common brain lesions Flashcards
amygdala brain lesions cause what
kluver-bucy syndrome: hypersexuality, orality, and disinhibited behavior.
frontal lobe lesions do what
disinhibit and cause deficits in concentration, orientation and judgement,. may have reemergence of primitive reflexes.
right parental lobe lesions
spatial neglect syndrome –agnosia of the contralateral side of the world
Reticular activating system lesions (midbrain)
reduced levels of awareness and arousal. (coma)
mammillary body lesions
wernickes-korsakoff syndrome: confusion, ophthalmoplegia, ataxia, memory loss, (anterograde and retrograde), confabulation, personality changes. associated with B1 (THYINE) deficiency, due to excessive alcohol consumption.
basal ganglia lesions
parkinsons. may result in tremor at rest, chorea, or athetosis.
cerebellar hemisphere lesions
intention tremor, limb ataxia, and loss of balance. damage to the cerebellum results in ipsilateral deficits –people fall toward the side of the lesion.
always remember that the further lateral the cerebellar lesion, the more it will affect the lateral limb.
cerebellar vermis lesions
truncal ataxia and dysarthria. vermis is located centrally and will thus result in affects on the central body.
subthalamic nuclei lesions basal ganglia
this will result in hemibalismus. basal ganglia lesions.
paramedian pontine reticular formation lesions
eyes look away from the side of the lesion.
frontal eye fields lesion
eyes look toward the lesion.
brocas aphasia
nonfluent aphasia with intact comprehension. expression is limited to less than 4 words. there is no grammatically correct speech.
wernickes aphasia
fluent aphasia with impaired comprehension. wordy but makes no sense. wernickes is what?
what brain region for brocas
inferior frontal gyrus of the temporal lobe.
what brain region for wernickes
superior temporal gyrus of the temporal lobe
global aphasia
nonfluent with impaired comprehension
what brain region for global aphasia
both wernickes and brocas
conduction aphasia
poor repetition but fluent speech, intact comprehension
what brain region for conduction aphasia
damage to the arcuate fasciculus