Definitions Flashcards
What is the definition of a victim?
A victim is a person who has been attacked, injured or killed as the result of a crime, a disease, an accident, etc…
What is the definition of a defendant?
A defendant is a person in a trial who is accused of committing a crime
What is the definition of to confess?
To confess means to admit, especially formally or to the police, that you have done something wrong or illegal
What is the definition of an arrest?
An arrest is where the police take somebody to a police station and keep them there because the police believe they may be guilty of a crime
What is the definition of a prison?
A prison is a place for the confinement of person who are convicted of committing a crime
What is the definition of a verdict?
A verdict is a decision that is made by a judge/jury in court, stating if somebody is considered guilty of a crime or not
What is the definition of innocent?
If a person is innocent it means they are not guilty of committing a crime
What is the definition of a sentence?
A set of words that is complete in itself
The punishment assigned to a defendant found guilty by a court or fixed by law for a particular offence
What is the definition of a trial?
A trial is a formal examination of evidence in court by a judge and often a jury, to decide if somebody accused of a crime is guilty or not
What is the definition of a witness?
A witness is a person who sees something happen and is able to describe it to other people
What is the definition of fraud?
Fraud is the crime of cheating somebody in order to get money or goods illegally
What is the definition of guilty?
If someone is guilty it means that they have done something illegal, or are responsible for something bad that has happened
What is the definition of evidence?
Evidence is the facts, signs or objects that make you believe that something is true
What is the definition of a barrister?
A barrister is a lawyer in Britain who has the right to argue cases in the higher courts of law
What is the definition of a prosecution?
A prosecution is the process of being officially charged with a crime in court
What is the definition of proof?
Proof is the informatiom, documents, etc.. that show that show that something is true
What is the definition of to investigate?
To investigate means to carefully examine the facts of a situation, an event, a crime, etc… to find out the truth about it or how it happened
What is the definition of a court?
A court is the place where legal trials take place and where crimes, etc.. are judged
What is the definition of the Criminal Justice System?
The Criminal Justice Systems refers to the institutions responding officially to the commission of offences (such as the police, prosecution authorities, the courts),