findings for ms
periventricular white plaques with axonal destruction.
How do we diagnose MS
MRI is gold standard
what other findings for the diagnosis of MS
oligoclonal bands in CSF